The Effect of Mother's Knowledge and Profession on the Success of Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Working Area of Puskesmas Suranenggala, Cirebon District, Year 2021 (original) (raw)
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Related Factors to Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas Ketaping of Padang Pariaman District
Journal of Ultimate Public Health, 2018
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding means solely breastfeeding infants and not giving them additional foods, whether fluid or solid. Breast milk is the best food for babies because it is complete and perfect in nutritional terms and also supplies antibodies and anti-infectious substances that offer protection from various diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in the work area of Ketaping Health Center, Padang Pariaman. Methods: The study used the survey method with a cross-sectional study design on an infant population aged 4 to 12 months. The sample comprised 93 babies' mothers, and the study was conducted from August 15 to 25, 2004, using a questionnaire. After the data had been collected, manually processed, and computerized, it was presented in a distribution table and cross table and subjected to statistical tests (chi-squared). Results: The results showed that the levels of knowledge, education, employment status, and family support of the babies' mothers were quite low: less than 50%. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.01), education and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.04), work status and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.01), and family support and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.01). Conclusion: Infants' mothers need intensive counseling and to be encouraged at the family level. So cooperation from City Health officers is necessary for information delivery about exclusive breastfeeding.
Background: Breastfeed is best food for the baby for the health of baby growth and baby in an optimal fashion because containing protektif element, vitamin and nutrient which both for baby. But the giving of exclusive breastfeed not yet maximal including regional public helath centre Elekma Sub-Province Jayawijaya. This research to know The Factor's Affecting Breastfeeding Exclusive At Regional Public Health Centre Elekma Sub Province Jayawijaya. Method research: Analytic observasional with approach cross sectional study in October 2017 with amount of sampel counted 60 total people of population. Data approach used questionaire and analysed by chi square. Result of research : the factor's afecting to breastfeeding exclusive at regional public helath centre Elekma Sub Province Jayawijaya is attitude (p-value 0,010; RP = 2,140; CI95% (1,235-3,707), health officer support (p-value 0,010; RP = 2,171; CI95% (1,224-3,854), husband support (p-value 0,001; RP = 2,806; CI95% (1,483-5,310), cultural social (p-value 0,008; RP = 2,403; CI95% (1,217-4,745) and parity (p-value 0,011; RP = 22,159; CI95% (1,445-3,224). Meanwhile factor not corelation to breastfeed exclusive at regional public helath centre Elekma Sub Provine Jayawijaya is age (p-value 0,732; RP = 0,800; CI95% (0,357-1,795), education (p-value 0,562; RP = 0,789; CI95% (0,449-1,389), knowledge (p-value 0,065; RP = 1,692; CI95% (1,026-2,791).
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2018
Background and Aim: Infant's nutritional needs for optimal growth and development up to of 6 months can be supplied by exclusive breastfeeding because it contains all the nutrients as the infant needs. However, the exclusive breastfeeding practice has been relatively low in Indonesia, including Tapakis District in West Sumatera Province. The study aimed to explore the determinant factors related to this practice. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted in Uakan Tapakis District, on 88 mothers who have a child aged 0-12 months. To understand the determinant factors, the data was analyzed both using bivariate and multivariate analysis. Result: The result shows that exclusive breastfeeding is associated to knowledge (p=0.025), attitude (p=0.038), motivation (p=0.044), occupational status (p=0,025), health resource availability (p=0,028), health officer role (p = 0,013) and family support (p= 0,038). Moreover, the most dominant variable is the role of health workers in supporting the breastfeeding practice (p= 0.013, OR=8.772). Conclusion: The health workers, especially midwife plays significant role in supporting breastfeeding practice. It is necessary to have good communication and health education from health workers for the succeed implementation.
The Rate of Exclusive Breastfeeding Success on Working Mothers in Klaten Regency
Jurnal Surya Medika
Work is often the reason for mothers not to have the opportunity to give exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months to their babies. This reason is motivated by the lack of sufficient time to breastfeed or express milk. This is also experienced by breastfeeding mothers in the Klaten region who already have regulations on exclusive breastfeeding. This study aims to determine the large percentage of exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers in Klaten district. This study uses a categorical descriptive method involving 117 respondents. Primary data were collected from the midwife clinics of Ni'ma and Warsiti, the Belang Wetan posyandu, and several TKs in Klaten, which were included in the inclusion criteria. A total of 63 mothers (54%) who worked successfully gave exclusive breastfeeding to their children, while unsuccessful were 54 mothers (46%). The success rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the age group of 17-25 years was 14 subjects (11.97%), at the age of 26-35 years was 44 (37...
