Zigmunde, Alīda (2019), Ernst Nauck (1819–1875). The First Director of Riga Polytechnicum, Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 192 pp., ISBN 978-9934-22-360-0 (print); ISBN 978-9934-22-361-7 (pdf) (original) (raw)
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Architecture and Urban Planning
In the mid-19th century, European countries underwent significant changes in their economies. To a large extent they were facilitated by the development of railways. The ability to transport goods quickly and cheaply by land facilitated industrial development and urban growth. The growing needs of the economy created the need for educated specialists who could successfully meet the increasing demands. Riga was not an exception in these processes. A decision inspired by local entrepreneurs was made to educate specialists locally instead of attracting them from other countries. Established in 1862, the Riga Polytechnic was the first institution of higher technical education in the Baltic region. Already in the first decade of its operation, the Department of Architecture (DA) was opened. This study is aimed at identifying and evaluating the circumstances that impacted the formation of architectural education in Riga and estimating the contribution of DA graduates to the urban landscap...
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The goals of this article are: 1) to examine the factors that formed the group of Lithuanian engineers compared with the case of Soviet Latvia, and to show what reasons determined the interests of the related historical geopolitical, republic government and institutions of higher education; and 2) to show the significance of training ‘excess’ Lithuanian engineers in the Soviet Lithuanian government’s policy of korenizatsiya (the promotion of members of the titular nation for their careers). The article states that the system that formed in Soviet Lithuania due to the historical geopolitical circumstances, albeit briefly, whereby two universities, in Vilnius and Kaunas, existed until 1950, was exceptionally favourable for the korenizatsiya of specialists compared to other Soviet republics, and the education of titular nation engineers. The ‘excess’ contingent of engineers trained in the republic’s institutions of higher education formed the basis of Lithuanian specialists that allowe...
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29th Baltic Conference on the History of Science in Vilnius
Vilnius University Proceedings
Welcome to the 29th Baltic Conference on the History of Science. This conference carries on the tradition of rotating conferences in the Baltic countries (now including Finland) which was begun in the summer of 1958. This year it is part of Vilnius University’s celebration of its 440th anniversary, and thus the theme Science and the University. The lectures in our plenary session will explore in greater depth the founding during the interwar period of the major national universities in the Baltic States and Finland. The presentations in our general sessions are divided into five sections: medicine, biological sciences, physical sciences, science and technology, and philosophy. In addition to presenters from the Baltic States and Finland, there will be representatives from Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the United States. I would like to thank the members of the organizing and local arrangements committees for their help, and especially Birutė Railienė, the secretary-treasurer of the Li...
Proceedings of the 59th international scientific conference of Daugavpils University, 2017
Women in the process of study: example of female students of the University of Latvia (1919-1920) Key words: female student, University of Latvia, study process, interwar period, women's traditional role Paper, based on documents of Latvia State History Archive, examines female students of the University of Latvia (who started study in 1919/1920) in the process of study. The aim of the paper is to analyse women's study process in such aspects as study choice, pace, progress and difficulties of study. Female student with establishment of the University of Latvia in September 1919 was a new phenomenon in Latvia where society still largely was patriarchal. During the first year of the University of Latvia one can observe positive attitude toward female studentswhich quickly changes. Female students' example allows to analyse women's role in the Latvian society. In general women's choices of studies was determined by tradition, family influence, economic and social circumstances. However, by examining -individual cases we can observe real situation in women's everyday life. Significant number of female students were excluded because of failing to fulfil financial and course obligations. Less than half of female students could graduate University with diploma.
Tiltai, 2014
The aim of this study is to seek answers to the following questions: 1) How has the formation and development of the history of education interacted with teacher training in universities? 2) How did the Iron Curtain influence the development of the history of education in Latvia and how can the consequences of Soviet era in the history of education be overcome? 3) What kind of history of education is suitable for teacher training programmes today? These questions are researched based on the analysis of the history of pedagogy as a course in Latvian and Belgian universities. KEY WORDS: history of pedagogy, revisionism in the history of pedagogy, "new" history of education, teacher training, study process in universities, comparative approach, Iron Curtain. Anotacija Moksliniu tyrimu siekiama atsakyti į klausimus, kaip švietimo istorijos formavimasis ir raida sąveikavo su mokytojų rengimu universitetuose; kaip geležinė uždanga paveikė švietimo istorijos raidą Latvijoje ir kaip galima įveikti sovietinės eros pasekmes švietimo istorijoje. Švietimo istorija neturėtų tarnauti tik kai kurių pedagoginių teorijų ir sistemų įteisinimui. Esame įsitikinę, kad modernus, problema paremtas švietimo istorijos mokslinis tyrimas praturtina mokytojų rengimo mokymo programą pamąstymais ir pasvarstymais apie reikšmingus klausimus ir reiškinius visose švietimo bei visuomenės gyvenimo srityse. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: pedagogikos istorija, revizionizmas pedagogikos istorijoje, "nauja" švietimo istorija, mokytojų rengimas, studijų procesas universitetuose, lyginamasis požiūris, geležinė uždanga.