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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
A study was made to initially evaluate whether the age category directly could influence anthropometric measurements, functional movement tests, linear sprint (30 m) and strength. Moreover, and as the main purpose, this study aimed to examine the relationship between the time execution and angles in different changes of direction (COD) test with the analyzed sport performance variables. A total sample of 23 basketball players (age: 17.5 ± 2.42 years; height: 184.6 ± 6.68 cm; body weight: 78.09 ± 11.9 kg). Between-groups’ comparison explored the differences between basketball categories (Junior, n = 12; Senior, n = 11). The COD variables were divided by the time execution into low responders (LR) and high responders (HR) to establish comparisons between groups related to COD time execution. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to establish correlations between different CODs and sport performance variables. The results showed a greater influence of age category upon COD perform...
isara solutions, 2022
This research study has been conducted on adolescent players with an aim to find out the difference between Volleyball (n=300) and Basketball (n=300) players of district Kangra .Sample for present study was taken from schools of district Kangra. Each player was tested for physical fitness variables i.e. of arm and shoulder length, abdominal strength, agility, explosive, strength, speed, endurance between rural and urban adolescent players. To analyze the difference in physical fitness variables between two groups of volleyball and Basketball players were determined thought' test and to know the difference within the groups of rural and urban players ANOVA was applied. From the findings, it has been found that there existed no significant difference in above given physical fitness variables between Volleyball and Basketball players belonging to kangra district but significant difference was observed within the groups of rural and urban volleyball and basketball adolescent players.
Relationship of Selected Physical Variables with the Performance of Volleyball Players
isara solutions, 2016
Volleyball being a highly explosive sport, involves a unique movement technique and strength over a relatively small court area. The match is won normally by a perfect amalgam of physical condition, mental attitude, courage, intelligence and the player's technical skill and tactical efficiency. This study was undertaken to find the relationship of arm strength, leg strength, cordinative ability and flexibility with the performance of Volleyball Player. 20 male Volleyball Player were selected as a subject for the study from Saharanpur District. Zero order correlation was used to compute correlation between Volleyball performance and selected variables i.e. arm strength, leg strength, cordinative ability and flexibility and findings reveals that leg strength, shoulder wrist flexibility and cordinative ability were found significant at 0.05 level of confidence. The finding indicates that shoulder-Leg strength, shoulder & wrist flexibility and cordinative ability of the subjects were important variables for better performance in Volleyball.
The purpose of this study is to compare Strength ability, Agility and Dynamic balances between Volleyball and Basketball players. For the purpose of the study total 40 players (20 Volleyball and 20 Basketball players) were selected randomly from Tensen Athletic club of Durgapur. To compare the Strength, Agility and Dynamic balances between Volleyball and Basketball Vertical jump test (sargent jump), Semo agility test and Modified Bass test was administrated to the subject. The age of the subject was between 15-17 years. The collected data was analysed using independent ‘t’ ratio to find out the significant difference between volleyball and basketball players. The result of the study showed that there was significant difference on Strength, Agility and Dynamic balances (t = 0.136, p > 0.05) between volleyball and basketball players.
The Word 'Sport' comes from the old French word called Desport which means "Leisure", but this word has changed its connotation with the passing time. Now sports are no longer believed to be practiced only in leisure time. Today they are one of the major parameters to judge a country's development and growth and are fast becoming great career options for the future generations. The purpose of the study is to observe the Difference in Hand - Eye Co-Ordination, Accuracy, Agility Hand Explosive Strength, and Leg Explosive Strength between Female Basketball Players & Volleyball Players. A total of Twenty Two (22) Female subjects were selected for this study. Out of them 11 were from Basketball, 11 were from Volleyball. The ages of the subjects were 13-19 years old. Selected Fitness Components of the subjects were the criterion measure for the present study. Selected Fitness Components were: This included- leg Explosive Strength, Hand Explosive Strength, Hand Eye Coordination, Agility and Accuracy. The leg Explosive Strength was measured by Vertical jump. Hand Explosive Strength was measured by putting the Shot. Hand Eye Coordination was measured by Rebound Ball Test. Accuracy was measured by Accuracy test. Agility was measured by (4x10 mts.) Shuttle Run. In respect of Accuracy, Agility, Hand Explosive Strength, leg Explosive Strength, there were no significant difference Between Female Basketball and Volleyball Group. In respect of Hand – Eye coordination Female group of Basketball players were better than the volleyball players of Female group.
