Intergenerational Solidarity in Romanian Social and Health Care Policies (original) (raw)
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Revista de Asistenta Sociala nr 2 2016 3 iunie 2016. Edited by Maria Roth and Mihai Bogdan Iovu
Acest număr special şi-a propus să ofere un spaţiu academic şi profesional pentru a descrie şi analiza critic unul dintre scopurile fundamentale ale asistenţei sociale: capacitarea copiilor, tinerilor şi familiilor. Evaluarea, planificarea şi livrarea intervenţiilor acestor categorii de beneficiari tind să se centreze în mod semnificativ pe problemă. Prin urmare, asistenţii sociali îşi vor explica eşecurile intervenţiilor prin raportarea la clienţi ca "nemo tivaţi", "rezistenţi la schimbare" şi/sau "nepregătiţi" să-şi asume schimbarea. Profe sioniştii tind să facă mai degrabă lucruri pentru clienţi, şi nu împreună cu aceştia, în special în cazul situaţiilor şi/sau clienţilor "problematici".
Groups and Needs: Response of the Social Protection System in Nowadays Romania
Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, 2016
The poverty percentage in today’s Romania is large related to the EU context and compared to other former communist countries. Large differences can be observed in the cases of certain groups which are vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. For these groups, the most important thing is the intervention of supportive social policies. Besides the higher incidence of poverty and vulnerability, the efficiency of the social transfers in reduction of the poverty (other than pensions) is three times lower in Romania compared to the European average. One of the explanations proposed in this paper refers to the philosophy of the social protection system focused mainly on categorical benefits offered to some large categories presumed to have certain pre-defined vulnerabilities. The rate of the benefits based on testing means is low and the rate of the benefits for supporting those in need of urgent intervention is extremely low. On the other hand, the rate of financial benefits is signif...
Social Policies in Romania after 30 Years, between Expectations and Facts
Revista Calitatea Vieții, 2021
The book we are releasing today, has the challenging title "Social Policies in Romania after 30 Years, between Expectations and Facts", and has been printed this year by the Romanian Academy's Publishing House, under the coordination of the distinguished researchers Elena Zamfir, Mălina Voicu, and Simona Maria Stănescu. It is, in the first place, a testimony of the concerns and apprehensions of the past thirty years, and the fruit of the relentless and strenuous effort of the Romanian scientific community of the Academy, to highlight a very sensitive area of interest. In the foreword of the volume, the authors stress the idea that the revenue gap between various classes in Romania is high and on the rise, not to mention, along the same line, the last or the last but one place held by Romania in the EU classification of individual household revenues for each and every year of the past three decades, all of which showing why such a study was so strongly needed and is so much welcomed. Keeping the pace with the latest concepts and theories specific to this area of research, to which we must add the deep understanding of paradigm shifts and their effects upon public policies, a detailed critical observation of everyday life, new ideas put forward in surveys, analyses and studies for the benefit of the authorities, are all proofs of the professionalism of the book's authors and of the consistency of their approach, and part of a research collective portrait that is aptly made by
Social risks and social inequities in Romania - Report summary –
social policies in Romania are still inconsistent, ineffective, reactive, and offering improvised solutions to specific crises, their goals are contradictory, lacking vision and strategy, not relying on gathered data and social indicators, and not including monitoring and evaluation of ongoing and former programs.
Journal of Community Positive Practices
The article analyzes some characteristics of the nowadays development of health policies, referring to the phases of the process of elaboration of public policies in health, to the new public management and to some characteristics that limit the reform process such as incrementalism, uncertainty and limited rationality theory. Also, it talks about deciding systems with closed structures, or about the limited capacity of the policy to reform the institutions, the windows of opportunity or sectoriality of the health policies.
