STEGA: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete (Hesperia Supplement 44): Contents and References (original) (raw)

MM IB Phaistos houses: function and relationship to the community palace, in STEGA: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete from the Neolithic Period through the Roman Era (Ierapetra, Crete 26-28 May 2005), (Hesperia Suppl. 44), Athens 2011, pp. 71-80.

Ilaria Caloi

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Domestic Assemblages from Trypitos, Siteia: Private and Communal Aspects

Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan

ΣΤΕΓΑ. The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete, Hesperia Suppl. 44., 2011

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Vokotopoulos, L. 2011. Between Palaikastro and Zakros: The pottery from the final Neopalatial horizon of the Sea Guard-House, Karoumes. T.M. Brogan & E. Hallager (eds), LM IB pottery: relative chronology and regional differences. Århus, 553-572

Leonidas Vokotopoulos

LM IB pottery: relative chronology and regional differences. Acts of a workshop held at the Danish Institute at Athens in collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007.Proceedings and Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11. Århus, 2011

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Defining "domestic" architecture and "household" assemblages in Late Bronze Age Knossos

Eleni Hatzaki

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Christakis, K. S. 2011. "Pithoi and economy in LM IB state societies", in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB pottery relative chronology and regional differences, Athens, 241-253

Kostis Christakis

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Remarks on storage and chronology in LC I Akrotiri, Thera.


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From the end of LM IA to the end of LM IB: the pottery evidence from Hagia Triada

Dario Puglisi

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Rethemiotakis, G. and K. S. Christakis. 2011. "LM I pottery groups groups from the Palace and the town of Galatas, Pediada", in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB pottery relative chronology and regional differences, Athens, 205-227.

Kostis Christakis

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From LM IB Marine Style to LM II marine motifs. Stratigraphy, chronology and the social context of a ceramic transformation: a response to Maria Andreadaki-Vlasaki

Eleni Hatzaki

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Zakros: one or two destructions around the end of the LMIB period? (LMIB Pottery, eds. Brogan-Hallager, 2011)r

Eleftherios Platon

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Harvest Rites and Corn Dollies in the Bronze Age Aegean. 2009

Anaya Sarpaki

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LM IB Ceramic Phases at Palaikastro and Malia: a Response to Seán Hemingway, J. Alexander MacGillivray & L. Hugh Sackett

Aleydis Van de Moortel


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Special, Ritual or Cultic: A Case Study from Malia

Aleydis Van de Moortel


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“The Vessels in Cooking Fabrics from Room Epsilon in House II.1”, in M. Tsipopoulou, M.E. Alberti, “LMIB Petras : the Pottery from Room E in House II.1”, in T.M. Brogan, E. Hallager (a cura di), LM IB Pottery : Relative Chronology and Regional Differences, Acts of a Workshop held at the Danish Institute at Athens in collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007 (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11/1), Atene 2011, pp. 481-497.

Banou Eleni, Maria Emanuela Alberti

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Gods in the House? Religious Rituals in the Settlements of South Central Crete

Joanne Murphy

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Lucia Alberti 2009, Rethinking the Tomb of the Double Axes at Isopata, Knossos, in Archaeologies of Cult. Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in honor of Geraldine C. Gesell, A.L. D’Agata, A. van de Moortel eds. (Hesperia Suppl. 42), Princeton, pp. 99-106. ISBN 978 0 87661 5423.

Lucia Alberti


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Structured deposition as ritual action at Knossos

Eleni Hatzaki

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Configuring the Individual: Bodies of Figurines in Minoan Crete

Christine Morris

in A.-L. D'Agata, A. Van De Moortel, eds., Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell. Princeton, American School of Classical Studies, Hesperia Supplement 42, 179–87., 2009

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East Cretan networks in the Middle Bronze Age

Carl Knappett

M. Tsipopoulou (ed.), Petras, Sitia: The Pre- and Protopalatial Cemetery in Context. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press., 2017

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Nodarou E. 2017. Pottery fabrics and recipes in the Later Prepalatial-Protopalatial period at Petras: the petrographic evidence from Burial Building 2 and Votive Deposit 1. In M. Tsipopoulou (ed.) Petras, Siteia: The Pre- and Proto- palatial Cemetery in Context

