The effect of lifting during work on low back pain: a health impact assessment based on a meta-analysis (original) (raw)

Low back pain and lifting: A review of epidemiology and aetiology

Work, 2003

The incidence of low back pain has continued to increase in modern society, despite the considerable amount of scientific research that has aimed to isolate its exact aetiology. Although low back pain is still largely idiopathic, research has identified over one hundred risk factors for the condition. Of these risk factors, manual material handling tasks are perhaps the most widely explored within the biomechanical literature, as these tasks have been associated with high mechanical stresses on the lower back. Numerous technique-related variables have been addressed by researchers, whilst the influence of intra-abdominal pressure has also been considered. In addition to this, the implications of variations in the size and structural composition of the load have also been assessed. However, low back pain continues to pose a significant threat to the financial stability and happiness of millions of people worldwide. In addition, a number of functional work capacity assessment tests use lifting as a method for assessment of return to work condition. Many of these tests are not standardised and do not consider the implications of low back loading. Therefore new research attempts in this area are justified and should aim to identify the extent of the association that exists between the known risk factors and the incidence of low back pain.

An Evidence-Based Multidisciplinary Practice Guideline to Reduce the Workload due to Lifting for Preventing Work-Related Low Back Pain

Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2014

We developed an evidence-based practice guideline to support occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals in assessing the risk due to lifting and in selecting effective preventive measures for low back pain (LBP) in the Netherlands. The guideline was developed at the request of the Dutch government by a project team of experts and OSH professionals in lifting and work-related LBP. The recommendations for risk assessment were based on the quality of instruments to assess the risk on LBP due to lifting. Recommendations for interventions were based on a systematic review of the effects of worker-and work directed interventions to reduce back load due to lifting. The quality of the evidence was rated as strong (A), moderate (B), limited (C) or based on consensus (D). Finally, eight experts and twenty-four OSH professionals commented on and evaluated the content and the feasibility of the preliminary guideline. For risk assessment we recommend loads heavier than 25 kg always to be considered a risk for LBP while loads less than 3 kg do not pose a risk. For loads between 3-25 kg, risk assessment shall be performed using the Manual handling Assessment Charts (MAC)-Tool or National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) lifting equation. Effective work oriented interventions are patient lifting devices (Level A) and lifting devices for goods (Level C), optimizing working height (Level A) and reducing load mass (Level C). Ineffective work oriented preventive measures are regulations to ban lifting without proper alternatives (Level D). We do not recommend worker-oriented interventions but consider personal lift assist devices as promising (Level C). Ineffective worker-oriented preventive measures are training in lifting technique (Level A), use of back-belts (Level A) and pre-employment medical examinations (Level A). This multidisciplinary evidence-based practice guideline gives clear criteria whether an employee is at risk for LBP while lifting and provides an easy-reference for (in)effective risk reduction measures based on scientific evidence, experience, and consensus among OSH experts and practitioners.

Flexion and Rotation of the Trunk and Lifting at Work Are Risk Factors for Low Back Pain

Spine, 2000

Study Design. A 3-year prospective cohort study among workers of 34 companies in the Netherlands. Objectives. To investigate the relation between flexion and rotation of the trunk and lifting at work and the occurrence of low back pain. Summary of Background Data. Previous studies on work-related physical risk factors for low back pain either lacked quantification of the physical load or did not take confounding by individual and psychosocial factors into account. Methods. The study population consisted of 861 workers with no low back pain at baseline and complete data on the occurrence of low back pain during the 3-year follow-up period. Physical load at work was assessed by means of analyses of video-recordings. Information on other risk factors and the occurrence of low back pain was obtained by means of self-administered questionnaires. Results. An increased risk of low back pain was observed for workers who worked with the trunk in a minimum of 60°of flexion for more than 5% of the working time (RR 1.5, 95% CI 1.0-2.1), for workers who worked with the trunk in a minimum of 30°of rotation for more than 10% of the working time (RR 1.3, 95% CI 0.9-1.9), and for workers who lifted a load of at least 25 kg more than 15 times per working day (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.1-2.3). Conclusions. Flexion and rotation of the trunk and lifting at work are moderate risk factors for low back pain, especially at greater levels of exposure.

