Effect of various soil health indicators on rice productivity in old alluvium of Bihar: A correlation study (original) (raw)

Assessing Soil Quality Under Long-Term Rice-Based Cropping System

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2005

Productivity of the rice-based cropping system is low, and it continues to decline in India because of worsening soil-related constraints. Keeping in view the importance of soil quality in rice-based intensive cropping system, the present investigation was undertaken with the objective of identifying several biological, chemical, and physical indicators of soil quality using data collected from a long-term experiment being conducted since 1972 on rice-wheat-jute cropping system in Indo Gangetic alluvial soils of India. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with five treatments, under long-term fertilizer experiment [i.e., control (no fertilizer and manure); 100% of the recommended dose of nitrogen (100% N); 100% of the recommended dose of N and phosphorus (100% NP); 100% of the recommended dose of N, P, and potassium (100% NPK); and 100% of the recommended dose of N, P, K, and farm yard manure (100% NPK þ FYM]. Soil samples were collected after the harvest of rice during the 2002 experiment and were analyzed for physical, chemical, and biological parameters. On the basis of the long-term yield data, sustainable yield index was calculated. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to determine the smallest set of chemical, physical, and biological indicators that account for at least 95% of the variability in the total data set. The total soil N, available P, dehydrogenase activity, and mean weight diameter of the aggregates were the most important indicators in this case study. A multiple regression was run to evaluate the efficacy of minimum data set (MDS) taking sustainable yield index as goal (r 2 ¼ 0.69). Each MDS was transformed into score. The soil quality index (SQI) was calculated by using weighing factors derived from principal component analysis for each scored MDS variable. The highest SQI was found in 100% NPK þ FYM treatment followed by 100% NPK, 100% NP, 100% N, and control treatment, respectively. To compare the soil aggradation or degradation, an undisturbed fallow soil was taken as reference, and it has been observed that 100% NPK þ FYM and 100% NPK showed positive change in soil quality that is aggradation of soil quality, but the other three treatments, 100% N, 100% NP, and control, showed negative change of soil quality and indicates degradation of the system.

Assessment of soil quality monitoring indicators under long term rice cultivation in hot arid Ghaggar-flood plains of India

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2018

The evaluation of soil quality is essential in monitoring the long term effects of rice cultivation. Present study investigated the effects of long term rice cultivation on soil properties and organic C pools and identified indicators for monitoring soil quality in A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 2 Ghaggar-flood plains of hot arid India. Soil samples were collected from fields with 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 years of rice cultivation. The study revealed that electrical conductivity (EC) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) increased after 30-40 years of rice cultivation. Available nutrients increased with increasing years of rice cultivation. The organic carbon pools namely, total organic carbon (TOC), Walkley Black carbon (WBC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) were increased above 50% in 20 and above years of rice cultivation. The TOC and POC were increased by 40.6 to 132.4% and 31.7% to 104.8% in 10 to 40 years of rice cultivation. Cation exchange capacity, WBC, ESP and CaCO 3 could serve as soil monitoring indicators of long term rice cultivation in arid region. The findings clearly indicated that long term rice cultivation could aggravate soil salinity and have negative impact on soil quality in arid environment.

Selected parameters of soil health in Cumilla district at the Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh and strategies for their sustainable improvement towards rice production

Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences

Soil fertility and rice production were the most frequently mentioned issues identified not only in all the countries of Asia but also in the rest of the world. Hence, it is essential to pay attention for sustainable rice production, climate-smart agriculture and soil health. Accordingly, assessments of selected soil health indicators, such as, pH, organic matter and cation exchange capacity (CEC) in all 17 Upazilas of Cumilla district of Bangladesh were completed under the financial support of the Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF). A few strategies were used for the improvement of soil health in response to smart rice production at the field site using locally available organic-fertilizers, viz. Vermicompost (V), Rice husk ash (RHA) and Burned poultry litters (BPL) at the rates of 0, 4 and 8 t ha-1 under the soil temperature elevation of 2 to 3°C (i.e. 25 to 28°C) and moisture levels of 60 and 90%. The above mentioned parameters of soil health at the Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh wer...

