The First Indictable Stage of Crime in Turkish Criminal Law (original) (raw)

R ES EA RC H A RT I C L E / A R A ŞT I R M A M A K A L ES I İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası Türk Ceza Kanununda Zincirleme Suçun Uygulanma Koşulları The Conditions for the Application of Successive Crime in the Turkish Criminal Code

The Conditions for the Application of Successive Crime in the Turkish Criminal Code, 2019

The act is one of the most important elements for the existence of a crime in criminal law. In this respect, the number of acts has an impact upon the number of crimes. As a matter of fact the general rule in Turkish criminal law is that: the number of crimes is determined by the number of acts and the number of punishments is determined by the number of crimes. This is named as a real joinder rule. However, if this rule is applied without exception, some unfair consequences may occur. In order to prevent these unfair consequences, some exceptions are provided in the Turkish Penal Code. One of them is the regulation of the successive crime. Indeed, according to the provision of Turkish Penal Code (TPC) art. 43/1: where a person commits the same act, more than once, against the same person, at different times in the course of carrying out a decision to commit a crime, a single penalty shall be given. However, this punishment may be increased from one-fourth to three-fourths. Although the other institutions of criminal law are included in the penal codes of many countries, the successive crime is not provided in the penal codes of many countries. As a consequence, the studies about successive crime in foreign doctrines are limited. In this respect, our study is not only important in terms of the Turkish doctrine but also in terms of foreign doctrines. In this study, the conditions for the application of successive crime that is an exception of the real joinder rule were examined. While this issue was handled, the legal basement of successive crime was put forward and it was benefited from Turkish doctrine and Turkish court decisions. Öz Ceza hukukunda bir suçun varlığı için gerekli olan en önemli unsurlardan birini fiil oluşturmaktadır. Bu itibarla fiil sayısı suç sayısını da doğrudan etkilemektedir. Nitekim Türk Ceza Hukukunun öngördüğü genel kurala göre; ne kadar fiil varsa o kadar suç, ne kadar suç varsa o kadar ceza vardır. Bu kural gerçek içtima kuralı olarak ifade edilmektedir. Ancak bu kural istisnasız bir şekilde uygulandığında bazı hakkaniyete aykırı sonuçlar ortaya çıkabilecektir. İşte bu sonuçların önüne geçmek adına Türk Ceza Kanununda bazı istisnalara yer verilmektedir. Bunlardan biri de zincirleme suç düzenlemesidir. Nitekim Türk Ceza Kanunu (TCK) m. 43/1'e göre; bir suç işleme kararının icrası kapsamında, değişik zamanlarda bir kişiye karşı aynı suçun birden fazla işlenmesi durumunda, bir cezaya hükmedilir. Ancak bu ceza, dörtte birinden dörtte üçüne kadar artırılır.

The Conditions for the Application of Successive Crime in the Turkish Criminal Code

İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası

The act is one of the most important elements for the existence of a crime in criminal law. In this respect, the number of acts has an impact upon the number of crimes. As a matter of fact the general rule in Turkish criminal law is that: the number of crimes is determined by the number of acts and the number of punishments is determined by the number of crimes. This is named as a real joinder rule. However, if this rule is applied without exception, some unfair consequences may occur. In order to prevent these unfair consequences, some exceptions are provided in the Turkish Penal Code. One of them is the regulation of the successive crime. Indeed, according to the provision of Turkish Penal Code (TPC) art. 43/1: where a person commits the same act, more than once, against the same person, at different times in the course of carrying out a decision to commit a crime, a single penalty shall be given. However, this punishment may be increased from one-fourth to three-fourths. Although the other institutions of criminal law are included in the penal codes of many countries, the successive crime is not provided in the penal codes of many countries. As a consequence, the studies about successive crime in foreign doctrines are limited. In this respect, our study is not only important in terms of the Turkish doctrine but also in terms of foreign doctrines. In this study, the conditions for the application of successive crime that is an exception of the real joinder rule were examined. While this issue was handled, the legal basement of successive crime was put forward and it was benefited from Turkish doctrine and Turkish court decisions. Keywords Successive crime • Same crime • Different times • Same person • Decision to commit one crime Türk Ceza Kanununda Zincirleme Suçun Uygulanma Koşulları Öz Ceza hukukunda bir suçun varlığı için gerekli olan en önemli unsurlardan birini fiil oluşturmaktadır. Bu itibarla fiil sayısı suç sayısını da doğrudan etkilemektedir. Nitekim Türk Ceza Hukukunun öngördüğü genel kurala göre; ne kadar fiil varsa o kadar suç, ne kadar suç varsa o kadar ceza vardır. Bu kural gerçek içtima kuralı olarak ifade edilmektedir. Ancak bu kural istisnasız bir şekilde uygulandığında bazı hakkaniyete aykırı sonuçlar ortaya çıkabilecektir. İşte bu sonuçların önüne geçmek adına Türk Ceza Kanununda bazı istisnalara yer verilmektedir. Bunlardan biri de zincirleme suç düzenlemesidir. Nitekim Türk Ceza Kanunu (TCK) m. 43/1'e göre; bir suç işleme kararının icrası kapsamında, değişik zamanlarda bir kişiye karşı aynı suçun birden fazla işlenmesi durumunda, bir cezaya hükmedilir. Ancak bu ceza, dörtte birinden dörtte üçüne kadar artırılır.

