Utstillingen som essay. Utstillingsproduksjon som forskningsprosess (The exhibition as essay. Exhibition production as research process) (original) (raw)
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They explicate the complex bonds between diasporas, nationalism(s) and the role of women as political activists both in their country of origin and in the diaspora. Religion is a major unifying and dividing political instrument among Muslims in the diaspora. Three articles in the book address the question of the Islamic headdress or hijab. Not only do they show ways of 'accommodating protest' towards the host society, but also disclose tensions between the different generations in the diaspora and conflicts between groups of the same diaspora. Thus, as in other parts of the world diasporas in Scandinavia can become spaces of coercion where the constraints of enduring territorial and ethnic roots, interpretations of religion and ideas of homogenous identities may hinder women from trying out other ways of being. The notions of stability and contentment are often missing from studies on migration and diasporas, also in this book. Although the women taken as examples in the collection of articles in Negotiating Identity in Scandinavia are empowered by the social and political settings of the Scandinavian country they have migrated to, they do not seem to be at peace. They appear to be constantly drawn in multiple directions and to linger in a transitional phase of being or identity process. The changes in their status affect their relations with their families and communities, and much remains to be done when it comes to renegotiate gender roles among the men and boys. This, however, might change in the generations to come.
Den frie skuespilleren" - et forskningsprosjekt
En refleksjon over forskningsprosjektet Den frie skuespillerenDa jeg i 2013 ble kontaktet av teatersjef Janne Langås for å snakke om en eventuell oppsetning ved Teater Innlandet, hadde jeg aldri trodd at vi skulle bestemme oss for å sette opp Hedda Gabler, av Henrik Ibsen. Jeg hadde tidligere sagt at jeg aldri skulle røre Henrik Ibsens tekster, og den holdningen må ha blitt født tidlig i tenårene, da jeg, på grunn av min interesse for teater, tvang meg gjennom Fjernsynsteatrets oppsetninger av Ibsens dramaer. Jeg husker disse som unaturlige, teatrale og fremfor alt: kjedelige. Skuespillerne spilte med overdreven patos, og med en melodramatisk stil, som skapte stor avstand mellom meg selv og det som skjedde på TV-skjermen. Jeg sier ikke dette for å sverte Fjernsynsteatret, eller de skuespillerne som arbeidet der på 70-80 tallet. De hadde sine motiver for å holde på den stilen som var gjeldende på den tiden. Så min opplevelse av Henrik Ibsens forfatterskap fikk altså en dårlig start. ...
Tema med visse variasjoner – en studie av utviklingen i skandinavisk journalistikkforskning
Norsk medietidsskrift, 2012
This article presents part of a broad bibliographic study of journalism research carried out in Norway, Sweden and Denmark in the period 1995 to 2009. An increase in empirical and particularly qualitative research throughout the period is shown, with growing attention paid to the content of and conditions for journalistic work at the expense of more theoretical and historical publications. The study also reveals some preserving features, such as a preoccupation with news and newspapers, and a lack of attention to the new digital and social media. Certain traces from the latter part of the period suggest that this may be about to change.