Place of the cardiosplenic axis in the development of fatal myocardial infarction (original) (raw)

Effect of intramyocardial haemorrhage on structural and functional echocardiographic parameters of myocardium after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with

Russian Journal of Cardiology

Aim. To analyze the effect of intramyocardial haemorrhage (IMH) on the structural and functional echocardiographic parameters of myocardium in patients with primary ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).Material and methods. The study included 60 patients with primary STEMI reperfused within 12 hours after symptom onset. On the second day after the event, all subjects underwent gadolinium-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). IMH was visualized as T2-weighted hypointense areas. Subsequently, all patients underwent the standard echocardiography on the 7th day after MI.Results. IMH was revealed in 31 patients (51,6%). In 22 patients (70,9%), IMH was accompanied by microvascular obstruction (MVO). In the remaining 9 patients (29%), an isolated IMH phenomenon was visualized. Lower values of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and LV volume parameters were associated with a combination of MVO and IMH. At the same time, the indices of volumetric characteris...

Neurovisceral interactions within the brain-heart axis as the basis of neurocardiology

Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention

The use of a systematic approach to the study of the etiology of a certain pathology makes it possible to improve the understanding of its pathogenesis, as well as to develop more effective diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, including improving the prediction of its risk. Within this review, we will consider such an area of interdisciplinary research as neurocardiology, which studies the brain-heart axis. Examples of cardiovascular diseases associated with organic and functional disorders of this axis will be considered, as well as the prospects for research in this area and their translational significance for clinical medicine.

Evaluation of five-year risk of lethal outcome and development of cardiovascular disorders in patients with acute myocardial infarction on basis of 0.1-Hz rhythms synchronization in cardiovascular system

The research goal is to evaluate the impact of autonomic heart control indices on five-year risk of lethal outcome and development of cardiovascular disorders in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and to study the dynam¬ics of indices in short- and long-term period. 125 patients with AMI (42% female), ages 30 to 83 years, were enrolled in prospective observational study. Observation period lasted 6 years. Control checking was carried out in 1 week, 3 weeks, 6 months, 1 year and then annually. The dynamics of heart rate variability (HRV) and the synchronization of 0.1-Hz rhythms of heart and microcirculation (S) were studied during the first year. Outcomes proved to be death, MI, stroke. Development of acute heart failure Killip 2-4 and indices S < 20% during the first week of AMI (х2 = 10,5, p = 0,005 for the Cox model) played a significant role in evaluation of five-year risk of death after AMI. Sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of index S < 20% during the fi...

Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Journal of Clinical Practice

The review discusses accumulated to date scientific data on dilated cardiomyopathy: causative factors, clinical manifestations, sudden cardiac death in patients with the disease and its risk-stratification in the light of National guidelines on the definition of risk and prevention of sudden cardiac death (2012). A case of a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy and high-risk of sudden cardiac death is presented.

«Grey zone» of heart failure

Kazan medical journal, 2018

The review is devoted to modern understanding of heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction. The formation of the paradigm of «two phenotypes» of heart failure began around the end of the last century. As a result of a number of large epidemiological studies on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, so-called «grey zone» of ejection fraction values was formed in the range of about 40-50%. This situation arose because of the lack of clearly established level of normal ejection fraction and underlines imperfection of this parameter as the only classification criterion. But no more convenient «tool» for research work was offered. In the past decade, «grey zone» of heart failure has been actively explored by clinical epidemiologists and clinicians. Should we classify these patients as one of the existing phenotypes of heart failure or present them as a new, separate phenotype? Both the first and second decisions require information about the population «portrait» of subgrou...

Relative position of septomarginal and septoparietal right ventricular trabeculae in the human fetal heart

Knowledge of the relevant position of right ventricular (RV) trabeculae in the fetal heart is required to distinguished health patterns from congenital heart defects. The study was aimed to investigate the location of the trabeculae in the RV outlet portion. 101 human hearts from fetuses aged 17-28 weeks without anomalies and growth retardation were investigated with the stereomicroscope and ocular micrometer. The septomarginal trabecula (SMT) was located in the RV outlet and always was an oriented structure. The anterior branch of SMT was found in 77.8% of cases and it was always directed towards the pulmonary trunk. The posterior branch was directed towards the membranous septum. Septoparietal trabeculae (PT) connected the anterior margin of SMT with the anterior wall of RV. Several patterns of the relative PT and SMT position have been described. In 48.1% the first (closest to SMT) PT was located parallel to the anterior margin of SMT. Less frequently it entered the anterior marg...

Emery Dreifuss progressive muscular dystrophy: cardiac pacing for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death

Patologiya krovoobrashcheniya i kardiokhirurgiya, 2015

Постоянная эндокардиальная электрокардиостимуляция - единственный эффективный метод лечения брадиаритмических форм нарушений ритма и проводимости сердца, а также профилактики наиболее серьезного осложнения данного заболевания: внезапной сердечной смерти. Мы представляем описание семьи с мышечной дистрофией Эмери - Дрейфуса (МДЭД) и прогрессирующими нарушениями проводимости сердца. Приведены результаты клинического обследования семьи, результаты хирургического лечения. В семье выявлен новый редкий генетический вариант с.513+45T>G в гене LMNA, потенциально нарушающий сплайсинг мРНК. Точная этиологическая диагностика брадиаритмий, своевременное обследование членов семьи и определение оптимальных сроков имплантации электрокардиостимулятора (ЭКС) требуют комплексного подхода и учета клинических, электрофизиологических и генетических факторов.

LIS Study (Lyubertsy Study of mortality in patients after acute myocardial infarction): the patients’ portrait

Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention, 2011

Aim. As a part of the LIS Study (Lyubertsy Study of mortality in patients after acute myocardial infarction), to assess the patients’ demographic characteristics, specifics of the clinical course and treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) and other cardiovascular pathology, as well as the risk factor (RF) prevalence before acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Material and methods. The study included all patients (n=1133) who, within the three-year study period, developed AMI and were admitted to Lyubertsy clinics (Moscow Region). Results. The study population included 54,5 % men and 45,5 % women. Mean age of male and female AMI patients was, respectively, 60,1±0,5 and 71,4±0,4 yeas. Approximately 35 % of all participants were working-age men. The majority of the patients had several RFs, among which arterial hypertension (AH) was the most prevalent (76 %). Over 30 % of the patients did not have pre-existing CHD before AMI. Prior to AMI, pharmaceutical treatment was rare; antiplatel...