Beamforming for Simultaneous Energy and Information Transfer and Physical-Layer Secrecy (original) (raw)

Robust Energy Efficient Beamforming in MISOME-SWIPT Systems With Proportional Secrecy Rate

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

The joint design of beamforming vector and artificial noise covariance matrix is investigated for the multipleinput-single-output-multiple-eavesdropper simultaneous wireless information and power transferring (MISOME-SWIPT) systems. In the MISOME-SWIPT system, the base station delivers information signals to the legitimate user equipments and broadcasts jamming signals to the eavesdroppers. A secrecy energy efficiency (SEE) maximization problem is formulated for the considered MISOME-SWIPT system with imperfect channel state information, where the SEE is defined as the ratio of sum secrecy rate over total power consumption. Since the formulated SEE maximization problem is non-convex, it is first recast into a series of convex problems in order to obtain the optimal solution with a reasonable computational complexity. Two suboptimal solutions are also proposed based on the heuristic beamforming techniques that trade performance for computational complexity. In addition, the analysis of computational complexity is performed for the optimal and suboptimal solutions. Numerical results are used to verify the performance of proposed algorithms and to reveal practical insights.

Physical-Layer Security via Distributed Beamforming in the Presence of Adversaries with Unknown Locations

ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

We study the problem of securely communicating a sequence of information bits with a client in the presence of multiple adversaries at unknown locations in the environment. We assume that the client and the adversaries are located in the far-field region, and all possible directions for each adversary can be expressed as a continuous interval of directions. In such a setting, we develop a periodic transmission strategy, i.e., a sequence of joint beamforming gain and artificial noise pairs, that prevents the adversaries from decreasing their uncertainty on the information sequence by eavesdropping on the transmission. We formulate a series of nonconvex semi-infinite optimization problems to synthesize the transmission strategy. We show that the semi-definite program (SDP) relaxations of these nonconvex problems are exact under an efficiently verifiable sufficient condition. We approximate the SDP relaxations, which are subject to infinitely many constraints, by randomly sampling a finite subset of the constraints and establish the probability with which optimal solutions to the obtained finite SDPs and the semi-infinite SDPs coincide. We demonstrate with numerical simulations that the proposed periodic strategy can ensure the security of communication in scenarios in which all stationary strategies fail to guarantee security.

Secure Beamforming for MIMO Broadcasting With Wireless Information and Power Transfer

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2015

This paper considers a basic MIMO information-energy broadcast system, where a multi-antenna transmitter transmits information and energy simultaneously to a multi-antenna information receiver and a dual-functional multi-antenna energy receiver which is also capable of decoding information. Due to the open nature of wireless medium and the dual purpose of information and energy transmission, secure information transmission while ensuring efficient energy harvesting is a critical issue for such a broadcast system. Assuming that physical layer security techniques are adopted for secure transmission, we study beamforming design to maximize the achievable secrecy rate subject to a total power constraint and an energy harvesting constraint. First, based on semidefinite relaxation, we propose global optimal solutions to the secrecy rate maximization (SRM) problem in the single-stream case and a specific fullstream case. Then, we propose inexact block coordinate descent (IBCD) algorithm to tackle the SRM problem of general case with arbitrary number of streams. We proves that the IBCD algorithm can monotonically converge to a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) solution to the SRM problem. Furthermore, we extend the IBCD algorithm to the joint beamforming and artificial noise design problem. Finally, simulations are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed beamforming algorithms.

Robust Beamforming for Secure Communication in Systems With Wireless Information and Power Transfer

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2014

This paper considers a multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) downlink system with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer. In particular, we focus on secure communication in the presence of passive eavesdroppers and potential eavesdroppers (idle legitimate receivers). We study the design of a resource allocation algorithm minimizing the total transmit power for the case when the legitimate receivers are able to harvest energy from radio frequency signals. Our design advocates the dual use of both artificial noise and energy signals in providing secure communication and facilitating efficient wireless energy transfer. The algorithm design is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem. The problem formulation takes into account artificial noise and energy signal generation for protecting the transmitted information against both considered types of eavesdroppers when imperfect channel state information (CSI) of the potential eavesdroppers and no CSI of the passive eavesdroppers are available at the transmitter. Besides, the problem formulation also takes into account different quality of service (QoS) requirements: a minimum required signal-tointerference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the desired receiver; maximum tolerable SINRs at the potential eavesdroppers; a minimum required outage probability at the passive eavesdroppers; and minimum required heterogeneous amounts of power transferred to the idle legitimate receivers. In light of the intractability of the problem, we reformulate the considered problem by replacing a non-convex probabilistic constraint with a convex deterministic constraint. Then, a semi-definite programming (SDP) relaxation approach is adopted to obtain the optimal solution for the reformulated problem. Furthermore, we propose a suboptimal resource allocation scheme with low computational complexity for providing communication secrecy and facilitating efficient energy transfer. Simulation results demonstrate the close-tooptimal performance of the proposed schemes and significant transmit power savings by optimization of the artificial noise and energy signal generation.

