Modeling as an approach to pandemic uncertainty management: Mortality assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic (original) (raw)
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Scientific Reports, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) has revealed the need for proactive protocols to react and act, imposing preventive and restrictive countermeasures on time in any society. The extent to which confirmed cases can predict the morbidity and mortality in a society remains an unresolved issue. The research objective is therefore to test a generic model’s predictability through time, based on percentage of confirmed cases on hospitalized patients, ICU patients and deceased. This study reports the explanatory and predictive ability of COVID-19-related healthcare data, such as whether there is a spread of a contagious and virulent virus in a society, and if so, whether the morbidity and mortality can be estimated in advance in the population. The model estimations stress the implementation of a pandemic strategy containing a proactive protocol entailing what, when, where, who and how countermeasures should be in place when a virulent virus (e.g. SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2 and MERS) or pandem...
Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 2021
Yeni koronavirüs pandemisi (COVID-19), ilk olarak Çin'in Hubei eyaletinin yönetim merkezi ve en büyük şehri olan Wuhan kentinde Aralık 2019'da tespit edilmiş olup, tüm dünyayı etkisi altına almış durumdadır. Bu çalışmanın yapıldığı 25 Nisan 2020 Cumartesi günü itibarıyla dünyada COVID-19 kaynaklı 2,908,206 vaka ve 202,501 ölüm rapor edilmiştir. Ocak 2020' den itibaren Çin dışında da görülmeye başlayan COVID-19 vakaları, ülkemizde (Türkiye' de) ilk kez 10-11 Mart 2020 tarihinde görülmüş ve 25 Nisan 2020 tarihi itibarıyla Türkiye'nin koronavirüs bilançosu 107,773 vaka ve 2,706 ölüm değerleriyle kayıtlara geçmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, Türkiye'deki koronavirüs pandemisi seyrinin matematiksel açıdan irdelenmesi hedeflenmiş ve ülkemiz için elde edilen verilere göre salgının kısıtlamalı sürecinin gidişatı hakkında bir tahmin modellemesi yapılmıştır. Salgının şu ana kadar Türkiye' de pik düzeyde görüldüğü zaman, enfeksiyon ve iyileşme hızları ve salgın sonunda maruz kalınabilecek vaka sayısı gibi faktörler göz önüne alınarak birikimli pozitif vaka ve iyileşme sayıları için lojistik modeller önerilmiştir. Model parametreleri MATLAB ® programı vasıtasıyla Nelder-Mead simpleks doğrudan arama ve Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) Quasi-Newton kübik doğrultu belirleme algoritmaları kullanılarak çözümlenmiştir. Günlük vaka ve günlük ölüm sayısı verileri için önerilen ekponansiyel modeller ise DataFit ®
Relevence and Effectiveness of Mathematical Models Dealing with Covid-19 Pandemic
How does COVID-19 pandemic affect the India? How many people can be hit in a state and how many of them will succumb to the disease? When is it going to peak? How long should the government continue with the lockdown? What is the damage to the economy and what is its impact on each sector? These are some of the questions that haunt not only the decision makers but every sensible people in India. Mathematical models developed by mathematicians and epidemiologists has come to assist decision makers in evaluating the effects of countermeasures to an epidemic before they actually deploy them. The model could give political and beuricatic person's critical insights into the best steps they could take to counter the spread of disease in the face of pandemics. Mathematicians use modeling to represent, analyze and make predictions or otherwise provide insight into real world phenomena. Real world scenarios can be designed into a mathematical model to bring clarity to big messy questions amid fast changing variables. These models aim to make simplifying assumptions in order to arrive at tractable equations. Dealing with the novel coronavirus is an unprecedented situation which the world could not have foreseen. In order to track the COVID-19 pandemic, make predictions about the disease's progression and take decisions, as of now, the government is solely dependent on data from doctors and health workers.