Assessment of soil physical health and productivity of Kharkhoda and Gohana blocks of Sonipat district (Haryana), India

In order to assess soil health of Kharkhoda and Gohana blocks of Sonipat district (a part of western Yamuna canal irrigated region), important parameters namely pH, electrical conductivity (EC), texture, bulk density (BD), saturated hydraulic conductivity (HC), soil organic carbon (OC), available water retension capacity (AWRC) and non capillary pores (NCP) were measured by collecting undisturbed soil samples in nearly 66 villages. Soil physical rating index (PI) method was used to compute PI which was an indicator of soil physical health of that region. Results revealed that in Gohana and Kharkhoda blocks, nearly 90% area had pH <8.0 and EC>4 dS m-1 , which indicated that soils were saline. Prediction maps of soil BD showed that 75% of the total area in 15-30 cm soil layer had BD above >1.6 mg m-3 , which indicated the presence of hard pan in subsurface. HC data of subsurface layer also showed that 60% of the area had values<0.5 cm hr-1 which reconfirmed the presence of hard pan. For both surface as well as subsurface soil layers, mostly AWC was >10% which indicated adequate water retention capacity of these soils. However 85% of subsurface had poor soil aeration capacity as indicated NCP range < 10 %. Prediction map of PI for subsurface layer showed that majority of area had PI<0.4 which indicated that expected yield of the crop cannot be more than 70% of the potential yield even under normal or higher levels of fertilizer and water inputs.

Soil Quality Dynamic and Rice Production of Three Different Rice Farming Systems in Sragen District, Central Java Province

Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim

The farmers realize that green revolution technology with high inputs is no longer sustainable, expensive, and the yield decrease. Some farmers move to organic rice farming, semi organic, and the rest remain doing conventional rice farming. The research aim was to monitor soil quality dynamic and rice productions under three rice farming systems. This study was conducted in Vertisols at Sambung Macan Sub District, Sragen Regency. The treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments was organic, semi organic, and conventional rice farming systems. The results indicated that in organic field, the soil quality in 2019 was more superior than in semi organic and conventional in 2018 and 2017, and soil qualities of semi organic system was better than conventional in terms of soil chemical, physical and biological including soil pH, organic C and total N, P and K total, soil bulk density, particle density, soil porosity and permeability. Similar finding was observed for rice biomass productions in 2019. In 2019 the rice grains yields were 12.68, 7.43, and 7.0, rice straw were 7.25, 6.55, and 6.25, and for rice residues were 4.15, 3.20, and 3.15 tons ha-1 season-1 in organic, semi organic, and conventional systems, respectively. Compared to the conventional system, the organic increased about 81, 16, and 32% for rice grains, rice straw, and rice residues, respectively. Compared to conventional, semi organic improved about 6, 5, and 2% for rice grains, rice straw, and rice residues, respectively. Abstrak. Petani menyadari bahwa green revolution technology tidak lumintu, biaya produksi mahal, dan hasil panen menurun. Sebagian petani beralih ke budidaya padi organik, semi organik dan sebagian bertahan pada sistem konvensional dengan perbaikan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan kualitas tanah dan hasil brangkasan padi pada sistem padi organik,, semi organik, dan konvensional. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tahun 2017, 2018, dan 2019 pada tiga sistem budidaya padi di Kecamatan Sambung Macan, Sragen. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok, dengan tiga ulangan dan sebagai perlakuan tiga budidaya padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas tanah pada budidaya organik pada tahun 2019 lebih unggul dibandingkan semi organik dan konvensional pada tahun 2018 dan 2017. Begitu juga kualitas tanah pada semi organik pada 2019 lebih baik dibandingkan budidaya konvensional. Hasil brangkasan padi pada budidaya organik tahun 2019 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tahun 2018 dan 2017, baik pada budidaya padi semi organik maupun konvensional. Hasil gabah, jerami, dan sisa panen dari ketiga sistem budidaya padi pada tahun 2019 masing masing sebesar 12,68; 7,43; dan 7,0; jerami 7,25; 6,55; dan 6,25; dan sisa panen 4,15; 3,20; dan 3,15 ton ha-1 musim-1 untuk budidaya padi organik, semi organik dan konvensional. Dibandingkan dengan konvensional sistem, budidaya organik meningkat sekitar 81, 16, and 32% untuk gabah, jerami dan sisa panen. Dibandingkan dengan konvensional, budidaya semi organik meningkat 6, 5, dan 2% untuk gabah, jerami, dan sisa panen.

