The Role of Ceregivers in Improving the Quality of Life of Transgender Elderly in Pondok Pesantren Al Fatah Yogyakarta (original) (raw)

Analisis Etika Biomedis Terhadap Pasien Transgender dalam Mengakses Layanan Kesehatan di Yogyakarta


This research focuses on transgender patients discrimination in Yogyakarta in accessing healthcare services. There are two questions on this research: what is the obstacle faced by the transgender-patients in accessing healthcare services? How is the analysis of biomedical ethics seeing this issue? The results on this research are despite the fact they were not being discriminated in the hospital , they did not get the health insurance by the government because of the administrative issue which can not accommodat e their gender choice . Therefore, this research seeks to understand the barriers of transgender patient s in accessing health care services through the perspective of biomedical ethics of Tom L. Beauchamp and James Childress. The researcher concludes that the general rule on social benefits applied in society is still limited only to the specific genders. It is not in accordance with the two principles in biomedical ethics : the principle of justice states t...


Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities, 2022

Transgender is often considered as one of the vulnerable groups who can live unfit. This is due to limitations in accessing various things such as education and work. In addition, their existence is often unwanted by their families, even though the family is the strongest fortress in protecting transgender people from violence and oppression. This study looks at how the acceptance of transgender families in the family and identifies the typology of families in accepting transgender family members. This research is a qualitative research with data collection techniques of observation and indepth interviews. The location of the research was carried out at the Al Fatah Waria Islamic Boarding School and the Waria Crisis Center Community in Yogyakarta. The result of this study is that the existence of transgender people is still considered a disgrace to the family so that evictions still occur. Forms of family refusal such as doing rukyah, forcing marriages so that many transgender people end up leaving their families. In addition, the typology of families who accept the existence of transgender can be seen from three factors, namely, education, economy, and religious understanding. Thus, family acceptance is very important for transgender survival.

Studi Fenomena Tentang Pembentukan Ideal Diri Transgender DI Daerah Yogyakarta


Masalah ideal diri pada transgender merupakan persepsi seorang transgender tentang bagaimana seharusnya seorang transgender bertingkah laku sesuai dengan keinginan dirinya untuk menjadi seorang wanita yang bertingkah laku feminin dengan mengubah kesehariannya dan bertingkah seolah-olah mereka adalah wanita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan pola pembentukan ideal diri pada transgender di wilayah perempatan lampu merah Sagan Yogyakarta melalui eksplorasi dan pendalaman terhadap fenomena yang terjadi pada mereka. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan studi fenomenologi kualitatif melalui tehnik wawancara mendalam. Penelitian ini melibatkan tiga orang transgender yang biasa bekerja di perempatan lampu merah Sagan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pembentukan ideal diri pada transgender terkait dengan cita-citanya waktu kecil dan dewasanya mengalami perubahan berdasarkan keadaannya mereka saat ini. Harapan untuk berubah menjadi laki-laki hanya didapat oleh P1 Sedangkan P2 dan P3 sudah memiliki ideal diri yang paten untuk menjadi wanita. Berbagai upaya yang dilakukan P2 dan P3 untuk menjadi wanita dengan menggunakan terapi hormonal dan suntik silikon. Mereka juga berkeinginan untuk operasi ganti kelamin. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan ideal diri pada transgender disebabkan oleh pola asuh orang tua terhadap anaknya yang memperlakukannya seperti wanita dan dukungan dari teman sepermainan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pola asuh orang tua terhadap anaknya dan dukungan dari teman sepermainan mempengaruhi pembentukan ideal diri sebagai seorang transgender.

PENERIMAAN KELUARGA TERHADAP WARIA ATAU TRANSGENDER (Studi Kasus Atas Waria/Transgender Di Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah Yogyakarta

Family is the most urgent aspect of the life of every human being. Since, the family is first community that be obtained by each individual and the first community influencing patterns and lifestyles. Likewise for transgender (waria), the family actually became the basis foundation of their life expectancy. Because a transgender (waria), essentially already experiencing inner conflict since he felt the strangeness or different situations with others. Only, when the inner conflict unfinished openly expressed heard, their courage to open up as a transgender (waria), got the hard rejection. Through this article, the author will give an idea, how the transgender desperately need the presence of family in their lives. In addition, this article also give an understanding of the existence of transgender pesantren (pesantren), and transgender understanding of itself. Thus, expected to open up space for dialogue wider for them. Abstrak Keluarga adalah salah satu aspek yang paling penting dari kehidupan setiap manusia. Hal ini disebabkan keluarga adalah komunitas pertama yang diperoleh oleh masing-masing individu, serta komunitas pertama yang mempengaruhi pola dan gaya hidup. Hal yang sama pun berlaku bagi transgender (waria). Bagi mereka, keluarga benar-benar menjadi dasar atau fondasi harapan hidup mereka. Karena transgender (waria), pada dasarnya sudah mengalami konflik batin sejak ia merasakan keanehan atau situasi yang berbeda dengan orang lain. Hanya saja, ketika mereka memberanikan diri untuk menyatakan konflik batin dan identitas mereka secara terbuka, ternyata yang mereka dapatkan biasanya adalah cemoohan dan penolakan keras. Melalui artikel ini, penulis akan memberikan gambaran, bagaimana transgender (waria) sebenarnya sangat membutuhkan kehadiran keluarga dalam kehidupan mereka. Selain itu, artikel ini juga memberikan pemahaman tentang keberadaan pesantren waria dan urgensinya, dan juga memberikan pemahaman tentang transgender itu sendiri. Dengan demikian, diharapkan mampu membuka ruang dialog yang lebih luas bagi mereka (transgender). Kata kunci: urgensi, keluarga, transgender, pesantren waria. Pendahuluan Waria dan keluarga tentunya merupakan entitas yang berbeda. Karena waria tidak selalu ada dalam keluarga, dan keluarga pun tidak selalu identik akan menghadirkan anggota keluarga yang waria. Namun demikian, tidak bisa dipungkiri dan ditolak, bahwa sangat banyak waria hadir dan tumbuh dari berbagai macam karakter keluarga. Seorang waria bisa lahir dari keluarga yang harmonis, dan keluarga yang tidak harmonis (broken home). Ada juga waria yang

