Gestion moderniste à Nîmes : Construction d'une image de ville (original) (raw)
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Modélisation spatiale d'un réseau urbain antique : à propos des villes de la cité de Nîmes.
Actes du 137e congrès des sociétés hitoriques et scientifiques. "Archéologie de l'espace urbain", p. 479-493, 2014
"Spatial modelling of an ancient urban network : the towns in the city territory of Nîmes". One of the most sensitive questions faced by archaeologists when studying ancient urban networks concerns hierarchical relationships within them; however, it is extremely important to identify the rank of each town within its network in order to be able to simulate its spatial interactions with all the other towns and the region. After several experiments, first with the apparent functions and impacts of the towns around Bordeaux, then in the territory of the city of Luteva (Lodève) with only the ground coverage of each settlement, it appeared useful to test a multiple criteria classification of the 34 ancient towns administered by Nemausus (Nîmes). We therefore carried out a study of the network and of the region in order to describe the population structure, in terms of accessibility, centrality and spatial interactions.
Nîmes, la domestication d'une catastrophe
Nîmes • • la domestication d'une catastrophe par Christine DOURLENS Immédiatement après les violentes inondations du 3 octobre 1988, les multiples péripéties qui ont émaillé cette journée, sont relatées, inlassablement ... Les Mmois revivent par la parole le traumatisme de la catastrophe, comme si le discours devait redoubler la présence massive de l' événement. Les commentaires se croisent et même fusionnent, reliant des expériences personnelles, à chaque fois singulières. Se constitue, ainsi, progressivement, un récit collectif de la catastrophe, vécue au moment du désastre, dans un fa ce à fa ce solitaire avec la peur. Mais cette histoire, qui se recompose ainsi à partir des fragments de vécus individuels, tend à se démultiplier. Et, à la reconsti tution fidèle des événements, tels qu' ils se sont passés, se superpose, peu à peu, la description de ceux qui auraient pu se pro duire. L' anticipation des conséquences de telle ou telle circonstance, heureusement, non advenue, donne corps à des scéna rios dont l' évocation mobilise les conversations ... Projections les plus diverses au tra vers desquelles la catastrophe existe autant par ce qu'elle aurait pu être que parce qu'elle a été. La fiction frôle ici le réel, à tel point que, parfois, les frontières entre les faits avérés et les fa its vraisemblables se brouillent.
Nîmes en Narbonnaise, essai sur la géographie des territoires à l’échelle de la cité
Extrait des Actes du colloque international AGER IX, Barcelone, p. 83-98., 2013
Nimes in Gallia Narbonensis, Essay on the Geography of the Territories Across the City. Spatial archaeological researches conducted on the territory of the ancient city of Nimes have long focused on microregions or have taken the form of thematic approaches. But the rich documentation gathered today opens the way for a first synthesis at the scale of the city. A historical reminder can point out the significant stages of this lengthy documentary investigation from works on epigraphy, centuriation, the positioning of noteworthy graves, the dynamic of micro-regional peopling, to collective and individual projects dedicated to certain types of habitat such as villages, villae or the suburbium of the capital of the city. We then try to connect all these data to provide a geographical outline of the aspects that constitute the city: its habitat and its productions. Thus appears more clearly the evolution of the major centres of population from the oppida of the Arecomics to the establishment of the alto-medieval network. After six centuries of Roman presence, the settlement and territorial mapping comes out deeply transformed by a series of mutations. Though no one can talk of a radical change, everything has been modified in the landscape, except in the mountainous hinterland, because of the omnipresence of human beings. Villages, large properties, and farm make up a very diversified network, where many aspects are still unstable although the overall structure seems to be established. Keywords: Spatial Archaeology, Territory, Population, Form of Housing, Villages, Villae, Nimes, City, Antiquity, Republican Period, High Empire, Late Antiquity."""
L’amphithéâtre de Nîmes : remarques sur la construction des piliers et l’aménagement de la façade
RAN 42, 2009
This study follows the excavations for the redevelopment of the square arenas of Nîmes, AEF operation. Occasionally, an inventory has been created for the pillars outside the ground floor, listing the observed features, traces of carving and laying, reused, restorations, etc. ..., and the arrangements they have suffered. The study deals with the construction itself, the result of two teams or two construction phases, but also advances several proposals on the development of architectural monuments, its decoration external and its closures systems certified since ancient times on other monuments show. The monument also bears traces of its lived long after its abandonment as a monument to show, as evidenced by some peculiarities observed on the pillars.