Comparative analysis on selected coordinative abilities among female team sports players
The crux of the study was to compare and analyze the difference between Orientation ability and Differentiation ability between Female Football, Basketball, and Volleyball players. A group of thirty-six (N=36) female subjects aged between 18-24 years, participated, who were the participants of the National level competitions from M.P State. The purposive sampling technique was used to attain the objectives of the study. All subjects, after having been informed objective of the study, gave their consent and volunteered to participate in this study. They were further divided into three groups of 12 each (i.e., N1=12; Volleyball players, N2=12; Basketball players, and N3=12; Handball players). The evaluation of the test results on SPSS 26.0 by the one-way ANOVA and Descriptive statistics were applied to find out the significant difference in Orientation ability and Differentiation ability between female football, Basketball, and volleyball players. To test the hypotheses, the level of significance was set at 0.05. The result revealed a significant difference between Female basketball players in orientation ability and on the other hand a significant difference was found in the differentiation ability of female football players.
COMPETITOR: Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga
The cause is not optimal due to non-bio motor factors, namely inadequate body structure, and bio motor factors, namely poor hand-eye coordination. This study aims to determine whether or not there is an effect of body structure on the ability of pass over, to determine whether there is an effect of eye coordination on the ability to passing-over and to determine whether there is an influence of body and eye-hand coordination on the ability to pass over. This type of research is descriptive correlational by involving the independent variables (independent) consisting of body structure and eye-hand coordination, while the controlling variable is the ability to pass. The research sample was students of SMP Negeri 27 Makassar with a total of 30 people drawn by random sampling. The research instrument used an upper passing test, measurement of body structure by measuring height, weight and arm length, and eye-hand coordination with a chess pass test. The results showed that there was a s...
Prediction of Anthropometric Influence on the Volleyball Playing Skills
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2018), 2019
This study aimed to test the predictions of anthropometric variability with game performance assessment instrument on volleyball player. This research using descriptive correlation with participants as many as 35 athletes, aged between 20-22 years from three universities club in West Java Indonesia. The instrument use the anthropometric test and a test of skill to play volleyball with using GPAI. Analysis of the data in this study using a simple correlation analysis, simple regresion.Results of the analysis showed that the correlation between anthropometric game signifinikan perfomance with a correlation coefficient of 0.69 and significant at α = 0.00. These results prove that the contribution of anthropometric variability of 49% to the improvement of skills to play volleyball. Regression model equations obtained isy = 14, 275 + 0.742 Antrometrik. The equation illustrates that increasing the skills of playing volleyball variable predicted by anthropometric variables at 0.742.
The research aims to Identify the foot measurements (length and width) of the sample and Identify the length and width of the foot and their relationship with some physical abilities and accuracy of the performance of some of the basic skills in a game of volleyball in the research sample. The research sample included on the players posts clubs in the Premier League in the Kurdistan Region (Taq Taq, Brihty) for volleyball, and state their number (24) for the player and the use of researcher descriptive manner relations connectivity, was chosen as the research sample in a deliberate and conduct tests and measurements on the length and width of the foot and some tests of physical abilities and test some of the basic skills was the use of a number of devices and tools and means to collect and process data using appropriate statistical methods and after obtaining the results, was discussed in a scientific manner powered sources to achieve the objectives of the research and prove his hypothesis. In light of the results of research researcher reached the following conclusions: - The presence of a significant correlation between the length of the foot and hid the transition speed. - The presence of a significant correlation between the foot and the transitional speed test and Fitness. - The lack of a significant correlation between the length and width of the foot, explosive test of strength and balance. - The lack of a significant correlation between the length and width of the foot transponder test receiver and landslide hit the country. In light of the above, the resear
The aim of this study was to determine absolute and relative reliability of tests for assessing kinestheticdifferentiation ability in youth Herzegovinian female volleyball players. The sample of 32 volleyball players were recruited from 3 volleyball clubs in Herzegovina. Participants were aged 11.23±0.67 years and had practiced volleyball between 6 to 48 months. For the evaluation of kinesthetic-differentiation ability of arms and legs, 2 tests were conducted (Šimonek, 2006): Target sitting throw test (TST) for assessment of kinestheticdifferentiation ability of arms and target standing broad jump (TSBJ) for assessment of kinestheticdifferentiation ability of legs. The reliability of these two tests between the first and the second measurement was assessed using a two-way mixed effects Alpha model of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The standard error of measurement (SEM) was also calculated to give an indication of the precision of individual scores over repeated administr...