Visualizing Multivariate Volume Data from Turbulent Combustion Simulations (original) (raw)
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A Topological Framework for the Interactive Exploration of Large Scale Turbulent Combustion
2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 2009
The advent of highly accurate, large scale volumetric simulations has made data analysis and visualization techniques an integral part of the modern scientific process. To develop new insights from raw data, scientists need the ability to define features of interest in a flexible manner and to understand how changes in the feature definition impact the subsequent analysis of the data. Therefore, simply exploring the raw data is not sufficient.
Visual Analysis of Particle Behaviors to Understand Combustion Simulations
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2012
A dvanced combustion research is essential to designing more efficient engines. Nextgeneration engines will operate in nonconventional, mixed-mode, and turbulent conditions. Combustion processes in such an environment, combined with new physical and chemical fuel properties, feature complicated interactions that are poorly understood at a fundamental level. Recently, Sandia National Laboratories scientists have instrumented their simulations with particles to capture and better understand the turbulent dynamics in combustion processes. So, how to analyze and visualize these particles' temporal behaviors from different aspects is critical to understanding combustion. When visualizing a large number of moving particles, we confront two main issues. The first is what properties of the particle data to visualize; the other is how to deal with the large data. To conduct a comprehensive study of particle behaviors, a visualization system must be able to present the temporal
Feature-Based Statistical Analysis of Combustion Simulation Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000
. Our framework provides a natural and intuitive work-flow for the exploration of global trends in feature-based statistics. By efficiently encoding hierarchical meta-data in a pre-processing step, interactive data exploration of the equivalent of one terabyte of simulation data is performed on a commodity desktop.
Visualization-driven structural and statistical analysis of turbulent flows
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2009
Knowledge extraction from data volumes of ever increasing size requires ever more flexible tools to facilitate interactive query. Interactivity enables real-time hypothesis testing and scientific discovery, but can generally not be achieved without some level of data reduction. The approach described in this paper combines multi-resolution access, region-of-interest extraction, and structure identification in order to provide interactive spatial and statistical analysis of a terascale data volume. Unique aspects of our approach include the incorporation of both local and global statistics of the flow structures, and iterative refinement facilities, which combine geometry, topology, and statistics to allow the user to effectively tailor the analysis and visualization to the science. Working together, these facilities allow a user to focus the spatial scale and domain of the analysis and perform an appropriately tailored multivariate visualization of the corresponding data. All of these ideas and algorithms are instantiated in a deployed visualization and analysis tool called VAPOR, which is in routine use by scientists internationally. In data from a 1024 3 simulation of a forced turbulent flow, VAPOR allowed us to perform a visual data exploration of the flow properties at interactive speeds, leading to the discovery of novel scientific properties of the flow, in the form of two distinct vortical structure populations. These structures would have been very difficult (if not impossible) to find with statistical overviews or other existing visualization-driven analysis approaches. This kind of intelligent, focused analysis/refinement approach will become even more important as computational science moves towards petascale applications.
Fast visualization methods for comparing dynamics: a case study in combustion
Verläßliche Informationssysteme, 2000
Visualization can be an important tool for displaying, categorizing and digesting large quantities of inter-related information during laboratory and simulation experiments. Summary visualizations that compare and represent data sets in the context of a collection are particularly valuable. Applicable visualizations used in these settings must be fast (near real time) and should allow the addi- tion of data sets as
Volume visualizing high-resolution turbulence computations
Theoretical and computational fluid …, 1998
Using several volume visualization packages including a new package we developed called Volsh, we investigate a 25 GB dataset from a 256 3 computation of decaying quasigeostrophic turbulence. We compare surface fitting and direct volume rendering approaches, as well as a number of techniques for producing feature-revealing spatial cues. We also study the pros and cons of using batch and interactive tools for visualizing the data and discuss the relative merits of using each approach. We find that each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages, and a combination of tools is most effective at exploring large four-dimensional scalar datasets. The resulting visualizations show several new phenomena in the dynamics of coherent vortices.