Treatment of Transgender Characters in Class Iia Residential Institutions Sumbawa Besar

Journal of Correctional Issues, 2019

This research focuses on implementation, benefits, and to find out the problems faced in the treatment of prisoners with a transgender character. In this study raised the issue of how the officers and other prisoners treat transgender inmates in Penitentiary and how they affect the health, safety, and psychological well-being of transgender inmates in the Sumbawa Besar Class IIA Penitentiary. This study uses interview and observation research methods, which describe the treatment of prisoners with a transgender character, then analyzed and concluded using a qualitative approach. Based on the analysis, it was found that the treatment of transgender inmates was considered very necessary to be carried out. Prisoners with transgender characteristics are prisoners who are unique and different from prisoners in general. Generally, prisoners with the transgender character who are spread across prisons throughout Indonesia are men whose gender is women or better known as transvestites. Prisoners with a transgender character are very vulnerable to adverse treatment by other prisoners, and can also have a negative influence on other prisoners. Special treatment of prisoners with transgender character is deemed very necessary, starting from the placement in individual blocks to specific guidance for transgender inmates. There are obstacles encountered in its implementation, including the procurement of individual blocks of prisoners with transgender character and the understanding of Correctional Officers of the problems and irregularities that will be caused by the presence of transgender inmates in prison.

Konstruksi Masyarakat Jawa Kuno terhadap Transgender Perempuan pada Abad ke 9-14 M


The Construction of Ancient Java Community Towards Transgender Women in The 9th-14th Centuries. Transwomen in Indonesia are easily recognized by one's physical appearance. The survey stated that 89.3% of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) groups have experienced discrimination and violence. The views of the Indonesian people towards transgender women today are influenced by the perspectives and constructions of society in the past. This paper is to reconstruct how the perspective of the ancient Javanese society towards trans women. The purpose of this research is to find the origin of the current Indonesian people's view of transgender women from past references. This study uses a descriptive analysis approach through the stages of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It can be seen that the construction of society during the Javanese era considered transgender people as a group of people with disabilities. In addition to these constructions, for the royal group, trans women are part of the king's servants who have magical and political powers. Thus, trans women had an important position and privileges in the ancient Javanese kingdom. The position of transgender women can also be understood as an archipelago tradition, which places transwomen as a link between the human world and the world of gods, as can be found in bissu in South Sulawesi.

DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS HIDUP PASIEN KANKER SERVIK (Family Support for Improving Quality Of Life in Cervical Cancer Survivor)


Introduction: Cervical cancer is a malignant disease that is caused by the Human Infection Pappiloma Virus (HPV) and holistic health problems for women around the world, including Indonesia. The family as a source of support was instrumental in providing support to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. The aim of research to determine the relationship of family support with the quality of life of patients with cervical cancer. Methods: Correlational research design with cross sectional approach. Independent variable was the support of family and dependent variable was quality of life. Population was all cervical cancer patients at the three Public Health Centre in Surabaya. Sample was cancer patients who meet the inclusion criteria of patients living with host families, the level of awareness composmentis, patients can communication fluently. Sample was chosen by purposive sampling technique. The instrument used questionnaires Likert scale that have been tested the validit...

Pemberdayaan Pusat Kesehatan Pesantren (Poskestren) Untuk Meningkatkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat

Warta Pengabdian

Pondok pesantren dikenal sebagai suatu lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua di Indonesia. Banyaknya jumlah pesantren di Jember, serta besarnya jumlah santri pada tiap pesantren menjadikan lembaga ini memiliki kontribusi yang besar dalam pembangunan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumya ditemukan bahwa masalah yang sering dihadapi pesantren adalah rendahnya kesadaran berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Akibatnya banyak santri yang mengalami sakit dan tinggi penularan penyakit infeksi di kalangan santri. Edukasi dasar-dasar PHBS kepada para santri diharapkan dapat meningkatkan nilai pengetahuan santri terkait urgensi dari implmentasi PHBS. Pembentukan dan pelatihan Kader Santri Sehat juga diharapkan mampu menjadi salah satu upaya meningkatkan lifeskill hidup sehat bagi santri untuk hidup sehat secara mandiri sekaligus menjaga kestabilan kualitas lingkungan sehat di pesantren yang akan dibentuk. Inisiasi dan pendampingan pembentukan Poskestren di kedua pesantren juga dilakukan guna mencip...