Abstract Abstract: Exploring the State n of Continuous Professional Development in the Wolaita Zone Administration is the objective of this study. A cross-sectional survey research design with a Concurrent strategy was instrumental. The total populations of this study were 150, of which 30 school leaders and 84 teachers were selected via a random sampling technique and properly filled out and returned questionnaires. Besides, 6 principals, 6 vice principals, 2 supervisors, and 10 CPD facilitators were interviewed. All of the 304 samples were taken by available sampling techniques. Questionnaires, interviews, and document analyses were instrumental. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze quantitative data. Concurrently, qualitative data was narrated to triangulate the result obtained. The finding shows that the overall state of CPD activities was not well articulated and implemented and it resulted in low achievement in the CPD program, In addition, the low commitment to continuously improve the CPD program resulted in low pupils' achievement and lack of education quality in the study area. It can infer that CPD was inadequately implemented in the Secondary schools of the Wolaita zone administration. Consequently, students' learning achievement and education quality in secondary schools were not effectively improved. Preparation of essential training, discussion forums, conferences, or workshops, assigning trained CPD facilitators, allocation of CPD program budgets, and providing adequate CPD manuals and guidelines were major recommendations. Keywords: Continuing Professional Development (CPD); Education quality; academic