Kant, Identity and Aufklärung / Кант, идентитет и Aufklärung (original) (raw)

Кант, идентитет и Aufklärung (in Serbian) / Kant, Identity and Aufklärung

Апстракт: Како се конституише идентитет кроз писање? Овај рад тематизује Кантов текст Was ist Aufklärung покушавајући g да смисао текста савија у новом правцу. Помоћу херменеутике демузеализације текст тежи ка томе да отвори пут новој интерпретацији која ће се концентрисати на улогу аутономије гласа и писма у Кантовом схватању Aufklärung-a. Много пажње ћемо посветити питању друштвене интерсубјективности, са посебним освртом на разлику приватног и јавног. Кључне речи: Кант, Aufklärung, аутономија, глас, писмо, g g идентитет, интерсубјективност SINTEZIS I/1 (2009) ИДЕНТИТЕТ Марк Лошонц/ КАНТ, ИДЕНТИТЕТ И AUFKLÄRUNG 83-94 SINTEZIS I/1 (2009) ИДЕНТИТЕТ SINTEZIS I/1 (2009) ИДЕНТИТЕТ Summary Mark Losonsz Kant, Identity, Aufklärung

Кант в Аушвіці: Звичаєвість та інституції / Kant in Auschwitz: Morality and Institutions (In Ukrainian)

Philosophical Thought, 2016

The article examines the problems with moral interaction raised where systematic state violence substitutes the institutions of law. It is argued that practical deeds, because of presupposed unity of subjective willing and objective moral aim, need some publicity principles of normativity which can be realized in social and political institutions. If, therefore, regulative rules could not be based upon unity of the will of a community of possible moral actors, the core of categorical imperative would be deprived of its universal positive lawmaking power. The author issues the challenge, what if Kant himself could follow his ethical prescriptions having no rights and sufficient trust between him and his participants in a moral deal, i.e. in the realm of total unpublicity. A kind of such possibility was entirely fulfilled in conditions of concentration camps. The camp world, the so called death-world, existed as absolute privacy without structures of solidarity and criteria of human dignity. A world like this ruins institutions for self-realization of a rational human moral nature, as reason itself. It is suggested that Kant’s idea of anthroponomy may involve, albeit not worked-out enough, a good ground to connect subjective freedom with both (a) the metaphysics of morality and (b) nonremovability of political struggle.

И. Кант: свобода, грех, прощение


This article offers a comparative analysis of Kant"s moral philosophy and the philosophy of Sade revealing the paradoxes of the categorical imperative. The satisfaction of the requirement of the categorical imperative is, on the one hand, a single and unique act and, on the other hand, a permanent and universal one. Although the familiarity with the categorical imperative does not always result in a moral action, the familiarity itself alongside the idea of forgiveness may be considered as a manifestation of morality and freedom.

ВЪОБРАЖЕНИЕ И ПОЗНАНИЕ /Кантови евристики/


Книгата в основната си част представлява докторска дисертация, успешно защитена през 2004 г. под същото заглавие, и по-важното – от същия автор. С времето плановете ми за радикални преработки и необходими допълнения на този текст ставаха все по-амбициозни, което може да обясни почти 15-годишното отлагане на неговото публикуване. Плановете ми за по-солидно обосноваване на основополагащите тези на дисертацията, под които се подписвам и към днешна дата, доведоха до моя хабилитационен труд "Тайната сила у Кант". След като и той, само пет години по-късно, стана на свой ред мишена на радикален проект за основна преработка и мащабни допълнения, окончателно се убедих, че доцентът е длъжен безрезервно да се довери на доктора по философия и да представи дисертацията му в нейния автентичен вид пред най-висшата касационна инстанция – съда на критично четящата и критически мислещата публика. Все пак, освен че позволи някои неизбежни редакторски намеси, доцентът не се въздържа да добави няколко допълнения и приложения към текста на своята докторска дисертация.

Филозофија и књижевност у творби идентитета и алтеритета

Philologia Mediana, год. VIII, бр. 8

Један од главних циљева овог рада јесте да укаже на значај и домет филозофске мисли истакнутих представника западноевропске филозо-фије XX века као што су Жан Пол Сартр, Мартин Хајдегер, Ханс Роберт Јаус, Емануел Левинас, Жак Дерида и Пол Рикер. У раду се анализирају њихове филозофске рефлексије о књижевности, идентитету и алтерите-ту које сматрамо релевантним и незаобилазним за разумевање како нас самих, тако и других. Други, не мање значајан циљ овог рада јесте су-очавање његовог аутора, а потом и читалаца, са самим собом и спољним светом преко критичких осврта на дате филозофске предлошке. Трећи, и по нама најзначајнији циљ, јесте непрестано указивање на етички значај књижевности у формирању идентитета и његовог односа са алтеритетом. На почетку, после краћег увода, истичемо специфичан однос књи-жевности и филозофије ослањајући се на филозофске премисе Сартра, Хајдегера и Дериде. Потом разматрамо (не)могућности дефинисања иден-титета у контексту познатог Хајдегеровог есеја да бисмо се надовезали на анализу још комплекснијег алтеритета у контексту Левинасових, Дериди-них и Јаусових поставки. На крају, као својеврсну синтезу, изложићемо познату Рикерову теорију о наративном идентитету која се поставља као суштинска парадигма за превазилажење апорија сопства и другости. Екскурс, последњи део нашег рада, покушава да на основу критичког про-мишљања претходно наведених теоријских позиција, а у контексту нашег савременог доба, одговори на фундаментална питања о себи и другом и још једном подвуче етичку основу хуманитета. Кључне речи: књижевност, филозофија, идентитет, алтеритет, етика.