Impact of Long Term Nutrient Management on Soil Quality Indices in Rice-Wheat System of Lower Indo-Gangetic Plain


Globally, soil degradation is an important issue for sustainable crop production. Soil quality indicators are the soil attributes that address the ecological functions of soil. Therefore, indicator-based soil quality assessment has been emphasized for quantifying the relative soil quality changes in different nutrient management systems. Soil quality underthe rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivam L.) cropping system was assessed using a modified “Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF)” model. Soil’s physical, chemical, nutritional, and biological indices were analyzed for different nutrient management strategies, viz., inorganic fertilizer (NPK), NPK + 7.5 Mg ha−1 farmyard manure (NPKF), NPK + 10.0 Mg ha−1 paddy straw (NPKP) and NPK + 8.0 Mg ha−1 Sesbania sesban L. green manure (NPKG). Nutrient management strategies significantly influenced soil quality indices. NPKF showed the highest SMAF score for soil physical quality index followed by NPKP > NPKG > NPK ...

Establishment of critical limits of indicators and indices of soil quality in rice-rice cropping systems under different soil orders

Geoderma, 2017

Rice-rice is one of the major cropping systems in Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of South Asia. Assessment of soil quality and identification of key indicators with their critical limits are very much important for maintaining normal functioning of the soil and productivity of crops, particularly of wet land rice. The present investigation was undertaken to identify sensitive soil quality indicators and to develop soil quality indices and establishment of their critical limits in Inceptisols, Entisols and Alfisols collected from farmers' fields with long-term rice-rice cropping system in subtropical India. The soil samples were analysed for 37 physical, chemical and biological properties. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to create minimum data set (MDS) of physical, chemical and biological indicators which were encompassed to develop unified soil quality index (SQI) under different soil orders. The SQI thus developed was highest in Inceptisols (0.66 to 0.89) followed by Entisols (0.23 to 0.76) and Alfisols (0.37 to 0.60). The upper and lower critical limits for key indicators as well as SQI were determined using scattered plot technique involving relative yields of rice (RY) and different soil quality indicators as well as SQI. The critical limit equivalent to 80% and 40% of relative yield were treated as upper and lower critical limits of selected key indicators and SQI. The adequacy classes for each of selected key indicator as a function of relative yield of rice were established based on the following criteria: b 40% low, 40-80% moderate and N 80% adequate. The upper and lower critical limits of the indicators selected under rice-rice cropping systems in Inceptisols were available Zn (1.7 and 1.2 mg kg −1), bulk density (1.2 and 1.6 Mg m −3), β-glucosidase activity (68 and 18 μg p-nitrophenol g −1 soil h −1) and urease activity (64 and 24 μg NH 4 g −1 soil 2 h −1), in Entisols were dehydrogenase activity (93 and 12 μg TPF g −1 soil 24 h −1), aggregate stability (66 and 11%), total organic C (11.6 and 10.7 g kg −1) and pHw (5.7 and 5.3) and in Alfisols were oxidisable organic C (7.8 and 5.0 g kg −1), βglucosidase activity (51 and 15 μg p-nitrophenol g −1 soil h −1), aggregate stability (52 and 19%) and mineralizable C (273 and 173 μg C g −1 soil), respectively. The upper and lower critical limits established for key soil quality indicators as well for Inceptisols (0.85 and 0.56), Entisols (0.23 and 0.65) and Alfisols (0.37 and 0.56) could periodically be judged for maintaining/enhancing soil quality and yield sustainability through the employment of optimum management practices in rice-rice cropping systems of subtropical India.

Soil quality index as affected by different cropping systems in northwestern Himalayas

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016

Soil quality assessment provides a tool for evaluating the sustainability of soils under different crop cafeterias. Our objective was to develop the soil quality index for evaluating the soil quality indicators under different cropping systems in northwest Himalaya-India. Composite soil samples were taken from the study area from different cropping systems which include T 1 (forest soil control), T 2 (rice-oilseed, lower belts), T 3 (rice-oilseed, higher belts), T 4 (rice-oats), T 5 (rice-fallow), T 6 (maize-oats), T 7 (maize-peas), T 8 (apple), T 9 (applebeans), and T 10 (apple-maize). Physical, chemical, and biological soil indicators were determined, and it was found that soil enzyme activities involved in nutrient cycling were significantly higher in forest soils, which were reflected in higher levels of available pool of nutrients. Carbon stocks were found significantly higher in forest soil which was translated in improved soil physical condition. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to reduce multidimensionality of data followed by scoring by homothetic transformation of the selected indicators. Pearson's interclass correlation was performed to avoid redundancy, and highly correlated variables were not retained. Inclusion of legumes in the apple orchard floor recorded highest soil quality rating across the treatments. Cereal-based cropping systems were found in lower soil quality rating; however, the incorporation of peas in the system improved soil health.