Secret-Focus: A Practical Physical Layer Secret Communication System by Perturbing Focused Phases in Distributed Beamforming

IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications

Ensuring confidentiality of communication is fundamental to securing the operation of a wireless system, where eavesdropping is easily facilitated by the broadcast nature of the wireless medium. By applying distributed beamforming among a coalition, we show that a new approach for assuring physical layer secrecy, without requiring any knowledge about the eavesdropper or injecting any additional cover noise, is possible if the transmitters frequently perturb their phases around the proper alignment phase while transmitting messages. This approach is readily applied to amplitude-based modulation schemes, such as PAM or QAM. We present our secrecy mechanisms, prove several important secrecy properties, and develop a practical secret communication system design. We further implement and deploy a prototype that consists of 16 distributed transmitters using USRP N210s in a 20 × 20 × 3 m 3 area. By sending more than 160M bits over our system to the receiver, depending on system parameter settings, we measure that the eavesdroppers failed to decode 30% − 60% of the bits cross multiple locations while the intended receiver has an estimated bit error ratio of 3 × 10 −6 .

A High Data Rate Wireless Communication System with Improved Secrecy: Full Duplex Beamforming

IEEE Communications Letters, 2000

We formulate a joint beamforming vector and power optimization problem for multi-antenna full duplex transmission systems and show that simultaneous transmissions of information bearing signals of legitimate nodes can be optimized to act as artificial noise against eavesdroppers. The proposed system improves the overall throughput, while maintaining secrecy and QoS levels within desired signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio bounds, without additional power, as verified via simulations.

Secure Wireless Communications Based On Antenna Array Elements

Configuration of antenna array system to offer directional dependent modulation has the capability of enhancing the security level of data transmission against eavesdroppers' attacks. In this paper, Frequency diverse array (FDA) antenna for physical-layer security in wireless communications has been proposed. The proposed method provide a range and angle dependent directional modulation scheme using FDA with frequency increments to improve physical-layer security point-to-point communications. It maintains the objective of changing the progressive phase shifts at each symbol transmission. Thus the emitted pattern at each symbol transmission period will be range and angle dependent. Consequently, the proposed method offers a robust physical-layer security for wireless transmission, as the transmitted signal will be deliberately distorted along the undesired positions, but can be successfully decoded by the intended receiver position. Numerical results are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

3D Beamforming With Massive Cylindrical Arrays for Physical Layer Secure Data Transmission

IEEE Communications Letters, 2019

In this paper, a novel approach for physical layer security is implemented using massive cylindrical antenna arrays. Part of the arrays are used for transmitting a signal reliably from source to destination using highly directive beams. At the same time, the remaining part can be used to mitigate eavesdropping by transmitting a jamming signal through another directive beam towards the eavesdropper. In addition, cylindrical arrays can mitigate the impact of malicious jamming by placing a null in the array pattern at the destination in the direction of the jammer. Results show that the proposed approach can lead to good jamming mitigation and high secrecy capacity in both 2D and 3D, even when there are errors in determining the location of the eavesdropper.

Secure Transmission With Multiple Antennas I: The MISOME Wiretap Channel

—The role of multiple antennas for secure communication is investigated within the framework of Wyner's wiretap channel. We characterize the secrecy capacity in terms of generalized eigenvalues when the sender and eavesdropper have multiple antennas, the intended receiver has a single antenna, and the channel matrices are fixed and known to all the terminals, and show that a beamforming strategy is capacity-achieving. In addition , we study a masked beamforming scheme that radiates power isotropically in all directions and show that it attains near-optimal performance in the high SNR regime. Insights into the scaling behavior of the capacity in the large antenna regime as well as extensions to ergodic fading channels are also provided.