Effect of Kasnazan Impoundment and Wellwater in Chemical Properties of Soil and Plant (original) (raw)
2008, Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture
Soil, plant, and water (Kasnazan impoundment and well water) samples were monthly collected from Kasnazan (10 Km north east of Erbil city) during August 2004 to February 2005. Chemical and statistical analysis indicated that the irrigation with well water resulted to decreases EC from 0.87 dS.m-1 to 0.49 dS.m-1 , because of leaching and dilution effects. Statistically there is a positive significant correlation (P< 0.05) between SAR value of well water and irrigated soil with it, whereas, a negative correlation of Mg +2 concentrations observed between well water and soil irrigated with it. On the other hand, there was high content of Mg +2 and low content of K +1 for eucalyptus plant irrigated by well water in comparison to that irrigated with impoundment water. INTRODUCTION Water plays an important role in soil productivity and plant growth, and it is regarded as a limiting factor in plant growth. Much natural water contains impurities that make them directly harmful for plant. Plants vary in their tolerate to poor water qualities, so the soil regards as an important factor in limiting water suitability for irrigation (Taiz and Zeiger, 2006). The quality of irrigation water is depended on salt content, the nature of salts present in solution and proportion of Na + to Ca +2 , Mg +2 and other cations (Shirokova et al., 2000). Iraqi Kurdistan Region is rich in water resources like rivers, streams, spring, lake, and impoundment water. Many limnological and phycological studies were conducted in Kasnazan impoundment water a large lentic system within Erbil province (Rashhed, 1994; Al-Barazingy, 1995; Toma, 2000; Bapeer, 2004 and Goran, 2006), whereas, there is a shortage information about water quality for irrigation purposes. This study is the first attempt to reduce existing gap about Kasnazan water quality and its effect on each of soil's ionic component and their effect on Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehn), in addition to comparing it with the result of ground water of Kasnazan location. According to United State Salinity laboratory Staff (1954) Classified irrigation water to sixteen classes depending on dS. m-1 at 25 °C and SAR as follows: Electrical Conductivity dS.m-1 at 25 °C Water Classes 0<EC<0.25 C1 Low-salinity 0.25<EC<0.75 C2 Medium-salinity 0.75<EC<2.25 C3 High-salinity 2.25<EC<5 C4 Very high-salinity Continued SAR Water Classes <10 S1= Excellent 10-18 S2= Good 18-26 S3= Fair Mesopotamia J. of Agric.