Aproximación de la violencia a los niños por enfermeras en la atención primaria (original) (raw)
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Primary care nurses' approach to cases of violence against children
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2013
In Primary Care, the field of nursing comes face-to-face with the complexity of violence, leading these professionals to constantly re-evaluate their habitus. OBJECTIVE: to analyze how cases of violence against children and adolescents are approached by primary care nurses, identifying limits and possibilities for dealing with these cases. METHOD: a qualitative study, undertaken in 2011, through semi-structured interviews with 8 out of 48 nurses in the Family Health teams in the city of Uberaba in the state of Minas Gerais, the analysis of which followed the interpretation of meanings, based in dialectical hermeneutics. RESULTS: the following stand out: non-identification of violence as a problem for the nurses; denunciations and notifications as a role of the nurses; and the limits found in the face of violence. CONCLUSION: it is determined that the habitus of nursing directed at health promotion and prevention of violence must be restructured, overcoming the biomedical paradigm an...
Abordagem dos casos de violência à criança pela enfermagem na atenção básica
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, 2013
In Primary Care, the field of nursing comes face-to-face with the complexity of violence, leading these professionals to constantly re-evaluate their habitus. Objective: to analyze how cases of violence against children and adolescents are approached by primary care nurses, identifying limits and possibilities for dealing with these cases. Method: a qualitative study, undertaken in 2011, through semi-structured interviews with 8 out of 48 nurses in the Family Health teams in the city of Uberaba in the state of Minas Gerais, the analysis of which followed the interpretation of meanings, based in dialectical hermeneutics. Results: the following stand out: non-identification of violence as a problem for the nurses; denunciations and notifications as a role of the nurses; and the limits found in the face of violence. Conclusion: it is determined that the habitus of nursing directed at health promotion and prevention of violence must be restructured, overcoming the biomedical paradigm and involving intersectorial and multidisciplinary actions.
Violence against children and adolescents: nurse’s actions in primary health care
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
Objectives: to analyze the role of nurses in suspected or confirmed cases of violence against children and adolescents in Primary Health Care. Methods: an analytical research, with a qualitative approach. Thirty nurses participated in the study, and data were collected by means of an individual form and a semi-structured interview. The data received lexicographic analysis by the software IRaMuTeQ (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires) organized by Bardin’s content analysis. Results: five categories emerged, in which it was possible to consider that the nurses’ approach in cases of violence was based on the identification of violence through physical examination during nursing consultations, health promotion actions in the school environment, request for support from the multi-professional team, and transfer of responsibilities. Final Considerations: it is inferred that the fragility in the professional training of nurses to address sit...
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2014
Objectives: to discuss the factors that are still hampering and impairing the notification process and to highlight nurses' role in the process. Method: reflexive study from review of the literature consulting scientific articles in the LILACS database and SciElo virtual library. Results: the results show the barriers faced by health professionals for the notification of intra-family violence against children and adolescents and the actions taken by nurses in cases of intra-family violence against children and adolescents. Conclusion: notification of intra-family violence against children and adolescents is justified not only by its legal requirement, but mainly because it is an ethical issue, which involves persons in situation of vulnerability coping with violence silently by failing to get free from the relationship of domination suffered. Descriptors: Domestic violence; Nursing; Defense of children and adolescents. RESUMO Objetivos: discutir os fatores que ainda têm dificultado e comprometido o processo de notificação e destacar a atuação das enfermeiras nesse processo. Método: estudo reflexivo, a partir de revisão da literatura na qual foram consultados artigos científicos nas bases de dados LILACS e na biblioteca virtual SciElo. Resultados: apresentam-se, inicialmente, as barreiras enfrentadas pelos profissionais de saúde para a notificação da violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes e, a seguir, as ações desenvolvidas pelas enfermeiras nos casos de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes. Conclusão: a notificação da violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes justifica-se não apenas por sua exigência legal, mas, principalmente, por tratar-se de uma questão ética, que envolve pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade e que suportam a violência silenciosamente por não conseguirem se desvencilhar da relação de dominação sofrida. Descritores: Violência doméstica; Enfermagem; Defesa da Criança e do Adolescente. RESUMEN Objetivos: discutir los factores que aún dificultan y comprometen el proceso de notificación y resaltar la actuación de las enfermeras en el proceso. Método: estudio reflexivo a partir de revisión de la literatura en la cual fueron consultados artículos científicos en las bases de datos LILACS y la biblioteca virtual SciElo. Resultados: primeramente son presentadas las barreras que enfrentan los profesionales de la salud para la notificación de la violencia intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes y, a seguir, las acciones tomadas por las enfermeras en casos de violencia intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes. Conclusión: la notificación de la violencia intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes se justifica no sólo por su requisito legal, mas principalmente porque es una cuestión ética, que involucra a personas en situación de vulnerabilidad y que
Reporting child violence, health care flows and work process of primary health care professionals
Ciencia & saude coletiva, 2018
This study aimed to analyze the flows of the network of children's protection against violence regarding reporting and decisions made. This is a qualitative research based on the Theory of Praxis Interpretation of Community Health Nursing - TIPESC, proposed by Egry, which seeks nursing intervention through a dynamic and participative methodology. Data were collected through official documents and interviews with Primary Health Care professionals in three health facilities of a Brazilian city and analyzed through Dialectical Hermeneutics and the Flowchart Analyzing the Care Model of a Health Service. Results point to the difficulties and weaknesses of the care network in addressing issues, the need for intersectoral actions and the training of professionals to deal with situations of violence. In conclusion, strategies must be adopted to increase the capacity of monitoring and follow-up of reported cases, to provide qualified training of workers and organize the health network, w...