The COVID-19 pandemic: model-based evaluation of non-pharmaceutical interventions and prognoses
Nonlinear Dynamics
An epidemiological model for COVID-19 was developed and implemented in MATLAB/GNU Octave for use by public health practitioners, policy makers, and the general public. The model distinguishes four stages in the disease: infected, sick, seriously sick, and better. The model was preliminarily parameterized based on observations of the spread of the disease. The model assumes a case mortality rate of 1.5%. Preliminary simulations with the model indicate that concepts such as ''herd immunity'' and containment (''flattening the curve'') are highly misleading in the context of this virus. Public policies based on these concepts are inadequate to protect the population. Only reducing the R 0 of the virus below 1 is an effective strategy for maintaining the death burden of COVID-19 within the normal range of seasonal flu. The model is illustrated with the cases of Italy, France, and Iran and is able to describe the number of deaths as a function of time in all these cases although future projections tend to slightly overestimate the number of deaths when the analysis is made early on. The model can also be used to describe reopenings of the economy after a lockdown. The case mortality rate is still prone to large uncertainty, but modeling combined with an investigation of blood donations in The Netherlands imposes a lower limit of 1%. Keywords SARS-CoV-2 Á Herd immunity Á Social distancing Á R 0 Á Doubling time Á Case mortality rate 1 Introduction The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2). Typical symptoms are fever, cough, chills, difficulty breathing, and fatigue [1]. The pathology of COVID-19 is similar to that of SARS and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Pulmonary edema and pneumonia, and cytokine storm are common complications [1, 2]. The disease also causes chronic cardiovascular damage [3]. The main comorbidities in hospitalized COVID-19 patients are hypertension (30%), diabetes (19%), and coronary heart disease (8%) [4]. The mortality of COVID-19 has been estimated at 2% [1], 2.2% [5], and 3.7% [2]. The case mortality rate is strongly age-dependent and ranges from 0.2% up to 39 years of age, to nearly 15% at age 80 years and Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) virus has rapidly spread worldwide since December 2019, and early modelling work of this pandemic has assisted in identifying effective government interventions. The UK government relied in part on the CovidSim model developed by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London, to model various non-pharmaceutical intervention strategies, and guide its government policy in seeking to deal with the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic during March and April 2020. CovidSim is subject to different sources of uncertainty, namely parametric uncertainty in the inputs, model structure uncertainty (i.e. missing epidemiological processes) and scenario uncertainty, which relates to uncertainty in the set of conditions under which the model is applied. We have undertaken an extensive parametric sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification of the current CovidSim code. From the over 900 param...
Uncertainty Quantification in Epidemiological Models for COVID-19 Pandemic
The main goal of this paper is to develop the forward and inverse modeling of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic using novel computational methodologies in order to accurately estimate and predict the pandemic. This leads to governmental decisions support in implementing effective protective measures and prevention of new outbreaks. To this end, we use the logistic equation and the SIR system of ordinary differential equations to model the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the inverse modeling, we propose Bayesian inversion techniques, which are robust and reliable approaches, in order to estimate the unknown parameters of the epidemiological models. We use an adaptive Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for the estimation of a posteriori probability distribution and confidence intervals for the unknown model parameters as well as for the reproduction number. Furthermore, we present a fatality analysis for COVID-19 in Austria, which is also of importance for governmental p...
Mathematical Models for COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 2020
Introduction The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the most significant pandemic since the 1918 Influenza pandemic. It has already caused over 21 Million confirmed cases and 758,000 deaths. 1 The economic impact is already in trillions of dollars. As in other pandemics, researchers and public health policy makers are interested in questions such as, 2 (i) How did it start? (ii) How is it likely to progress and how can we control it? (iii) How can we intervene while balancing public health and economic impact? (iv) Why did some countries do better than other countries thus far into the pandemic? In particular, models and their projections/forecasts have received unprecedented attention. With a multitude of modeling frameworks, underlying assumptions, available datasets and the region/timeframe being modeled, these projections have varied widely, causing confusion among end-users and consumers. We believe an overview (non-exhaustive) of the current modeling landscape will benefit the readers and also serve as a historical record for future efforts.
Epidemiology of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) andExactitude of Predictions through Models
EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, 2021
models for infectious diseases and their statistical tools have become an integral part of the inputs for planning control and mitigation measures. These models allow us to test different strategies in simulations before applying them to groups of people or individuals. One specific goal of our future modeling is going to be to check the efficiency of testing and make contact with tracing. One must be very cautious regarding model predictions, because different models that lead to similar outcomes in one context may fail to do so in another. In such instances, it is best to conduct further epidemiological and experimental studies in order to discriminate among the different possible mechanisms. Thus, an important role of modelling enterprises is that they can alert us to the deficiencies in our current understanding of the epidemiology of various infectious diseases and suggest crucial questions for investigation and data that need to be collected. Therefore, when models fail to predict, this failure can provide us with important clues for further research.
Modelling insights into the COVID-19 pandemic
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a newly emerged infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) that was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11th March, 2020. Response to this ongoing pandemic requires extensive collaboration across the scientific community in an attempt to contain its impact and limit further transmission. Mathematical modelling has been at the forefront of these response efforts by: (1) providing initial estimates of the SARS-CoV-2 reproduction rate, R 0 (of approximately 2-3); (2) updating these estimates following the implementation of various interventions (with significantly reduced, often sub-critical, transmission rates); (3) assessing the potential for global spread before significant case numbers had been reported internationally; and (4) quantifying the expected disease severity and burden of COVID-19, indicating that the likely true infection rate is often orders of magnitude greater than estimates based on confirmed case counts alone. In this review, we highlight the critical role played by mathematical modelling to understand COVID-19 thus far, the challenges posed by data availability and uncertainty, and the continuing utility of modelling-based approaches to guide decision making and inform the public health response. yUnless otherwise stated, all bracketed error margins correspond to the 95% credible interval (CrI) for reported estimates.