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Background: Globally, the infant mortality rate (IMR) is still extremely high. One of the efforts to improve children's health is exclusive breastfeeding for six months. Exclusive breastfeeding can reduce infant mortality rate caused by various infectious diseases. Thus, the community, especially mothers need to have proper knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding, and then they are expected to practice it. This study aims to determine the relationship between mothers' knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding and the breastfeeding patterns of 6-month children in Jatimulyo Village,
Despite the essential benefit of early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breast feeding during the first six months, the practice was still low. Health services and personnel play important role have not optimal yet in breast feeding. The aim of this study was to review the provision of health services and it's utilization related to early breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding practices in West Java province. This study was an analysis of the Indonesian Health Facility Survey (Rifaskes) 2011 and the Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2010. It analyzed 45 public hospitals and 997 primary health centers in West Java Province from HFS and 285 infants (0-6 months) in West Java province from Riskesdas. It supplemented with qualitative data that obtained from in-depth interviews with the representatives from central government, Provincial Health Office, District Health Office (DHO), public health centers and hospitals in Bandung city and Bogor district, West Java. ...
Background: Failure of exclusive breastfeeding is still high in Pekalongan regency, Central Java Indonesia. The one of reasondue to the existing myth about breast milk and breastfeeding activity in society culture. Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between myth about breastfeeding and failure of exclusive breastfeeding. Method: This cross-sectional study design conducted among 151 mothers with infant 6-12 month age which selected by cluster sampling, in Buaran Community Health Center in Pekalongan Regency Central Java Indonesia, from January to May 2017. An instrument used was a questionnaire developed by the reseacher. Result: The results showed 70.1% participants failed exclusive breastfeeding, 56.9% of them believed negative myths about exclusive breastfeeding by p = 0.001 (95% CI: 1,757-8,057). The characteristic of participants was in reproductive age (81,5%), multiparous (71,5%), unemployed (70,9%), and from extended family (66,9%). Most of the participants had a vaginal delivery (86,8%). There was asignificant relationship between myths about breastfeeding and failure of exclusive breastfeeding. Breastfeeding education should deliver in community-based, in terms of growing breastfeeding culture, i n Indonesian society.
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Breast milk can provide a better life for babies, breast milk will protect babies from various types of diseases or viruses. Information on the coverage of infants aged less than 6 months who receive exclusive breastfeeding in Banten Province in 2020 is 68.84%. However, this data has not been able to reach the government program target of 80%. The purpose of this study was to find out the experiences of breastfeeding mothers in providing exclusive breastfeeding in Lambangsari Village, Kec. Bojonegara. The design of this research is analytic observational research. Researchers observed and looked for the relationship between the variables of husband's support, support from health workers and knowledge, to exclusive breastfeeding. The research approach used in this study is cross-sectional. The population in this study were breastfeeding mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months in Lambangsari Village, Bojonegara District, totaling 424 people. The required sample is 81 respondents. ...
Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan
Background. The survival of children to grow and develop and get good care is needed to achieve a healthy generation. The success of exclusive breastfeeding in infants 0-6 months in Indonesia still does not meet expectations due to a poor knowledge of the importance Exclusive Breastfeeding and their perception of infant formula is better than breast milk. The low achievement of breastfeeding (ASI) exclusively due to several factors, namely low knowledge of the mother of the importance of breastfeeding, the sex of the baby, birth weight or premature birth, culture that does not support, families that do not support, and social change that happening in the community.Objective. This study aimed to examine predictive factors toward the success of exclusive breastfeeding among breastfeeding mothers in Child’s Poly DKT Gubeng Pojok Hospital, Surabaya.Methods. The design of this study is a cross-sectional study. The variables studied were age, occupation, level of education, family support...