Women's Leadership and Communication Building in Madrasa (original) (raw)
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Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2022
Teachers' efficacy in carrying out their responsibilities and functions as educators is inextricably linked to the success of Madrasah education. On the other hand, educational facilities and the Madrasah principal's leadership style frequently impact teachers' performance. This quantitative study will look into how female leadership, learning facilities, and all of these characteristics influence the performance of Islamic religious education teachers at the State Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Bandar Lampung City. The SPSS statistics 23 programs were used to perform multiple regression analysis in this quantitative study. The findings revealed that:(1) there is no significant effect of female Madrasah leadership on the performance of Islamic religious teachers;(2) learning facilities have a significant effect on the performance of Islamic religious teachers;(3) female Madrasah principals and Madrasah facilities together have a significant influence on the performance of Islamic religious teachers by 58.6%, and other factors influence the remaining 41.4%. As a result, the study's findings suggest that factors other than gender influence how well Islamic religious education teachers function at Bandar Lampung City's state Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. These criteria include aspects of the learning facility, separately and in conjunction with the leadership of the female Madrasah principal. As a result, more research is needed to look into various other factors that influence the efficiency of Madrasah teachers.
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Journal of Advanced Islamic Educational Management
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Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan, 2020
This study aims to analyze and explain towards the leadership of female principals in improving school culture in Nagan Raya. This study uses a type of descriptive writing with a qualitative approach. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data from various kinds of accurate and scientific sources. Data collection techniques in this study include; indepth interviews, library studies, observation and documentation studies. Data analysis is done with a series of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the study found that the leadership of female principals in improving school culture in senior high school / equivalent was influenced by several factors such as; (a) emotional intelligence of a school principal, (b) transparency in in school management, (c) kinship approach with school members, (d) to involve all parties of school in making decisions, (e) and continuously provide a good example to all of his subordinates. Furthermore, in implementing leadership to improve a conducive school culture, female principals in Nagan Raya always apply a culture of communication and interaction, religious culture, a culture of cooperation and leadership culture in schools with a blend of local-based decision and the national education system.
Leadership Of Women In Decision Making (Case Study In State Islamic Religious Institute Metro Province Lampung). Decision making is included in one of the leadership variables, which in this case is carried out by female leaders in higher education. Objective: This study aims to describe the decisions made by the female chancellor at the Metro State Islamic Institute, Lampung Province. Methods: This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and document study. The data that has been collected is then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and data verification. Findings: decision making was carried out by the female chancellor at the Metro Lampung Province Islamic Institute of Religion, namely by using a decision-making approach, along with several logical steps for decision-making. Conclusion: The female chancellor at the Metro State Islamic Institute makes decisions based on facts and delibera...
INNOVATIO: Journal for Religious Innovation Studies, 2021
Abstract: The reality of pesantren that is identical with Kyai and masculinity is caused by a gender bias towards women's leadership. Women are deemed incapable of being communication leaders to mobilize Islamic Boarding school activities. Contrary to that, this article aims to prove that women's leadership communication patterns can positively impact pesantren activities, even though a female leader faces several problems at the Islamic boarding school. This article uses a descriptive qualitative method based on the leadership observation of Dra. Tiaman at the Ummul Masakin Islamic Boarding School, Jambi. This study also uses in-depth interview techniques and data documentation related to the themes: 1) Leadership, 2) Communication, and 3) Islamic boarding schools. The article reveals that the leadership of women in Islamic boarding schools can positively impact the development of the students' personality and the activities of the Islamic Boarding School because interp...
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Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
This study aims to analyze the differences (comparations) in the application of leadership styles in Islamic boarding schools, madrasas, and schools. The background of this research includes a multi-site study, namely at the Musthafawiyah Islamic Boarding School, MAN 1 Sibolga, and SMPN 1 Sibolga. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with a comparative study method. Where, the researcher attempts to describe the problem of events through respondents or other data sources related to the leadership style at Pesantren Musthafawiyah (Mandailing Natal), MAN 1 Sibolga, and SMPN 1 Sibolga, then a comparison of leadership styles at the three educational institutions is made. The results of this study indicate that the application of the leadership style of Islamic boarding schools is different from the leadership style in madrasas and schools. This is because the leadership style of pesantren tends to be laissez faire and authoritarian based on the charismatic kyai (Islamic boa...
Challenges of Female Principals in Madrasah Leadership in Banda Aceh: A Gender Analysis
Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 2024
Women's leadership is gaining more recognition in the public eye, particularly in professional leadership roles within educational institutions. Despite facing challenges such as seniority, local customs, and societal perceptions, these obstacles do not deter women from their leadership roles in educational institutions. In fact, they strive to create better opportunities for future leadership. The challenges faced by female school principals are often influenced by the prevailing patriarchal culture in society and community life. This research employs a qualitative method with a gender analysis approach. The findings reveal that challenges related to seniority and local customs are dominant issues for female school principals in Aceh. Seniority comes into play when younger school principals are perceived as inexperienced leaders by their senior counterparts, even if they possess the necessary competencies for the role. On the other hand, local customs are influenced by the presence of teachers who are local residents in the school. Additionally, dealing with policy dualism in private schools and collaboration with committees presents straightforward challenges for school principals, influenced by the research location, student backgrounds, and school status. The strategies offered by school principals involve continuous engagement, fostering better collaboration, and early consultation with relevant stakeholders. These efforts have helped ease tensions and lead to more effective solutions for overcoming these challenges.
The International Journal of Education Management and Sociology
This study aims to describe the leadership of the madrasa heads towards the quality of education, analysis strategy in improving the quality of education in madrasas, which has described the character of leadership, in improving the quality of madrasah education. This study uses a qualitative method. In data collection techniques using obtained through, interviews, documentation studies, and observation Data analysis with data reduction, data presentation, and verification as well as the conclusion. The results of the research presentation are that there are several strategies for the madrasa head in achieving the goals that have been jointly set by all components of the school. The strategy implemented by the head of the madrasa at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 3 Tangerang. Using a theory about the quality of education which consists of input, process, and output as well as outcomes that are already available. Strategy implementation has also been carried out regarding the lead charac...