Nursing care for child/adolescent victims of violence: integrative review
Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online, 2020
Objetivo: Desvelar a produção acerca da assistência de enfermagem prestada às crianças/adolescentes vítimas de violência. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão sistematizada realizada com consulta nas bases de dados: LILACS, Scielo e BDENF. Foram selecionados 19 artigos para compor este trabalho. A análise de dados deu-se por meio da proposta de Mendes, Silveira e Galvão. Resultados: Os dados foram discutidos através dos tópicos: despreparo dos profissionais frente aos casos de violência infantil; sentimentos dos profissionais envolvidos no cuidado à criança/adolescente vítima de violência; notificação, protocolos e rotinas na assistência à criança/adolescente vítima de violência; estratégias de assistência à criança/adolescente vítima de violência. Conclusão: Os profissionais de enfermagem não se sentem preparados para atuarem frente aos casos de violência infantil. Identificou-se a necessidade de protocolos assistenciais que respaldem a assistência profissional. Ademais, é importante o...
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2008
The present study sought to understand the conceptions held by health professionals with regards to violence within the family against children and adolescents. Qualitative case-study methodology and techniques of participant observation, interviewing, and search in documents were used. Participants were staffed in a government-run Family Health Basic Unit in Brazil. Health professionals were found to associate violence with the economic, social, and political juncture and with cultural aspects; for some, violent acts are part of the intergenerational cycle and family dynamics. Physical punishment, considered as violence by some, is advocated as an educational measure by others. Participants also base their definition of violence on an a priori construction of subjects as either victims or aggressors, thus missing the relational dimension of the phenomenon. Health professionals were found to have difficulty in understanding violence in the context that gives it a meaning and to reco...
The violence against women is defined as any act or omission that causes injury, death, physical, sexual, psychological suffering, property or moral damage. Welcoming these demands and providing assistance to these patients is part of the health rights proposed by the Unified Health System (SUS), since this issue is considered a serious public health problem. The study aimed to highlight the role of nurses in welcoming victims of violence against women. This article is characterized as a systematic literature review. 17 scientific articles found in the databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Academic Google, Conference Annals, specialized journals and other data used in this work were taken from United Nations (UN) websites - Women, Pan Americana de Saúde (PAHO) – Brazil and the State Department of Public Security of the Federal District (SESP/DF). The terms used to search for these works and data were: gender violence, violence, nursing care for victims and domestic violence. The work was carried out from February to May 2020. Data on violence against women in the Federal District showed an increase of 73% in cases of femicide from 2016 to 2019 and also an increase in cases of domestic and sexual violence. The violence suffered by the simple fact of being a woman, regardless of her characteristics, is the product of a social system that subordinates the female sex. It was observed that such events are more favorable in underdeveloped countries, concluding that it is necessary to strengthen policies to eradicate all types of violence against women, offering an efficient multidisciplinary support network.
Objective: to investigate the nurses' practice regarding sexual violence against women. Methods: quantitative cross-sectional research conducted with 27 nurses in six Primary Care Units from each of the health districts of a city in the countryside of the Northeast Region of Brazil. Data collection took place from October to November 2011 through a questionnaire. Results: among the respondents, 96.3% recognized that it is their role to investigate it; 22.2% of nurses questioned their patients about the violence; 85.1% treated suspected and/or confirmed cases; and 15.8% used some protocol during the service. Only 18.5% felt able to treat cases of sexual violence. Conclusion: there were difficulties for the referral of cases and treatment recommendations. Thus, in-service training and dissemination of educational/informative material are mandatory. Descriptors: Sexual Violence; Violence Against Women; Nursing; Women's Health. Objetivo: investigar a prática dos enfermeiros ac...
Nurse’s Management of Workplace Violence Situations in the Family Health Strategy
Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem
Objectives: to identify situations of violence in the daily work of the health professionals of the Family Health Strategy and to describe the conducts adopted by these professionals in relation to the situations of violence identified. Method: a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study whose scenario was a Family Clinic of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Eighteen health professionals participated. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and subjected to content analysis. Results: three thematic categories emerged: Situations of workplace violence in the Family Health Strategy; Consequences of workplace violence on the Family Health Strategy; The nurse's role as leader of the Family Health Team and the strategies adopted in the face of workplace violence. Conclusions: situations of interpersonal violence and collective violence were identified, exemplified by the contact with armed violence in the territory, racial discrimination, peer violence and violence suffe...