Development of Online Learning Models to Improve Digital Literacy Capabilities of Students: a Preliminary Analysis (original) (raw)

Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Internet as Learning Media in Reading Classroom


This study investigated students' perception of using the internet as learning media in reading comprehension skills. This study uses descriptive statistics. The objective of the research was to find out the students' perception of using the internet as learning media in the reading comprehension skill of the English Education Study Program at Baturaja University. The population of this research was 79 students of English Study Program. The researcher only took 54 students as the sample by applying purposive sampling. The data was collected through the questionnaire that consisted of 20 statements. Then the researcher used five points of Likert scale for analyzing the data. The result of this research there agreed (4.03) students had a positive perception of using the internet as learning media in reading comprehension skills. It means that the internet is a facility to improve his proficiency in language skills. So the use internet for English learning makes language learning an easier process by being fun, interactive, and interesting.

Internet Literacy: An Analysis on Its Possibility


As technology emerges so fast and the demands of curriculum to integrate technology and innovation into classrooms, teachers are pushed to penetrate technology and bring the internet to everyday talks with the students. In accordance, using the euphoria of digital natives, students are also pushed to absorb and adjust themselves to growth of technology. In turn, there is no specific course on the use of the internet like the 90s curriculum had in the university level. However, the fact that not so many students bring laptop to campus everyday might indicate that they did not use the internet for learning outside classroom intensively. This study aims at describing how much internet literacy that students have. After analyzing the questionnaire descriptively, it was found that the participants of this study had poor internet literacy, in terms of the use of email, the use of social media, and the use of English in social media. Keywords: internet literacy, descriptive, poor category

Constructing Digital Literacy Instrument and its Effect on College Students' Learning Outcomes

International Journal of Instruction, 2022

This research aims to develop and test the effectiveness of digital literacy instruments on students' learning outcomes. This study is a mixed method that combines survey and pre-experimental research. The survey research was conducted through a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as the research instrument with assessed numerical items. The survey respondents consisted of 318 students from various universities in Indonesia who were taken through cluster random sampling technique. The implementation of the instrument was carried out through a pre-experimental design to 103 students to test the instrument's effectiveness. The confirmatory factor analysis result shows that the model forms three factors, which are factor 1 (communicating digital content), factor 2 (exploring digital content), and factor 3 (creating and using digital content). The result of the goodness of fit model shows that the instrument has met all the criteria with a value of X 2 /df = 1.642 (<3.00), RMSEA = .079 (≤ .08), GFI = .900 (≥ .90), AGFI = .825 (≥ .90), TLI = .939 (≥ .90), and CFI = .951 (≥ .90). Empirically the instrument has good discrimination power so that it can measure students' digital literacy skills at different academic ability levels (Sig. <.05). In addition, the instrument has been effectively used to measure and predict student learning outcomes (R square = .255, Sig. < .05). The instruments' result is relevant to current conditions and can further explore students' digital literacy skills.

The Effect of E-Learning on Students’ Achievement in Universitas Potensi Utama

Journal MELT (Medium for English Language Teaching)

It is believed that internet helps people to do better and faster. It has been used globally in almost every aspects of life. In education, internet is known as the golden key to intelligence, since it offers unlimited resource. It can be learning media in the classroom or while self-learning. Considered as an international language, English is used as main tool of communication on internet. It acts as the language of the instructions and language of the users. It is interesting to analyze its use by students in a developing country like Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is one of the countries with millions internet users. As a result, e-learning becomes an option to deal with teaching learning process, especially for students of English department. By using internet, they can master certain topics and English themselves better. This study is quantitative research using pre-experimental design. It is aimed to analyze the effect of e-learning on achievement of students in Universitas Potensi Utama. The research result of this study was calculated by using Wilcox on test in which pvalue is 0.462 and p> 0.05 which means the Null hypothesis is accepted. So it is concluded that there is no significant difference between e-learning and traditional learning. However, students have positive perceptions on e-learning because they argue that it can make them highly motivated to learn more about the subject.

The effectiveness and challenges of online learning for secondary school students – a case study / Zulaikha Mohd Basar … [et al.]