Visual Descriptors for Dense Tensor Fields in Computational Turbulent Combustion: A Case Study
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2015
Simulation and modeling of turbulent flow, and of turbulent reacting flow in particular, involve solving for and analyzing time-dependent and spatially dense tensor quantities, such as turbulent stress tensors. The interactive visual exploration of these tensor quantities can effectively steer the computational modeling of combustion systems. In this article, the authors analyze the challenges in dense symmetric-tensor visualization as applied to turbulent combustion calculation; most notable among these challenges are the dataset size and density. They analyze, together with domain experts, the feasibility of using several established tensor visualization techniques in this application domain. They further examine and propose visual descriptors for volume rendering of the data. Of these novel descriptors, one is a density-gradient descriptor which results in Schlieren-style images, and another one is a classification descriptor inspired by machine-learning techniques. The result is a hybrid visual analysis tool to be utilized in the debugging, benchmarking and verification of models and solutions in turbulent combustion. The authors demonstrate this analysis tool on two example configurations, report feedback from combustion researchers, and summarize the design lessons learned.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008
Computational science is paramount to the understanding of underlying processes in internal combustion engines of the future that will utilize non-petroleum-based alternative fuels, including carbon-neutral biofuels, and burn in new combustion regimes that will attain high efficiency while minimizing emissions of particulates and nitrogen oxides. Next-generation engines will likely operate at higher pressures, with greater amounts of dilution and utilize alternative fuels that exhibit a wide range of chemical and physical properties. Therefore, there is a significant role for high-fidelity simulations, direct numerical simulations (DNS), specifically designed to capture key turbulence-chemistry interactions in these relatively uncharted combustion regimes, and in particular, that can discriminate the effects of differences in fuel properties. In DNS, all of the relevant turbulence and flame scales are resolved numerically using high-order accurate numerical algorithms. As a consequence terascale DNS are computationally intensive, require massive amounts of computing power and generate tens of terabytes of data. Recent results from terascale DNS of turbulent flames are presented here, illustrating its role in elucidating flame stabilization mechanisms in a lifted turbulent hydrogen/air jet flame in a hot air coflow, and the flame structure of a fuel-lean turbulent premixed jet flame. Computing at this scale requires close collaborations between computer and combustion scientists to provide optimized scaleable algorithms and software for terascale simulations, efficient collective parallel I/O, tools for volume visualization of multiscale, multivariate data and automating the combustion workflow. The enabling computer science, applied to combustion science, is also required in many other terascale 015001 J H Chen et al physics and engineering simulations. In particular, performance monitoring is used to identify the performance of key kernels in the DNS code, S3D and especially memory intensive loops in the code. Through the careful application of loop transformations, data reuse in cache is exploited thereby reducing memory bandwidth needs, and hence, improving S3D's nodal performance. To enhance collective parallel I/O in S3D, an MPI-I/O caching design is used to construct a two-stage write-behind method for improving the performance of write-only operations. The simulations generate tens of terabytes of data requiring analysis. Interactive exploration of the simulation data is enabled by multivariate time-varying volume visualization. The visualization highlights spatial and temporal correlations between multiple reactive scalar fields using an intuitive user interface based on parallel coordinates and time histogram. Finally, an automated combustion workflow is designed using Kepler to manage large-scale data movement, data morphing, and archival and to provide a graphical display of run-time diagnostics.
Terascale direct numerical simulations of turbulent combustion using S3D
Computational science is paramount to the understanding of underlying processes in internal combustion engines of the future that will utilize non-petroleum-based alternative fuels, including carbon-neutral biofuels, and burn in new combustion regimes that will attain high efficiency while minimizing emissions of particulates and nitrogen oxides. Next-generation engines will likely operate at higher pressures, with greater amounts of dilution and utilize alternative fuels that exhibit a wide range of chemical and physical properties. Therefore, there is a significant role for high-fidelity simulations, direct numerical simulations (DNS), specifically designed to capture key turbulence-chemistry interactions in these relatively uncharted combustion regimes, and in particular, that can discriminate the effects of differences in fuel properties. In DNS, all of the relevant turbulence and flame scales are resolved numerically using high-order accurate numerical algorithms. As a consequence terascale DNS are computationally intensive, require massive amounts of computing power and generate tens of terabytes of data. Recent results from terascale DNS of turbulent flames are presented here, illustrating its role in elucidating flame stabilization mechanisms in a lifted turbulent hydrogen/air jet flame in a hot air coflow, and the flame structure of a fuel-lean turbulent premixed jet flame. Computing at this scale requires close collaborations between computer and combustion scientists to provide optimized scaleable algorithms and software for terascale simulations, efficient collective parallel I/O, tools for volume visualization of multiscale, multivariate data and automating the combustion workflow. The enabling computer science, applied to combustion science, is also required in many other terascale
Topological feature extraction for comparison of terascale combustion simulation data
We describe a combinatorial streaming algorithm to extract features which identify regions of local intense rates of mixing in two terascale turbulent combustion simulations. Our algorithm allows simulation data comprised of scalar fields represented on 728x896x512 or 2025x1600x400 grids to be processed on a single relatively lightweight machine. The turbulence-induced mixing governs the rate of reaction and hence is of principal interest in these combustion simulations. We use our feature extraction algorithm to compare two very different simulations and find that in both the thickness of the extracted features grows with decreasing turbulence intensity. Simultaneous consideration of results of applying the algorithm to the HO 2 mass fraction field indicates that autoignition kernels near the base of a lifted flame tend not to overlap with the high mixing rate regions.