Кантове поняття правила і проблема мови / Kant's Concept of the Rule and the Problem of Language

The article deals with the coordination of thinking and language, logic and grammar within transcendental idealism. The author argues that Kant’s treatment of grammar as a general form of thinking extends the boundaries of his objectivity tenet. In the project of the Critiques linguistic aspects of the synthetic acts are based on the ground of judgment rules. It presupposes that grammar is a component of synthesis of empirical notions. Grammatical rules contain preconditions of the objective significance which is a connection between a category and its corresponding word. The self-consciousness thesis which unifies all the rules for synthetic acts thereby explicates a process of following the rule through its grammar usage. However, the lack of criteria for distinguishing rigorous and unrigorous rules both in Kant’s and in the philosophy of grammar would imply a revision of their theories of meaning. (in Ukrainian) Filosofs'ka Dumka / Філософська думка. - 2015. - № 2.

Kant, Koenigsberg and Albertina. The letters of a polish student / Кант, Кёнигсберг и Альбертина. Из писем польского студента

Кантовский сборник, 2015

By the end of the 19th century, after three partitions of Rzeczpospolita by the neighbouring powers, about half of its territory became part of the Kingdom of Prussia. These geopolitical changes had significant social implications for the Polish population. Jan Swiecicki was one of many Polish students to be sent to German-speaking gymnasia. Some of them continued their education at the oldest Prussian university, the Albertina. Selected passages from letters dated 1802—1806 give an idea of the organisation of education and living conditions of Königsberg students originating from different parts of Eastern and Central Europe. At the Albertina, as in today’s German universities, students had an opportunity to choose courses from the list announced at the beginning of each semester. Swiecicki was enrolled in the Faculty of Law and he put a lot of effort to receive the degree. However, he was much more enthusiastic about subjects taught at the Faculty of Philosophy. Immanuel Kant was no longer teaching at the university by that time. However, Swiecicki regularly attended Christian Jacob Kraus’s lectures on moral philosophy based on Kant’s “Tugendlehre”, political economy, general encyclopedia, and natural law. The professor of poetry Karl Ludwig Poersсhke, former Kant’s student, was another of his favourite teachers. Swiecicki’s surviving correspondence is kept in the library of the Poznan Society of Friends of Learning. All cited letters were addressed to Franciszek Malinowski (the father of the Polish linguist Franciszek Ksawery Malinowski). The letter of March 3, 1804 informing about Kant’s funeral is published in full. It is the only eyewitness account of the ceremony ever found in Polish sources.

Сучасність і мир. Уроки прикладного просвітництва Канта / Modernity and Peace. The Lessons of Kant’s Applied Enlightenment (in Ukrainian)

Україна Модерна, 2019

The article contains an analysis of the major lessons of Immanuel Kant’s philosophical project of perpetual peace in the context of development of contemporary political systems and international order. The author reviews the history of philosophical and legal accounts of perpetual peace, as well as the political context of Kant’s project. The third part of the article offers a detailed analysis of Kant’s proposals with regard to the institutional construction of constitutional republics and of a global federation of peoples. The author concludes that from the perspective of the ‘second Modernity,’ the experience of early Modern philosophers might assist in resuming a more active dialogue between philosophers and political leaders, as well as inviting contemporary philosophers to take a leadership role in the institutional construction of preconditions for civil peace and the prevention of wars in Eastern Europe.

Identity, Ontology, and the Two / Идентитет, онтологија, и две (Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender, and Culture. Vol. 13, 2016-2017: 101-136). English & Macedonian. Trans. Jordan Šišovski.

This investigation examines the ontological concept of identity through the perspectives of several contemporary European philosophers, specifically attending to the critique of binary thinking contained within their critical conceptions of identity. Although poststructuralist discourse has long rejected simplistic either/or thinking about identity, few sustained attempts have been made to understand exactly what role distinctions between-two play in the process of individuation. In response to this need, the following study reviews several existing perspectives on ontological identity (Ricoeur, Düttmann, Adorno, Kolozova, Zupančič, and Rosset), and provides its own, all in order to suggest that the individuation of identities is radically dependent upon the Two.

(Towards Kant: a Fragment of the Personalism History in the Modern Period) По направлению к Канту: фрагмент из истории персонализма в Новое время

Due to some historical reasons, the second half of the 16th century gave special attention to the moral criteria of a particular act understood as a matter of its true inner motivation. As a result, two opposite concepts gradually formed. The first one recognizes as truly moral an act motivated by the subject's reasonable interest in it (Spinoza). The second one recognizes as truly moral an act of pure non-reflected upon (uninterested) love showing the subject's complete selflessness (Fénelon). Both concepts paradoxically converge in the anthropological model by Kant, where the selfless submission to the categorical imperative of mind is already associated with the concept of personality, as opposed to the psycho-physical nature of man, which is always mediated by one's own needs and interests. Во второй половине XVI в. в силу ряда исторических причин пользуется особым вниманием вопрос о критериях нравственности того или иного поступка, осознанный как вопрос его подлинной внутренней мотивации. Вследствие этого постепенно формируются две противоположные концепции. Первая из них признает подлинно нравственным поступок, мотивированный разумной заинтересованностью в нем субъекта (Спиноза). Вторая – нерефлектируемый акт чистой (незаинтересованной) любви, свидетельствующий о полном отказе субъекта от самого себя (Фенелон). Обе эти концепции парадоксальным образом сходятся в антропологической модели Канта, где бескорыстное подчинение категорическому императиву разума уже связывается с представлением о личности, противопоставляемой душевно-телесной природе человека, всегда опосредованной собственными потребностями и интересами.