Developing English writing instructional materials for second year university students of English Department (original) (raw)
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This research aims to: (1) develop English writing instructional materials that are appropriate for second year students of the English Department, Champasak University. This research and developmental study referred to the model suggested by Jolly and Bolitho (1998). The developmental design was grouped into six developmental procedure, consisting of: (a) identification, (b) exploration, (c) contextual realization, (e) pedagogical realization, (d) physical production, and (f) use and evaluation. The limited try-out subject consisted of 30 students of English Department. The data were collected using an interview guide and questionnaires for materials evaluation. The data were analysed using the scoring category of materials evaluation (Wagiran,2015). The results of needs analysis show that students need to learn about (1) writing process, (2) types of texts, (3) types of letters, and (4) cultures around them. The research finding reveals that the English writing instructional mater...
Students’ Needs to Develop English Writing Materials
Lingua Cultura
This research explored sophomore students’ needs in learning English writing at the Faculty of Education for Language and Arts, IKIP Mataram. To achieve this purpose, classroom observation, questionnaire, and documentation were conducted to collect data. Data were then analyzed descriptively, and triangulation of data analysis was also carried out. Based on the result of the questionnaire survey, the findings show that the students’ proficiency level is at the elementary level. Moreover, the students’ needs in learning writing include picture-enriched materials, academic writing, tourism-related topics, cooperative learning in use, and theories-driven writing materials. The findings are used as foundation knowledge to develop writing materials for students.
The objectives of the study are to describe the process of teaching writing at the second semester of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2014/ 2015 academic year and describe the problems faced by the teacher in teaching writing process. In this research,there are five components of teaching learning process that the writer analyze, such as: (1) Learning Objective. (2) The Syllabus. (3) The Material. (4) The Media. (5) The Technique and the problems faced by the teacher. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are taken from observation, interview, and document. In collecting the data, the writer employs observation and interview. The technique for analyzing data is data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of this study are: (1) Learning Objective of writing to make ths students able to develop paragraph and apply coherent and cohesion in making paragraph. (2) The type of syllabus is task based syllabus....
The study is aimed at observing the instructional desgin for teaching writing at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. In this research, there are nine component of instructional design, namely: (1) learning objective. (2) syllabus. (3)roles of instructional material. (4) classroom procedure. (5) classroom technique (6) teacher’s role. (7) learner’s role. (8) media. (9) assessmentmodel. The type of the study is descriptive qualitative. In this research, the data are devired from event, informant, and field note. There are three techniques of collecting data, namely: observation, interview, and document. The techniques of analyzing data are data reduction, data display, and verification/conclusion. The result of the study, such as: (1) There are two learning objective of teaching writing espesially in teaching writing namely: general objective and specific objective. In general learning objective based on competence standard is taken from syllabus. In specific learning objective of t...
This study aims to 1) identity the technique used by the lecturer in teaching writing, 2) describe the procedure applied in teaching writing, 3) find the media in teaching writing, and 4) know the aspect of assessment to the result of the learner’s writing assignment to prospective students Writing IV at UMS. This research is classified as descriptive qualitative research. The object of this study is the process of teaching writing to prospective teacher at the fourth semester of English Education Department UMS consisting of technique used, procedures used, media usage, and the lecturer’s assessment. The data were collected from informant, event, and document. The techniques for collecting data were observation, interview, and documentation. To analyse the data,the researcher used interactive techniques comprising of data reduction, data description, and conclusion then verification. It was found that 1) the techniques used in teaching writing IV were real writing, brainstorming, e...
Students’ Needs for Academic Writing at the English Education Department
English Language Teaching Educational Journal
There are some demand and facts on English teching and learning that made the research conducted. They are the teaching and learning in the academic writing class, the feedback from lecturers on the students language performance, the students’ weaknesses in writing, the students’ expectation for the materials, and the requirement on publishing scientific articles. The study, then, reveals the students’ needs for academic writing at the English Education Department of Ahmad Dahlan University and their problems in academic writing. The aspects investigated were teaching materials, learning activities, skills and learning resources. The data were obtained by a questionnaire to describe whether the stated items very interesting/very important – not very interesting/not very important. The number of population is 370. Krejcie and Morgan table was referred for the sample. An open question was responded to enable respondents to share more feedback on their academic writing skills and probl...
English Academic Writing for The Students of Widya Dharma University of Klaten
English is an important that must be learn by the students in this time. Learning English in every skill is basic for the students to be mastery. Here, Writing is one of the main skill in learning English which is conclude on productive skill in the ability of producing language. In the university, writing has the important role in mastering the complete skill of learning English especially in academic writing level. It has an aim that the students could write at least the paper in English. In the process of teaching and learning, it is found that the writing skill of the students was not satisfying. This research is described the problems faced by the students in mastering academic English writing in English education program of Widya Dharma University of Klaten. In this research, the problems faced by the students is on the English vocabulary and the grammatical used in the sentences.
The required instructional material should be designed based on students' needs. This study is intended toidentify 1) material design and organization,2)language content, and 3) method and techniqueof the writing skill instructional material context for academic purposes which appropriate with students'characteristics and their situationrelated to the need of writing skills for academic purposes at non-English education study programs of STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. The descriptive survey was used in identifying its' material context through questionnaire, semi-structured interview and non-participant observation. The respondents were non-English education study programs students duringthe fifth semester in academicyear of 2016-2017.The result showed that 1) It is required to have clear and easily understandable writing instructional material for academic purposes; 2) The required language content is related to a)rhetorical-functional (descriptive, narrative, classifying and identifying); b) academic genres, in the forms of essay and report; c)writing process; d) summarizing; e) paraphrasing; 3) The method and techniques which are applied to instructional material must empower thestudents to practice a lot through communicative and applicative activities. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that need analysis should be the starting point in designing the instructional material, due to it is a process to determine students' needs according to their wants, lacks, and necessities.
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), 2020
This research aimed to develop an appropriate module based on the writing needs of the learners. The author took the fourth-semester learners of the English Department at the State Islamic Institute of Palopo in the academic year 2018/2019. The author involved 40 learners as her participants. The method of the research was Research and Development. The author used the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model consisted of five stages, namely analysis, design, develop, implementation and evaluation. The instruments of the research were questionnaires and documents. The data were analyzed quantitatively qualitatively. The results of the content, the design, and the media experts validation showed that the module got good and very good category. The writing I module quality based on the learners’ response in the field try-out showed that 75% of learners very agree and 25% of learners agree with the materials presented in the module. The result of this research hopefully gives a contribution to some...
This study talks about the importance of learning better writing skills and the challenges faced by English students at Samtah College, Jizan University. It discusses the main reasons behind the problems and gives a few remedies to the students, if they want to write in English successfully and want to promote their communicative competence. Writing is one of the very important communicative skills, there is no doubt that it is a very complex process. The difficulties faced by the students in mastering this skill are discussed in this article. If students are not able to write well it could lead to a major drawback in their performance in college as well as in their career after completing their education. They have to learn the art of error-free writing to excel at academic and professional levels. This study is learner-centered in which the problems faced by students, the reasons behind them, and their solutions are discussed. Writing is not just a talent that is the exclusive domain of those good at English. It is a skill, which can be taught, practised, and mastered like any other skill.