The role of clay content and mineral surface area for soil organic carbon storage in an arable toposequence (original) (raw)

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Submicron structures provide preferential spots for carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils Cover Page

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Subsoil organo-mineral associations under contrasting climate conditions Cover Page

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Microscale soil structures foster organic matter stabilization in permafrost soils Cover Page

Soil organic carbon under lockdown: Fresh plant litter as the nucleus for persistent carbon


The largest terrestrial organic carbon pool, carbon in soils, is regulated by the intricate connection between plant carbon inputs, microbial activity, and soil matrix. This is manifested by how microorganisms, the key players in transforming plant-derived carbon into soil organic carbon, are controlled by the physical arrangement of organic and inorganic soil particles. We studied the role of soil structure on the fate of litter-derived organic matter and we propose that the persistence of soil carbon pools is directly determined at plant–soil interfaces. We show that while microbial activity and fungal growth is controlled by soil structure, occlusion of organic matter into aggregates and formation of organo-mineral associations occur in concert on litter surfaces regardless of soil structure. These two mechanisms—the two most prominent processes contributing to the persistence of organic matter—occur directly at fresh litter that constitutes a key nucleus in the build-up of soil ...

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Soil organic carbon under lockdown: Fresh plant litter as the nucleus for persistent carbon Cover Page

Rapid soil formation after glacial retreat shaped by spatial patterns of organic matter accrual in microaggregates

Global change biology, 2018

Global change contributes to the retreat of glaciers at unprecedented rates. The deglaciation facilitates biogeochemical processes on glacial deposits with initiating soil formation as an important driver of evolving ecosystems. The underlying mechanisms of soil formation and the association of soil organic matter (SOM) with mineral particles remain unclear, although further insights are critical to understand carbon sequestration in soils. We investigated the microspatial arrangement of SOM coatings at intact soil microaggregate structures during various stages of ecosystem development from 15 to >700 years after deglaciation in the proglacial environment of the Damma glacier (Switzerland). The functionally important clay-sized fraction (<2 μm) was separated into two density fractions with different amounts of organo-mineral associations: light (1.6-2.2 g/cm) and heavy (>2.2 g/cm). To quantify how SOM extends across the surface of mineral particles (coverage) and whether S...

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Rapid soil formation after glacial retreat shaped by spatial patterns of organic matter accrual in microaggregates Cover Page

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Bodenkunde Microstructures generated by the mineral phase determine the fate of organic carbon and nitrogen in soil Cover Page

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Nano-scale investigation of the association of microbial nitrogen residues with iron (hydr)oxides in a forest soil O-horizon Cover Page

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Higher Long-Term Soil Moisture Increases Organic Carbon Accrual Through Microbial Conversion of Organic Inputs Cover Page

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Organic carbon fractional distribution and saturation in tropical soils of West African savannas with contrasting mineral composition Cover Page

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Soil organic matter fractionation as a tool for predicting nitrogen mineralization in silty arable soils Cover Page