Universiti Teknologi MARA, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced an immediate implementation of online learning. However, little is known about its effectiveness and challenges faced by the students. Thus, this study is aimed at examining the effectiveness of online learning and the challenges that it presents to pupils' abilities to learn. This study employed a case study design using a survey questionnaire, administered to 99 students from a secondary school in Jasin, Melaka. Data were analysed descriptively (calculation of percentage and frequency). Generally, the findings indicated that the students have computers or smartphones and an internet connection at home. Besides, it was found that that the ability and comfortability to use computers was high (>93%). However, their motivation in online learning was low (41.5%) and ability to work in a group was at a moderate level (66.7%). They also agreed that conventional teaching (face-to-face) was important for their learning (98%). These findings are valuable for the government, school administrators, teachers and parents to acknowledge the importance of wellequipped facilities and a stable internet connection for effective learning. However, it is recommended for future researchers to utilize a larger sample size and students from various backgrounds to better understand this issue.

An Investigation of Problems Experienced Through Online Education and Measuring Digital Literacy: An Exploratory Study of Turkish Masters’ Degree and PHD Students


Coronavirus has changed the habits of all over the world deeply. This transformation has profoundly affected the way of the education system. Closing schools and universities carried education to online platforms. My university has also been using a new online education platform. Naturally, my students have been facing some problems during my lessons. I targeted to explore what kinds of problems have been experienced. My second aim of this exploratory research is to measure my students’ digital literacy levels. The findings of my research showed that the learners were mostly facing problems such as internet connection, losing concentration, and social interaction. Furthermore, their digital literacy sub-scales were found as very good and good, but they have a problem with one side of digital literacy. Article visualizations:

L. Makkar, Abeer Alsadoon , P.W.C. Prasad , A. Elchouemi, " Impact of e-Learning on Students: A Proposal and Evaluation of Enhanced E-Learning Model to Increase The Academic Performance of University Studies," (ICDIPC), p. 87 -92, Lebanon, 2016.

E-Learning has become an important means of gaining education/knowledge with the help of electronic media, typically on the Internet. This research paper identifies and analyses the impacts of e-learning on the academic performance of students. It also identifies existing solutions to address the impacts. In addition it proposes an enhanced e-learning model by selecting two best solutions. Finally evaluates the new model. The method of evaluation was based on conducting a survey to around 50 students 3 different universities overseas and here in Australia. The result of the analysis showed that the majority of the students had positive perceptions of the proposed model with regard to its impact on student's academic performance. Furthermore steps were taken to improve the proposed model accordingly by focusing on considering the major factors involved, minimizing the drawbacks.

İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Bölümü Öğretmen Adaylarının Web 2.0 Araçlarıyla Alternatif Değerlendirme Yöntemlerinin Uygulanmasına Karşı Tutumları: Devlet Üniversitesinde Bir Durum Çalışması


This study aimed at learning the participants’ perceptions of computer-assisted language learning, online extensive reading and vocabulary learning through online extensive reading before and after an online extensive reading program. Besides, in the study to what extent the program helped the participants develop their vocabulary incidentally was investigated. The study was performed at TÖMER, Gazi University, and 50 English as a foreign language learners took place in the study. To get data on the students’ perceptions, two questionnaires (before and after the online extensive reading program) were administered. Also, to see if the program helped the students develop their vocabulary, a vocabulary test including frequently used vocabulary items in the books was applied to the students before and after the program. The findings showed that before the program the perceptions of the students were positive on computer-assisted language learning, online extensive reading and vocabulary...

Web-based Learning: Characteristics, Practices, Challenges and Recommendations


The present research attempts an overview of web-based learning (WBL/online) technologies and a description of their status of understanding, in the literature. The paper also tries to explain it can be adapted for various online education environments. The paper has also touched on the foundations of design, advantages, and obstacles of evaluation in online learning. The best practices and feedback of learners and educators have also been touched upon in the present review of literature. Due to swift advances in technology today, the research points to the fact that institutions are in need of being acquainted with the fast emerging tools every now and then. There is a continuous need for digital literacy as a key skill for instructors who are committed to quality online learning, and developing individuals’ ICT knowledge is an urgent need for WBL. Educational institutions also need to provide opportunities and maintain these crucial skills. WBL also needs to cultivate constructivi...

Evaluation of Web-based Learning and Its Implications

Jjournal on Innovations in Teaching and Learning, 2023

Web based Learning often Also known as online learning or e-learning. Because it includes online course content. Because it is online Includes course content. All of the live lectures Possible through the Internet. Web-based course such as printed course materials can also provide static pages. Not involving active learning among students Traditional learning to be improved. So, in the twenty-first century, In the learning environment Development of Internet Technology Has become a core need of every student. One of the learning contexts of the teaching and learning process Web-based learning environment to meet needs. The students in this study are web-based Address learning needs; Characteristics of the learning environment its purpose is to identify.