The Virgin Mary as a model of obedience in the patristic tradition and her representation in the late medieval iconography of the Annunciation (original) (raw)
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The patriarchal culture of Judaism puts woman as a second class and men’s property, she’s defined as an absolute only if she stands together by man. Men are considered as God’s representative, not women. Even the church was structured based on the man’s tradition which never allows women to take part of any actions. This article adopts Mary Magdalene as a representative of those who have been victims of bias of patriarchal system while in the Jesus movement she has been a member of discipleship of equals. By doing study of hermeneutic feminist toward the text of John 20:11-20 I found that this equals already enable Mary Magdalena to have three main roles but in other hand the bias of patriarchal system cause three muffles toward her roles. Also, this text showed as well as muffled the roles of Mary Magdalene. That’s why a hermeneutic feminist can only be said as real feminist when it is really liberating women. Keywords: Mary Magdalene, disciples of equals, feminist
Arsitektur Universitas Pandanaran Jurnal
Arsitektur gotik merupakan arsitektur yang muncul pada abad pertengahan di eropa dimana arsitektur ini merupakan hasil evolusi dari arsitektur romawi yang muncul karena adanya kebosanan terdahap bentuk bangunan yang terlalu monoton.Arsitektur gotik sendiri memiliki ciri khas yang paling terkenal adalah bentuk bangunan yang megah dengan atap yang runcing serta terdapat rose window yang menjadi ciri khas khusus dari arsitektur gotik.Bangunan yang akan dijadikan objek penelitian adalah gereja katolik kelahiran santa perawan maria yang terletak di jalan kepanjen Surabaya,hal ini dikarenakan gereja katolik kelahiran .Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada bentuk bangunan, atap,struktur bangunan,bahan material yang digunakan,bentuk jendela dan pintu serta ornamen pada bangunan gereja dengan menggunakan metode literatur dan survei lapangan.Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan di gereja katolik kelahiran santa perawan maria ditemukan unsur-unsur arsitektur gotik pada bangunan gereja sep...
Sepercik Anugerah 11th Edition, 2020
Injil Yohanes mencatat peristiwa Yesus diurapi di Betania lebih detail dibandingkan Injil Matius dan Markus. Penyampaian Yohanes dari sudut pandang orang ikut hadir dalam peristiwa itu sangat membantu dalam menemukan makna yang lebih dalam dari peristiwa tersebut. Nama Maria dan Yudas jelas ditulis oleh Yohanes, menandakan bahwa dia mengenal tokoh-tokoh dalam peristiwa tersebut dan merasakan penting bagi pembaca untuk mengetahuinya sehingga dapat menangkap secara utuh tujuan peristiwa itu dicatat. (dimuat pada Majalah Sepercik Anugerah 11 th Edition GKI Gading Serpong)
Sacramental Ecclesiology: Adopting Augustine’s Totus Christus for Evangelical Ecclesiology
Veritas (Malang), 2021
After the 16 th-century reformation, the church was faced with the situation of ecclesiological plurality, both differences in traditions and church divisions into many denominations, including evangelical churches. Despite the fact that the evangelical movement was founded with the primary objective of spreading the gospel, it is devoid of coherence in ecclesiology. Based on Augustine's idea of totus Christus, this research presents a constructive ecclesiology proposal for evangelical churches. Drawing primarily on Augustine's notion of totus Christus, and by showing that this idea is central to his theological construction, the author proposes the importance of revisiting the doctrine of totus Christus to create an ecclesiology that links to sacramentology and soteriology. The contribution of this research is to show that the doctrine of totus Christus is more organic and sacramental so that it can become the foundation and aspiration for evangelical churches united as the body of Christ to participate in His redemptive works for the salvation of the world. Research Highlights • The author proposes a constructive ecclesiology aimed at promoting church unity in diversity by adopting Augustine's idea of totus Christus, which does not separate sacramentology from soteriology and ecclesiology. • The findings of the study reveal that the unity and foundation of ecclesiology are not based on confessions and dogmas but sacramental participation in the body of Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Eucharist and the Spirituality of the Catholics in the Public Space
PASCA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2022
This study aims to describe the spirituality of the Jewish liturgy in the celebration of the Eucharist and its impact on the involvement of Indonesian Catholics in the public sphere. This study was born from the concern that the Indonesian people are rich in spiritual values but are unable to shape a civilized public life. Therefore, this research awakens Catholics to be actively involved in the public sphere, especially in socio-political life, and to color it with gospel values. However, this call will be realized if the Eucharist as the source and peak of the Christian life can renew and encourage Catholics in Indonesia to take part in God's mission to save all people. So the Eucharist must draw on the spirituality contained in Jewish worship as the locus of a personal encounter with the God who saves. This study uses a literature study that finds cracks in the religious life and people's lives in public spaces because the celebration of the Eucharist is not able to renew the lives of Catholics witness in the world. Research Contribution: This research contributes to developing dialogue and understanding of the church liturgy in pastoral ministry.
Sentire cum Ecclesia of St Ignatius of Loyola
this paper would give a comprehensive analysis about the rule of orthodoxy based on the Spiritual Exercise of St Ignatius. Although written in bahasa Indonesia, this paper is arranged from most well-known English primary sources about the theology of the spiritual exercises
Eksistensi Perempuan Dalam Paradigma Dan Pelayanan Yesus
There is purpose of writing this article is to detect women existence in Jesus paradigm and ministry with apply qualitative research method. Existentially the Bible describe story as universal and neutral. But in Old Testament oftentimes be found that women and children as suborditation. But the Gospels describe that Jesus had respectable and reasonable relations with women. This reformation paradigm attitude saw by Jesus attitude that lay great store upon women attitude that go one better tradition or law of Jews by showing on an equal existence of human. The meaning is Jesus intend Jews paradigm changes totally and basicly.
Maria, Arketipe Gereja: Sebuah Upaya Meninjau Konsep Gereja Sebagai Ibu John Calvin
Gereja Calvin saat ini berada di dalam konteks modern di mana terjadinya ketimpangan sosial di dalam setiap bidang kehidupan yaitu ekonomi, politik, sosial, dan budaya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pihak penguasa yang memiliki hasrat menguasai atau mendominasi pihak lain sebagai benda atau alat pemuasnya. Gereja dituntut melangkah dari sekularisasi di mana terdapat proses deferensi berdasarkan fungsi masyarakat, karena di era modern ini Gereja telah ditempatkan pada domain privat seakan ia tidak memiliki dampak pada kehidupan publik. Permasalahannya adalah, jika konsep Gereja Calvin yaitu Gereja sebagai “ibu” itu eksklusif, justru mengabsahkan status quo untuk stagnan dalam berpartisipasi dikehidupan masyarakat khususnya mereka yang mengalami penindasan dan kemiskinan. Di dalam skripsi ini, penulis mencoba mengubah paradigma Gereja sebagai “ibu” dari Calvin ini dari eksklusif menjadi inklusif, terbuka dan sadar akan konteks. Usaha tersebut hanya dapat terjadi jika konsep Gereja sebagai “ibu” itu sendiri berdasarkan arketipe Maria, di mana dapat melihat nilai interiornya di dalam Alkitab dan tradisi Gereja. Sehingga Maria menjadi contoh moral bagi Gereja Tuhan dimuka bumi ini.