Development of E-Modules Containing Ethno-STREAM Integrated Local Wisdom in Science Learning to Increase Environmental Literacy (original) (raw)
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Local wisdom of Keluru Village community for managing plant diversity in Temedak traditional forest could be internalized well through learning activity by using meaningful teaching materials in learning biology, especially those related to biodiversity utilization and strategies in biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to develop teaching materials based on ethnobotany local wisdom in the Temedak forest. The method in this study was descriptive qualitative. The design of teaching materials development used for the ADDIE approach. The subjects in this study were the community and traditional leaders of Keluru Village. The instruments used by the researcher for collecting the data were interview guides, field notes of observations, and the feasibility of teaching materials consist of content, graphics, presentation, and language based on the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). The results indicated that the development of teaching materials which included local wisdom s...
The Development of Teaching Materials Based on Bali Local Wisdom in Environment Conservation
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Psychology and Pedagogy - "Diversity in Education" (ICEPP 2019), 2020
Teaching material is a component that has an important role in learning in the classroom. Students need contextual teaching materials to make it easier for them to understand the material. The development of teaching materials based on local wisdom in Bali aims to create teaching materials that are appropriate to the geographical and social environment of students. The aims of this study are to determine the process of development, to determine the feasibility and students' response to teaching materials based on local wisdom in Bali for first grade of senior high school. This teaching materials uses the ADDIE development model which consists of five steps. ADDIE steps include analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The development of teaching materials based on suitable materials, suitable presentation, suitable language, and suitable graphics from the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP).The instrument used to get the validity of teaching materials based on validation, students' and teacher responses are questionnaire of validation sheet and students' response sheet. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive. An expert review of the results of the assessment shows a value of 88,33% (valid) for expert material and 88,17% (valid) for media experts. Meanwhile the result of students' response is 84,47% which categories is "very strong". Based on validity results by reviewers and students' response, then teaching materials based on Bali local wisdom in environmental conservation can be use for biology learning. Further research is recommended to look at the impact of this teaching materials on 21st century skills of high school students.
The main purpose of this research is to produce a prototype model of learning based typical local materials from South Sumatra to develop student environment literacy on junior high school in Indonesia. The purpose of the first year of the research one is identifying the material locally which are local wisdom, potential local and typical local problems of South Sumatra which can be utilized for the development students environment literacy model of learning which was done. Sampled area in this research is based on topography and demography divided into three district namely munacipilty palembang represent urban areas, regency muara enim represent mountainous regions and regent ogan ilir represent of coastal marshes and transition. The result showed that on each sampled district for many locals material that could be used in learning biology especially to form characters environment literacy. Local content in the form of local wisdom are Tunggu Tubang, Lebak lebung, Siring System. B...
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Based on the result of 2015 PISA (Programme for International Students Assessment) in term of science, Indonesia ranked 64th from 72 countries. Meanwhile based on the result of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), Indonesian ranked 45th from 48 countries. Those results showed that Indonesia still have low quality in science. This problem also happened in SDN Kesongo 01. It was known that students had low science learning outcome because learning material had not yet developed. In order to solve this problem, researcher developed an innovative learning material based on local wisdom. This research aimed to know the feasibility, students and teacher responses, and the effectiveness of 4th grade Primary School Science learning material based on local wisdom. This research was research and development (R&D). Main subject of this research was students of class IV SDN Kesongo 01. Data analysis were percentage descriptive statistic, normality test, t-test and gain...
