Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning a Multilayer Neural Network Using a Genetic Algorithm (original) (raw)
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Pattern recognition using multilayer neural-genetic algorithm
Neurocomputing, 2003
The genetic algorithm implemented with neural network to determine automatically the suitable network architecture and the set of parameters from a restricted region of space. The multilayer neural-genetic algorithm was applied in image processing for pattern recognition, and to determine the object orientation. The library to cover the views of object was build from real images of (10 × 10) pixels. Which is the smallest image size can be used in this algorithm to recognize the type of aircraft with its direction
Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm for Image Processing System
Content of image analysis is a process of discovering and understanding patterns that are relevant to the performance of an image based task. One of the principle goals of content of image analysis by computer is to endow a machine with the capability to approximate in some sense, a similar capability in human beings. The system, which we have developed, consists of three levels. In the low level, image clustering is performed to extract the features of the input data and to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space. Classification of the scene images was carried out by using a single layer neural network trained by the competitive algorithm that that is called Kohonen Self _ Organization with conscience function to produce a set of equiprobable weight vector. The intermediate level consists of two parts. In the first part an image is partitioned into homogeneous regions with respect to the connectivity property between pixels, which is an important concept used in establishing boundaries of objects and component regions in an image. For each component, connected components can be determined by a process called component labeling. In the second part, feature extraction process is performed to capture significant properties of objects present in the image. Binary code will be used to represent the features because GA will be used in the high level. In the high level; extracted features and relations of each region in the image are matched against the stored object models using genetic algorithm. The images used to recognize are colored images that represent natural scenes.
`Critical Analysis of Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network Applications
There are many popular problems in different practical fields of computer sciences. Neural networks and genetic algorithms have powerful ability to solve problems. They have attracted a great deal of research. A lot of GA and ANN have been developed to enhance the performance. They are mathematical in nature. Neural network work is based on back propagation learning. However, the choice of the basic parameter (network topology, learning rate, initial weights) often already determines the success of the training process. The selection of this parameter follows in practical use rules of thumb. Genetic algorithms are widely used search methods, its methods based on methods like selection, crossover and mutation. This study examines how genetic algorithms can be used. This paper makes a comparison between applications of GA and ANN. They are evaluated according to their performance on academic and practical problems of different complexity
A Study on Application of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in Pattern Recognition
Image processing is an emerging field and lots of research had been performed for the past few years. Image processing has various techniques which are image segmentation, enhancement, feature extraction, classification, restoration, image generation etc. pattern recognition is an important part of image processing system. The aim of this paper is to study the use of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm in pattern recognition. Artificial neural network helps in training process where as the selection of various parameters for pattern recognition can be done in an optimized way by the genetic algorithm.
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms
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The Influence of Genetic Algorithms on Learning Possibilities of Artificial Neural Networks
The presented research study focuses on demonstrating the learning ability of a neural network using a genetic algorithm and finding the most suitable neural network topology for solving a demonstration problem. The network topology is significantly dependent on the level of generalization. More robust topology of a neural network is usually more suitable for particular details in the training set and it loses the ability to abstract general information. Therefore, we often design the network topology by taking into the account the required generalization, rather than the aspect of theoretical calculations. The next part of the article presents research whether a modification of the parameters of the genetic algorithm can achieve optimization and acceleration of the neural network learning process. The function of the neural network and its learning by using the genetic algorithm is demonstrated in a program for solving a computer game. The research focuses mainly on the assessment ...
Journal of Medical Systems, 2013
An improved genetic algorithm procedure is introduced in this work based on the theory of the most highly fit parents (both male and female) are most likely to produce healthiest offspring. It avoids the destruction of near optimal information and promotes further search around the potential region by encouraging the exchange of highly important information among the fittest solution. A novel crossover technique called Segmented Multi-chromosome Crossover is also introduced. It maintains the information contained in gene segments and allows offspring to inherit information from multiple parent chromosomes. The improved GA is applied for the automatic and simultaneous parameter optimization and feature selection of multi-layer perceptron network in medical disease diagnosis. Compared to the previous works, the average accuracy of the proposed algorithm is the best among all algorithms for diabetes and heart dataset, and the second best for cancer dataset.
Cellular Neural Networks Learning using Genetic Algorithm
En este trabajo se propone una alternativa para el aprendizaje de Redes Neuronales Celulares utilizando algoritmo genetico. Con las simulaciones realizadas se observo que es posible encontrar diferentes com- binaciones de matrices de pesos con las que se obtienen los mismos resultados. Se muestran diferentes ejemplos para el procesamiento de imagenes para representar el comportamiento del algoritmo.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
Determination of optimum feed forward artificial neural network (ANN) design and training parameters is an extremely important mission. It is a challenging and daunting task to find an ANN design, which is effective and accurate. This paper presents a new methodology for the optimization of ANN parameters as it introduces a process of training ANN which is effective and less human-dependent. The derived ANN achieves satisfactory performance and solves the timeconsuming task of training process. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been used to optimize training algorithms, network architecture (i.e. number of hidden layer and neurons per layer), activation functions, initial weight, learning rate, momentum rate, and number of iterations. The preliminary result of the proposed approach has indicated that the new methodology can optimize designing and training parameters precisely, and resulting in ANN where satisfactory performance.
Comparative study of biological and artificial neural networks
In this research project, the features of biological and artificial neural networks were studied by reviewing the existing works of authorities in print and electronics on biological and artificial neural networks. The features were then assessed and evaluated and comparative analysis of the two networks was carried out. The metrics such as structures, layers, size and functional capabilities of neurons, learning capabilities, style of computation, processing elements, processing speed, connections, strength, information storage, information transmission, communication media selection, signal transduction and fault tolerance were used as basis for comparison. A major finding in the research showed that artificial neural networks served as the platform for neuro-computing technology and as such a major driver of the development of neuron-like computing system. It was also discovered that Information processing of the future computer systems will greatly be influenced by the adoption of artificial neural network model.