Structure for the practice of physical activities in Brazilian schools, Human Development Index and Basic Education Development Index: contributions to the Report Card Brazil (original) (raw)

2021, Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano

The purpose of this study was to identify structures for the practice of physical activities (PA) in Brazilian Schools and relate them to the Human Development Index (HDI), Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) and quality indicators from the Report Card Brazil (RCB). This is a descriptive study that used secondary data from INEP-Brazil to identify and classify structures for the practice of PA in Brazilian schools based on the presence of "schoolyards", "sports courts" and "sporting materials", organized by elementary and high schools. Data were organized by Macroeconomic Region and related to HDI, IDEB and Report Card Brazil Quality Classification Criteria. Thus, for "Elementary School", positive and significant relationship was observed between HDI and the presence of "schoolyards" (r=0.53; p=0.004), "sports courts" (r=0.855; p<0, 01) and "sporting materials"(r=0.764; p<0.01), while for IDEB, values followed the same logic, associated to the presence of "schoolyards" (r=0.475; p=0.01), "sports courts" (r=0.676; p<0.01) and "sporting materials" (r=0.535; p<0.01). For "High School", relationship was observed between HDI and the presence of "sports courts" (r=0.517; p<0.01) and "sporting materials" (r=0.499; p<0.01), while for IDEB, relationship was only observed with the presence of "sporting materials" (r=0.508; p<0.01). It could be concluded that the Northern and Northeastern regions of Brazil have schools with lower presence of structure for the practice of Physical Activity and that there is positive relationship of this structure with HDI, IDEB and quality indicators of the Report Card Brazil.