Eleni Nodarou

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The Tripartite Façade at the Petras cemetery

Miriam G Clinton

Petras, Siteia: The Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery in context, 2017

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The use of querns and other ground stone hand tools in Early to Middle Minoan mortuary practices at Petras

Heidi Dierckx, Metaxia Tsipopoulou

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The presentation of human figure on theran wall paintings

Fragoula Georma


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House Tomb 5: Apreliminary analysis of the human skeletal remains

Sotiria(Ria) Kiorpe, Sevi Triantaphyllou, Metaxia Tsipopoulou

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Petras, Siteia e Pre-and Proto-palatial cemetery in context

Alessandra R G Giumlia-Mair

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Mobility patterns and cultural identities in Pre- and Proto-palatial central and eastern Crete

Metaxia Tsipopoulou, Sevi Triantaphyllou, Efthymia Nikita

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Special silver alloys from the Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery of Petras, Crete

James Muhly, Alessandra R G Giumlia-Mair

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Funerary ritual and social structure in the Old Palace period: A multifarious liaison

Giorgos Vavouranakis

Petras, Siteia. The Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery in context. Acts of a two-day conference held at the Danish Institute at Athens, 14-15 February 2015, edited by M. Tsipopoulou, 2017

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“Male bonding and remembering the ancestors? The Late Minoan III reoccupation and use of the Kephala - Petras Cemetery Area” pp. 245-267

David W. Rupp

Petras – Siteia. The Pre- and Proto-Palatial Cemetery in Context, M. Tsipopoulou, ed., Monographs of Danish Institute in Athens 21 (2017).

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Some Comments on the Late Prepalatial-Protopalatial Cemetery and the Late Minoan IIIC Settlement of Petras Kephala

Donald Haggis

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“Sculpted with the paint-brush”? On the interrelation of relief art and painting in Minoan Crete and Thera, In A.G. Vlachopoulos (ed.), ΧΡΩΣΤΗΡΕΣ – Paintbrushes. Wall-painting and Vase-painting of the 2nd Mill. BC in Dialogue (Ioannina 2018) 142-151

Fritz Blakolmer

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(2018) "The Iconography of Late Helladic IIIA-B Pictorial Kraters and Wall-paintings: A View from the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean", in A. Vlachopoulos (ed.) XΡΩΣΤΉΡΕΣ / PAINTBRUSHES Wall-painting and Vase-painting of the Second Millennium BC in Dialogue, 523-531 (bibliography 569-605)

Angelos Papadopoulos

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Iconography Workshops at Minoan Zakros. Χρωστήρες. 4.4 PLATON.pdf

Eleftherios Platon

Chrosteres, 2018

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Aphrodite Kephali. The chipped and ground stone tools. Chapter 9.

Heidi Dierckx

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CHROSTERES 4 1 KOEHL. From Pot Patterns to Pictures: Thoughts on the Evolution of Aegean Wall Painting

Robert B. Koehl

Chrosteres/Paintbrushes. Wall painting and vase painting of the 2nd millennium BC in Dialogue, A. Vlachopoulos, ed., 2018

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Variability and differentiation: a first look at the stone vase assemblage in the Petras cemetery. In M. Tsipopoulou (ed.) Petras-Siteia. The Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery in context. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, Volume 21: pp. 159-178. Athens: The Danish Institute at Athens.

Maria Relaki, Christina Tsoraki


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Iconography Workshops at Minoan Zakros

Gregorio Hernandez Galindo

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The plant remains of the house tombs at Petras. Acts of Destruction, transformation and preservation

Evi Margaritis

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Middle Cycladic Pictorial Pottery from Antiparos. The Case of the "Nippled Jug with Birds"

Zozi Papadopoulou

Paintbrushes (Χρωστήρες). Wall-Painting and Vase-Painting of the Second Millenium B.C. in Dialogue. Edited by Andreas G. Vlachopoulos, 2018

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The Preliminary Designs in the Akrotiri Wall-paintings

Sophia Sotiropoulou


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