Economia solidaria e formação humana (original) (raw)
This thesis investigates how the familiar farmers, are busy with the creation of the associate familiar agro industries associative in the West of Santa Catarina; a politic answer to face the crisis by the familiar agriculture since the second half of 70´s; is re-elaborating its life and work experiences from implanting these new enterprises. The thesis tries to observe how the politics ideals, were presented in the origin of these enterprises, remaining in the workers imaginary and in their daily work. The problem that oriented the investigation course can be proposed like this: How the farmers are involved in the creation and operation of the associative familiar agro industries linked to UCAF (União Central das Agroindústrias Familiares do Oeste Catarinense) are they re-elaborating their life and work experiences from implanting these production units? The hipotese in this work is that the strong politic motivation present in the origin of these enterprises was one of the factors that has influenced strongly in the organization trajectory and work conduction in the daily agro industries, as well as the way to interpret its meaning. However, the decisions of the workers involved in the organization of the enterprises and the way that these enterprises are perceived by these workers, are also influenced by other factors in an objective order (economic situation, materials needs, presence and the mediator´s performance etc.) and by the subjective order factors (representations about the future, objective and personal interests, politics ideals, social insertion expectancy, personal elaborations about the work insertion, etc.) The research work was organized in three main moments. In the first moment, it was developed an exploratory study directed to the experiences characterizations existing in the West of Santa Catarina that, nowadays, they can be joined to the concept of supportive economy. In the second moment, it came true a general characterization of the associative familiar agro industries linked to UCAF (União Central das Agroindústrias Familiares do Oeste Catarinense), that act in the pork meat process, with the intention to join an amount of information about the enterprises of this production chain, analyzing its common characteristics and its economic and social impact to the people involved. The third moment came directed to the deep study of two pork meat production chain enterprises, characterized in the second moment, defined by the intentional choose. The results obtained confirm the work hipotese and elucidate the way how the new life and work experiences are being elaborated by the people involved in each enterprise, in an specific historical process, in what they interact objective and subjective conditions, beyond the cultural patrimony of this population.