On Criminal Law and Criminal Justice in the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey

Criminal Law of the Republic of Turkey (ed. by Silvio Riondato and Rocco Alagna), 2012

The paper offers an overview of the general principles and basic features of the Turkish constitutional order aimed at understanding and, when possible, measuring the effectiveness of Turkish constitutional principles (and human rights safeguards) in criminal law and criminal justice matters. In such perspective, the Authors consider the relation between Constitution and ordinary law and the constitutional review, the issue of sovereignty, the role of the state, separation of powers and equality, the constitutional recognition of individual rights and freedoms and their basic means of protection, the constitutional means of protection of individual rights and freedoms (such as judicial review and individual application to the Constitutional Court), the constitutional principles of substantive criminal law (legality, personality of the criminal responsibility, materiality and principle of harm, the principles concerning penalties and measures restrictive of personal liberty), the constitutional principles of criminal procedure. Finally, the paper provides an analysis of the emergency rule in the Turkish constitution, which provides further spaces of legitimation for restrictions of individual rights and liberties.

Hakan A. Yavuz, Makale: Alternatives to Prosecution in Turkish Criminal Procedure Law, Adalet Dergisi, No. 67, Year 2021/2, November 2021, pp. 77-104.

Alternatives to Prosecution in Turkish Criminal Procedure Law, 2021

Abstract: In this study, the alternatives to prosecution in criminal procedure law, which have in recent years gained increased importance in comparative law, in Turkish criminal procedure law are dwelled on. Following the reform made in 2005 by virtue of the revision of main codes in Turkish criminal law, certain alternatives to prosecution have been introduced. Over time, along with the extension in the scope of application of these methods, a new method “accelerated procedure” has been also put into practice more recently. The alternatives to prosecution are the methods that enable the completion of the judicial process by a decision generally issued at the investigation phase within the discretion of the prosecutor, albeit the existence of evidence and suspicion to the extent that would suffice for the initiation of criminal proceedings due to a criminal act. In this sense, the methods in the Turkish criminal procedure law namely the discretionary power to decision nonprosecution by the prosecutor, the suspension to the initiation of criminal proceedings, the pre-payment, the victim-offender mediation and the accelerated procedure are discussed and reviewed herein. Keywords: Discretionary power by the prosecutor, alternatives to prosecution, diversion, penal order, accelerated procedure.

Introduction to Turkish Law

Wolters Kluwer , 2020

Introduction to Turkish Law reflects major changes in Turkish law that had happened after the publication of the sixth edition. This edition covers the most significant of these changes, including the constitutional amendment of 2017 leading to a radical change of the system of government and introduction of new versions of three major codes: Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Commercial Code and Code of Civil Procedure. Encompassing all the major fields of legal practice, this edition provides an essential understanding of the Turkish legal system to enable users to become familiar with the law and legal processes in Turkey. What’s in this book: Twelve chapters, written by Turkish experts and scholars in their areas of specialty, focus on particular fields and provide the Turkish equivalents of the English terminology. The book covers the following topics: sources of Turkish law; constitutional law; administrative law; legal persons and business associations; family law; law of succession; law of property; law of obligations; penal law; and laws of civil and penal procedures.