Implementation of science learning with local wisdom approach toward environmental literacy
Journal of physics, 2019
Science learning related to everyday life including society's traditions believed since ancestor, known as local wisdom. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of implementation science learning with local wisdom approach to enhance student's environmental literacy. The research design was a matching-only pretest-posttest control group design. The population and sample were 7th-grade students of SMPN in 50 city regency numbering 46 people. Data collection used environmental literacy instruments containing three components that are knowledge, competencies (cognitive skill) and affective. The results showed that data was normal and homogeneous so that based on t-test result showed that there was a significant difference in students' environmental literacy between control and experimental class. The conclusion of the study that implementing science learning with local wisdom approach influenced students' environmental literacy. The implication of this research is teachers should use local wisdom context on relevant science materials to reinforce the concept that students learned.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Psychology and Pedagogy - "Diversity in Education" (ICEPP 2019), 2020
Learning materials based on local wisdom are needed to make it easier for students to understand the material because it is close to the student environment. The study aims to measure the effectiveness of teaching materials based on local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai in improving the students' environmental literacy. The type of research was a quasi-experimental which use a nonequivalent control group in the pretest-posttest design. The sample of study were students of Senior High School grade X consisted of 36 students in the experiment group which used teaching materials based on local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai and 36 students in the control group used student handbooks. Material experts and technology experts to ensure the quality of teaching materials test teaching materials. Data collection was conducted through a test. The results showed that the teaching materials based on local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai effective in improving environmental literacy in the experimental group students based on the results of N gain value were 0.72 which has high criteria. It means teaching materials based on agricultural local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai can be used as one of the teaching materials in learning activities.
Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi (BioEdu), 2019
Environmental Change topic can be taught by integrating ethnoscience in learning proccess, because it can produce more meaningful learning, such as to influence students' environmentally literacy skills. One way to integrate ethnoscience in learning is through textbooks. The purpose of this research was to describe the validity of ethnoscience-based textbook on environmental change topic to influence environmental literacy skill of 10 th grade high school students. The development of this ethnoscience-based textbook was held in Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. This research used 4-D developmental model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate), however this research was done until develop stage. Data collected by validation method and validity sheet as it instrument. The data then analyzed by descriptive technique. Result showed that ethnoscience-based textbook had special characteristics that were presented in the features of the study of ethnoscience, environmental literacy features, and other supporting features. Based on the validity result, which included the feasibility of presentation, graphics, content, and language by experts, these ethnoscience-based textbook gained a score with mode of 4 and a very feasible category mode. Thus, ethnoscience-based textbook was very feasible and can be applied in biology learning.
Analysis of the Potential of Lubuk Larangan Local Wisdom in Science Learning in Junior High Schools
Unnes Science Education Journal, 2021
Lubuk Larangan is an area in a river restricted by the community, which must not be disturbed and is forbidden for fishing. It is in Rantau Keloyang District, Muara Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. The local wisdom of Lubuk Larangan has the potential to bring contextual science learning to conserve the environment based on customary regulations for sustainable development. This study aims to determine the potential of Lubuk Larangan area as a source of science learning. Using descriptive exploratory method, the data were obtained from the interviews with Datuk Rio, a traditional leader and science teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Pelepat Ilir. Data collection techniques included observation, interview, and documentation. The findings indicate that several basic competencies are suitable for science education with the material about Lubuk Larangan, namely analyzing the occurrence of environmental pollution and its impact on the ecosystem (KD 3.8); Lubuk Larangan can be developed in learning media such as modules, assessments, and practical activities; Lubuk Larangan can be integrated into science learning to instill education for sustainable development competencies, especially for action on climate. Based on this study, in general, science learning can be linked to local wisdom of Lubuk Larangan according to learning indicators that refer to education for sustainable development.
Development of ecological teaching book supplements based on local wisdom
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi, 2021
Textbooks are one of the important elements in the learning process that support the achievement of learning objectives, including in ecology courses. Based on the results of the analysis of existing teaching materials, there is no material about local wisdom and teaching materials still contain old material. Meanwhile, in Indonesia there are many local wisdoms that function to protect the environment in the midst of increasingly massive environmental damage and destruction. The material instructor's explanation also knew that currently there was no local wisdom and it was needed, so this was aimed at developing ecology textbook supplements based on local wisdom. The research design is an R&D model development research, the research subjects are students who are programming ecology courses at the Surabaya State of University Geography Education undergraduate, the research was conducted in November-December 2019 using the experimental class and the control class. Data collection ...