Lifting Equation and Low-Back Pain , Part 1 : Association With Low-Back Pain in the Backworks Prospective Cohort Study

The aim of this study was to evaluate relationships between the revised NIOSH lifting equation (RNLE) and risk of low-back pain (LBP). Background: The RNLE is commonly used to quantify job physical stressors to the low back from lifting and/or lowering of loads. There is no prospective study on the relationship between RNLE and LBP that includes accounting for relevant covariates. Method: A cohort of 258 incident-eligible workers from 30 diverse facilities was followed for up to 4.5 years. Job physical exposures were individually measured. Worker demo-graphics, medical history, psychosocial factors, hobbies, and current LBP were obtained at baseline. The cohort was followed monthly to ascertain development of LBP and quarterly to determine changes in job physical exposure. The relationship between LBP and peak lifting index (PLI) and peak composite lifting index (PCLI) were tested in multivariate models using proportional hazards regression. Results: Point and lifetime prevalences o...

The muscular load on the lower back and shoulders due to lifting at different lifting heights and frequencies

Applied Ergonomics, 1998

The aim of the study was to investigate the muscular load on the lower back and shoulders and the circulatory load on employees at a post center during repetitive lifting of mail transport boxes. A mock-up was designed in the laboratory, a total of nine combinations of lifting height and frequency were studied. Surface EMG was recorded bisymmetrically from m. erector spinae (L3-level) and m. trapezius. The circulatory load was evaluated by measuring the heart rate. The results show a trade off between the low back and shoulders. The maximum load on the low back occurred at the low lifting height (36.3 and 54.4 cm) whereas the maximum load on the shoulders occurred at the high lifting height (144.9 and 163.0 cm).

Mechanical loading of the low back and shoulders during pushing and pulling activities

Ergonomics, 2004

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Within-Subject Variability in Low Back Load in a Repetitively Performed, Mildly Constrained Lifting Task

Spine, 2001

Study Design. A repeated-measures in vivo experiment. Objective. To describe within-subject variability of spinal compression in repetitive lifting. Summary of Background Data. Epidemiology and failure mechanics suggest that peak loads may be more predictive of injury than average loads. Nevertheless, biomechanical studies usually focus on the latter. Methods. Ten healthy males performed 360 lifts in 1 hour of a 45-L crate, weighted with a stable 10-kg mass on 1 day and with an unstable mass (10 kg of water) on another day. The maximum compression force in each lift was estimated, using a simple inverse dynamics model and a single equivalent muscle model. Results. The individual distributions of maximum compression force were slightly skewed to the right (average skewness 0.67). Median and 95th percentile values were used to characterize the distribution. The median (50th percentile) compression ranged from 3375 to 6125 N, and from 3632 to 6298 N in the stable and unstable load conditions, respectively. The within-subjects peak (95th percentile) compression forces were from 405 to 1767 N and from 526 to 2216 N, respectively, higher than the median values. The peak values differed significantly between conditions, whereas the difference in medians did not reach significance. Only a limited trendwise (fatigue-related) variance could be demonstrated. Conclusion. Peak spinal compression by far exceeds median compression in repetitive lifting and can be affected by task conditions independently from the median. Therefore, the variability of spinal loads needs to be taken into consideration when analyzing and redesigning tasks that can cause spinal injuries.

Low-back loading in lifting two loads beside the body compared to lifting one load in front of the body

Journal of Biomechanics, 2009

Low-back load during manual lifting is considered an important risk factor for the occurrence of lowback pain. Splitting a load, so it can be lifted beside the body (one load in each hand), instead of in front of the body, can be expected to reduce low-back load. Twelve healthy young men lifted 10 and 20-kg wide and narrow loads in front of the body (the single-load lifts). These single-load lifts were compared to a lifting condition in which two 10-kg loads (a total of 20 kg) were lifted beside the body (the splitload lift). Lifts were performed from an initial hand height of 29 cm with four different lifting techniques (stoop, squat, straddle and kneeling techniques). Using measured kinematics, ground reaction forces, and electromyography, low-back loading (3D net moments and spinal forces at the L5/S1 joint) was estimated. Lifting a 20-kg split-load instead of a 20-kg single-load resulted in most cases in a reduction (8-32%) of peak L5/S1 compression forces. The magnitude of the reduction was roughly comparable to halving the load mass and depended on lifting technique and load width. The effects of load-splitting could largely be explained by changes in horizontal distance between the load and L5/S1.