Core International Crimes in Turkish Criminal Law and the Rome Statute


Turkiye, Avrupa Birligine katilma surecinin bir sonucu olarak, ic hukukunda bazi reformlar yapmistir. Avrupa Birligine uyum sureci ile birlikte, soykirim sucu ve insanliga karsi suclar, 2004 yili itibariyle Turk Ceza Kanunu kapsamina alinmistir. Bu calisma, Turk Ceza Kanunu ile Roma Statusu’nde duzenlenen uluslararasi suclar arasindaki farklari, Avrupa birligine ve mahkemeye taraf olma surecinin Turkiye uzerindeki etkilerini temel alarak analiz etmektedir. Farliliklara yonelik yapilan karsilastirmali analizde, Uluslararasi yargi organlarinin bu suclari yorumlama bicimi detayli bir bicimde gozden gecirilmektedir. Bu surecte yapilan ic hukuk duzenlemelerine ve Roma Statusunun olusum surecindeki tartismalara, Turkiye’nin cikarlari olgusunun ne yonde etki ettigi tartisilmaktadir. Sonuc olarak, Turkiye’nin neden Roma Statusunde yer alan tum suclara yer vermedigi ve yer verdigi suclari neden farkli sekilde duzenledigi analiz edilmektedir.


Crimes against humanity are as old as humanity itself. However, the expression can be traced dating back a century. After the birth of the concept, international criminal law has covered a long distance by courtesy of international tribunals. The defi nition of the crime has evolved and the practice has been modifi ed. On the other hand, Turkish Criminal Code system has fallen outside the developments in the international area. Although, including of international crimes in the Code is an admirable enterprise, the defi nition of crimes against humanity must be restructured in the light of international standards. Firstly, the list of prohibited acts must be enhanced. Secondly, discriminatory intent and requirement for systematic attack must be excluded from the text. TÜRK CEZA KANUNU'NDA İNSANLIĞA KARŞI SUÇLAR: ULUSLARARASI MEKANİZMALAR IŞIĞINDA ELEŞTİREL BİR İNCELEME ÖZET İnsanlığa karşı suçlar, insanlığın kendisi kadar eski bir olgudur. Oysa ki, kavram ancak yüz yıllık bir tarihe sahiptir. Konseptin doğumundan bu yana uluslararası ceza hukuku, uluslararası mahkemelerin katkılarıyla uzun bir yol kat etmiştir. Suçun tanımı evrim geçirmiş ve uygulama değişim göstermiştir. Öte yandan, Türk Ceza Kanunu uluslararası alandaki bu gelişmelerin gerisinde kalmıştır. Her ne kadar kanunun uluslararası suçlara yer vermesi önemli bir gelişme olsa da insanlığa karşı suç tanımının uluslararası standartlar ışığında yeniden düzenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Öncelikle suç tanımındaki yasaklanmış fiillerin sayısı arttırılmalıdır. İkinci olarak, fiilin ayrımcılık saikiyle ve sistemli olarak işlenmesi şartları madde metninden çıkarılmalıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler: insanlığa karşı suçlar, uluslararası ceza mahkemesi, ayrımcılık saiki, zorla kaybetme, sürgün

The Elements of Tort in Turkish Law


According to the Turkish Code of Obligations, one of the sources of obligation is tort. A tort is the damage caused to another person by an unlawful act of a negligent person with a causal link. As can be understood from the definition of tort, the elements of tort are unlawful act, damage, fault and causal link. The elements of tort are not defined in the Turkish Code of Obligations, but are defined by the authors in the doctrine. There is no prior contractual relationship between the parties to the tort. A legal relationship arises between the parties after the tort is committed. The emergence of this legal relationship depends on the realization of the elements of tort. Therefore, in this study, in order to better understand the concept of tort, definitions of the elements of tort shall be made and the contents of the elements of tort shall be explained in the Turkish Code of Obligations. After the definitions are made in the light of the doctrine, the elements of the tort shall be discussed with examples by referring to various sources. Thus, a study shall be conducted for a better understanding of the concept of tort. In this study, doctrinal research method shall be used to analyze the current legislation since it has been the most influential and dominant research method in the field of law in the past and present. It is concerned with the methodical search, analysis, explanation, and justification of the legal framework. This paper is also concerned with methodical search, analysis, explanation, and justification of the Turkish Code of Obligation which regulates tort law provisions. Primary and secondary sources are enjoyed and library based research is conducted. In this way, the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligation which regulates the tort law shall be discussed in the light of the doctrinal discussion.