Multiple origins of symbioses between ascomycetes and bryophytes suggested by a five‐gene phylogeny (original) (raw)

Cladistics, 2009


Numerous species of microscopic fungi inhabit mosses and hepatics. They are severely overlooked and their identity and nutritional strategies are mostly unknown. Most of these bryosymbiotic fungi belong to the Ascomycota. Their fruit‐bodies are extremely small, often reduced and simply structured, which is why they cannot be reliably identified and classified by their morphological and anatomical characters. A phylogenetic hypothesis of bryosymbiotic ascomycetes is presented. New sequences of 78 samples, including 61 bryosymbionts, were produced, the total amount of terminals being 206. Of these, 202 are Ascomycetes. Sequences from the following five gene loci were used: rDNA SSU, rDNA LSU, RPB2, mitochondrial rDNA SSU, and rDNA 5.8S. The program TNT was used for tree search and support value estimation. We show that bryosymbiotic fungi occur in numerous lineages, one of which represents a newly discovered lineage among the Ascomycota and exhibits a tripartite association with cyano...

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