Chloroplot: An Online Program for the Versatile Plotting of Organelle Genomes (original) (raw)

The genus Alchemilla L., known for its medicinal and ornamental value, is widely distributed in the Holarctic regions with a few species found in Asia and Africa. Delimitation of species within Alchemilla is difficult due to hybridization, autonomous apomixes, and polyploidy, necessitating efficient molecular-based characterization. Herein, we report the initial complete chloroplast (cp) genomes of Alchemilla. The cp genomes of two African (Afromilla) species Alchemilla pedata and Alchemilla argyrophylla were sequenced, and phylogenetic and comparative analyses were conducted in the family Rosaceae. The cp genomes mapped a typical circular quadripartite structure of lengths 152,438 and 152,427 base pairs (bp) in A. pedata and A. argyrophylla, respectively. Alchemilla cp genomes were composed of a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRa/IRb) of length 25,923 and 25,915 bp, separating the small single copy (SSC) region of 17,980 and 17,981 bp and a large single copy (LSC) region of 82,61...

Hoya is a genus in Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae, known for its showy wax flowers, making it a popular ornamental plant. However, phylogenetic relationships among most Hoya species are not yet fully resolved. In this study, we sequenced 31 plastomes of Hoya group species using genome skimming data and carried out multiple analyses to understand genome variation to resolve the phylogenetic positions of some newly sequenced Chinese endemic species. We also screened possible hotspots, trnT-trnL-trnF, psba-trnH, and trnG-UCC, ndhF, ycf1, matK, rps16, and accD genes that could be used as molecular markers for DNA barcoding and species identification. Using maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI), a species phylogeny was constructed. The newly assembled plastomes genomes showed the quasi-tripartite structure characteristic for Hoya and Dischidia with a reduced small single copy (SSC) and extremely enlarged inverted repeats (IR). The lengths ranged from 175,404 bp in Hoya lacunos...

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Coleanthus subtilis (Tratt.) Seidel (Poaceae) is an ephemeral grass from the monotypic genus Coleanthus Seidl, which grows on wet muddy areas such as fishponds or reservoirs. As a rare species with strict habitat requirements, it is protected at international and national levels. In this study, we sequenced its whole chloroplast genome for the first time using the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology on the Illumina platform, and performed a comparative and phylogenetic analysis with the related species in Poaceae. The complete chloroplast genome of C. subtilis is 135,915 bp in length, with a quadripartite structure having two 21,529 bp inverted repeat regions (IRs) dividing the entire circular genome into a large single copy region (LSC) of 80,100 bp and a small single copy region (SSC) of 12,757 bp. The overall GC content is 38.3%, while the GC contents in LSC, SSC, and IR regions are 36.3%, 32.4%, and 43.9%, respectively. A total of 129 genes were annotated in the chloropl...

Psychotria viridis (Rubioideae: Rubiaceae), popularly known as chacrona, is commonly found as a shrub in the Amazon region and is well-known to produce psychoactive compounds, such as the N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Together with the liana Banisteropsis caapi, P. viridis is one of the main components of the Amerindian traditional, entheogenic beverage known as ayahuasca. In this work, we assembled and annotated the organellar genomes (ptDNA and mtDNA), presenting the first genomics resources for this species. The P. viridis ptDNA exhibits 154,106 bp, encoding all known ptDNA gene repertoire found in angiosperms. The Psychotria genus is a complex paraphyletic group, and according to phylogenomic analyses, P. viridis is nested in the Psychotrieae clade. Comparative ptDNA analyses indicate that most Rubiaceae plastomes present conserved ptDNA structures, often showing slight differences at the junction sites of the major four regions (LSC-IR-SSC). For the mitochondrion, assembly grap...

The genus Limonium, commonly known as Sea Lavenders, is one of the most species-rich genera of the family Plumbaginaceae. In this study, two new plastomes for the genus Limonium, viz. L. tetragonum and L. bicolor, were sequenced and compared to available Limonium plastomes, viz. L. aureum and L. tenellum, to understand the gene content and structural variations within the family. The loss of the rpl16 intron and pseudogenisation of rpl23 was observed. This study reports, for the first time, expansion of the IRs to include the ycf1 gene in Limonium plastomes, incongruent with previous studies. Two positively selected genes, viz. ndhF and ycf2, were identified. Furthermore, putative barcodes are proposed for the genus, based on the nucleotide diversity of four Limonium plastomes.

Species of the genus Nicotiana (Solanaceae), commonly referred to as tobacco plants, are often cultivated as non-food crops and garden ornamentals. In addition to the worldwide production of tobacco leaves, they are also used as evolutionary model systems due to their complex development history tangled by polyploidy and hybridization. Here, we assembled the plastid genomes of five tobacco species: N. knightiana, N. rustica, N. paniculata, N. obtusifolia and N. glauca. De novo assembled tobacco plastid genomes had the typical quadripartite structure, consisting of a pair of inverted repeat (IR) regions (25,323–25,369 bp each) separated by a large single-copy (LSC) region (86,510–86,716 bp) and a small single-copy (SSC) region (18,441–18,555 bp). Comparative analyses of Nicotiana plastid genomes with currently available Solanaceae genome sequences showed similar GC and gene content, codon usage, simple sequence and oligonucleotide repeats, RNA editing sites, and substitutions. We ide...