The non-proteolytic major house dust mite allergen Der p 2 induce proasthmatic responses in bronchial epithelial cells partly through NF-??B and MAPK pathways (original) (raw)
2007, World Allergy Organization Journal
Aim: To evaluate the efficacity of educational activity from School of Asthma in children with asthma and/or their family. Methods and Materials: In the school of asthma children the specialists have performed educational activities in 172 children with different forms of asthma and their parents. Educational seminars consisted of 5 sessions which approached the following subjects: triggers, asthma symptoms, prophylaxis and asthma medicines. Each session also included individual interrogation of the trained to estimate their knowledge of asthma before and after the education session according to the theme of the working day. The quality of knowledge of some children with asthma and/or their parents was also tested after 3Y12 months and afterwards visits. Results: It was found that the knowledge-of children and parents before the training at the School of Asthma Children was incomplete and incorrect. Children with severe asthma had wrong knowledge about triggers (47,73%), about prophylaxis (52,76%) comparatively with those who suffer of mild asthma (58,06% and 60,76% respectively) and moderate (51,81% and 55,94% respectively). Knowledge of children with mild asthma referring in triggers has grown to 90,77%, of children with moderate asthma to 83,72% and those with severe asthma to 80%. Also was established a growth in knowledge about prophylaxis in all groups of children: mild asthma-83,82%, moderate asthma-85,72%, severe asthma-79,26%. Knowledge of children regarding clinic manifestations constituted: mild asthma-5,5%, moderate asthma-74,79%, severe asthma-78,28%. Knowledge level under the subject "treatment" is the most incomplete in all groups of the questioned persons: mild asthma-37,93%, moderate asthma-36,96%, severe asthma-38,78%. Towards the end of the course they were appreciated as follows: mild asthma-63,17%, moderate asthma-72,67%, severe asthma-73,0%. The average of knowledge in all groups of children after 3Y12 month referring triggers was 79,72%, about prophylaxis 79,01%, regarding clinic manifestations-69,75% and referring treatment-52,44%. For compare, the average of knowledge before educational activity was: referring triggers-52,43%, prophylactic measures-56,32%, clinic manifestations-45,95% and treatment-37,89%. Conclusion: The knowledge of those questioned has little decreased during 3Y12 months, but it remained net superior to the level before the seminars.