СССР на Международной гигиенической выставке в Дрездене в 1930 г.: здравоохранение как «мягкая сила» (original) (raw)
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Институализация социальной гигиены в Советской России в 1920-1930-х годах в международном контексте
Dalʹnevostočnyj medicinskij žurnal, 2020
This article is devoted to the emergence, development and liquidation of organizations and units of social hygiene in Soviet Russia in 1918–1934, as well as the analysis of this process in the international context. The first social-hygienic institution in the country was the State Museum of Social Hygiene of the People's Commissariat of Health of the Soviet Russia. The first department of social hygiene was organized only in 1922 in the 1st Moscow State University. By the end of the 1920s there were already 18 such departments. In 1929, the country entered a new period of collectivization of agriculture and industrialization of industry. In the early 1930s all social hygiene institutes in the Soviet Russia were gradually liquidated. The institutionalization of social hygiene in Russia began a decade later than in Europe. In our opinion, social hygiene in Russia in the early years of Soviet power was primarily a tool for legitimizing the power of the Bolsheviks and the communist i...
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This article is devoted to the history of the development and critical analysis of the curriculum on social hygiene adopted in Soviet Russia in 1922. An analysis of Russian and translated foreign literature of the first two decades of the 20th century, systematization and generalization of knowledge on the compilation and disclosure of the contents of the Soviet social hygiene program 1922 shows that this program was compiled with a fundamental foundation. The building materials in its compilation ware the knowledge and practical experience of Russian public medicine, knowledge on the compilation of social hygiene and teaching programs in Western countries, the difficult socio economic situation of the post revolutionary country and the poor health of the population
В книге представлены результаты исследования советской помощи странам и регионам зарубежного Востока в области медицины и охраны здоровья в 1920-е – 1940-е гг. Внимание сосредоточено на особенностях политической ситуации в МНР, ТНР, Синьцзяне, Афганистане, Хиджазе и Йемене в межвоенный период, взаимодействии советских медиков с властями и местным населением, воздействии «мягкой силы» советской медицины в гетерогенных политических и культурных условиях. Исследование опирается на обширный корпус архивных источников. Книга адресована историкам, политологам, социологам, врачам и всем интересующимся историей медицины, историей внешней политики России и СССР в азиатском регионе, международными культурными и гуманитарными связями.