La constitucio i el constitucionalisme de la Unio Europea (UE) son concebuts preferentment com un conjunt d’imaginaris en confrontacio, es a dir, relats que competeixen sobre la construccio juridicopolitica d’Europa. Aquests imaginaris han estat historicament fomentats per tecnocrates i elits politiques de la UE, pero tambe per diversos actors socials i economics, ja siguin democrates progressistes o be grups empresarials influents. Quan els tecnocrates i les elits es van dedicar al projecte de constitucionalitzacio de la UE cap als anys 90, el que pretenien era legitimar la Unio; perque aleshores la constitucionalitzacio era necessaria en esdevenir la Unio una organitzacio internacional no gaire tipica. A pesar que les lleis, la normativa i les politiques que es van adoptar en l’ambit de la UE van tenir un impacte en els ciutadans, no van afectar els processos legislatius o de presa de decisions politiques. La primera part d’aquest treball explica com la identitat constitucional de...
Romanian Journal of Public Affairs no.6/2022
Romanian Journal of Public Affairs no.6/2022, 2022
The Romanian Journal of Public Affairs (RJPA) is published by the Center for Public Affairs – Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA) in Bucharest, Romania. It is an open-access journal for researchers, Ph.D students, master students, undergraduate students, practitioners and other categories of readers interested in finding the newest in public affairs. The articles are double peer-reviewed, aiming to promote interdisciplinary research in governance, public administration, public affairs, public policy, law, economics and finance, following the philosophy of international interdisciplinary journals. The languages of publication are English or French. There are no author charges prior to publication, and no charge for any reader to download articles from the home page of the journal. The readers are allowed to access the articles from this journal free of charge. For the authors, the publication of the articles is free of charge. RJPA is an open access journal. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. RJPA respect all the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing as establshed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). The Journal appears twice a year and the articles can be submitted until the end of March and of October.
Nuevas políticas para cuidados en el hogar en los Estados de bienestar europeos
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 2014
Since the 1990s, the West European welfare states have extended public social services and social rights for senior citizens in need of care. They have also started to support family members more in their caring role. The unpaid, informal care done by (mostly female) spouses or adult children of the frail elderly people has been transformed into forms of family care that are paid for by state programs such as 'cash-for-care' or by municipalities, and which connected to some degree also with employment rights. As a consequence, also the ways in which welfare states construct the relationship between family members has changed to some degree. So far, there is relatively little research about welfare state policies towards senior care by family members. This paper introduces a typology of 'family care regimes' in the field of care for senior citizens, which can be used as a theoretical framework for cross-national analyzes of welfare state institutions which are framing the work situation of caring family members and their relationship with the care recipients in family care. It also is analyzed how far the different types of the family care regime are connected with tensions.
Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi. New Series SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK Section, 2018
Several factors contributed to the current world demographic configuration: cultural, financial, and socioeconomic changes specific to the globalisation process. The improvement of alimentation, the recent progresses in the field of medicine, along with mass immunization , the information and education of the population in the fields of health and care for each stage of life, and practicing mass-sports contributed, as well. From the demographic viewpoint, the main responsible factors are the decreases of the birth rate, increased life expectancy, the migration phenomenon, and population ageing. This latter aspect is the subject of the present paper. The first part reviews the definition of old age from a general and demographic point of view. The second part analyses comprehensively the social vulnerability of this period of life. The third part is dedicated to the impact population ageing has on the configuration of social policies. From the methodological viewpoint, the paper relies on analysing the specialised literature dedicated to demographic ageing. The paper concludes that demographic ageing is analysed by the Romanian literature predominantly during the past two decades of the post-communist period. The phenomenon has impact on the social insurances system (pensions), medical services and social assistance system (so-cial services dedicated to long-term care).
As we are accustomed to, the predigious Polirom publishing house from Iaşi is offering students, specialists in social sciences but also to the grand public a new, interesting and wothy paper. It appears in the social science and anthropology collection, the Colegium collection and is coordinated by the well-known professor of Social Science at the University of Bucharest, Marian Preda. The paper Risks and social inequities in Romania, which has come out at the end of the year 2009, represents a sociologic analysis of great dimensions, in which an image of the present Romanian society is presented. Being published as a result of a diagnostics made by the Presidential Comission for Social and Demografic Risk Analysis (established on 13th of January 2009), with Marian Predea as its coordinator, the paper does not only bear the collaboration of renowned sociologists from Bucharest, Iaşi, Cluj and Sibiu, but also of the institutions of the state, meaning the President's Office, under the protection of which the entire scientifical intercession took place. We recall as the authors of the seven chapters of the paper: