Influence of Ascorbic Acid on Egg Quality (original) (raw)
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This study was conducted to investigate the influence of the dietary supplementation with different levels of ascorbic acid on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, and carcass traits of growing rabbits under summer and winter conditions in Egypt. Factorial design experiment (2×4) was carried out including two seasons (winter and summer) and four levels of ascorbic acid 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g /kg diet. Results indicated that growth performance, daily feed intake, nutrients digestibility, nutritive values, hemoglobin, hematocrit, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Red blood cell counts, dressing (%) and organs (liver, kidney and heart) weight were significantly decreased at summer season compared with winter season. In contrast, ascorbic acid supplementation caused a significant increase in growth performance indices, organic matter (OM) digestibility, some blood parameters i.e., aspirate amino transferase (ALT, AST, urea, total protein and albumin) of growing rabbits. However, ascorbic acid supplementation showed insignificant effects in dressing percentage and relative weights of liver, kidney, heart, lung and spleen. On the other hand, the economical evaluation in this study showed that using of 0.5 or 1g ascorbic acid/kg diet in winter season and 0.5 g ascorbic acid/kg in summer season in the growing rabbit diets was more economical than the other treatment groups. Conclusively, the results revealed that fortification of rabbit diets with ascorbic acid especially level of 0.5 g/kg diet, economically, could enhance the growth performance of growing rabbit during mild and hot climate in Egypt.
The quest to meet up with the high demand for poultry products has made farmers adopt new means of rearing birds without incurring more cost. One of these husbandry practices is by varying the stocking density. Increasing stocking density may however result in additional stress which may reduce production efficiency. Arising from this, a completely randomized design experiment was carried out to determine the effects of ascorbic acid (AA) supplementation on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens stocked at two different stocking densities. A total of 150 day-old Marshall broilers were brooded for 2wk. and randomly allotted into 4 treatment groups of 3 replicates each: Treatment 1 optimal stocking at 7birds/m 2 , Treatment 2 double stocking at 14 birds/m 2 and no AA supplementation, Treatment 3 double stocking at 14 birds/m 2 and 150% AA supplementation and Treatment 4 double stocking at 14 birds/m 2 and 300% AA supplementation. Feed intake, live weight, feed:gai...
EPC 2006 - 12th European Poultry Conference, Verona, Italy, 10-14 September, 2006, 2006
Under stress-conditions the decomposition of ascorbic acid increases, as was shown by the application of 14 C-ascorbic acid. There is an increased consumption especially in the leukocytes and the liver. The byosinthesis in stress conditions is not augmented to the necessary degree, so the concentration of ascorbic acid in the plasma is lowered. The administration of ascorbic acid increases the concentration in the plasma and the uptake into the adrenal cortex, into the cells of the immune system and into other cell types.The literature points out that addition of ascorbic acid to the feed of poultry has positive effects, such as increased weight gain, higher resistance to some infections and contagious diseases, more suitable eggshell thickness, better summer egg quality etc. The experiments were conducted with meat chickens, 10 days old, whose feed rations were supplemented with 2 g of ascorbic acid / kg of combined feed, along with another lot receiving 2 g of sodium ascorbate/kg of combined feed, while a third lot received unsupplemented feed. The surrounding temperature was 28-32 0 C, compared to 26-22 0 C, the normal temperature for this age group. After four weeks, blood samples were taken by puncture of the cubital vein and hematologic and biochemical investigations were conducted, as well as dosing of ascorbic acid in tissues and organs. The data were processed biostatistically and plotted by a PC 386 Sx calculation system, using the Lotus R-23 program packet. The significance of difference (t) was then determined. After four weeks supplemented feeding with 2 g of ascorbic acid / kg of combined feed, the average weight of meat chickens was 1035.41 g against only 866.50 g in the controls, hence 19.49% greater. The hematologic and biochemical findings included a drop in the hematocrit (P<0.05) and in the amount of ascorbic acid contained in the bursa of Fabricius (P < 0.01). In the lot supplemented with 2 g of sodium ascorbate / kg of combined feed, after 4 weeks, the average weight was 977.00 g against only 866.50 g in the control, hence an increase of 12,75%. The hematologic an biochemical findings included a rise in the SO 4 Zn turbidity test values (P<0.05), ascorbinemia (P<0.01) and the content of ascorbic acid in the kidneys (P<0.05), liver (P<0.05), and the bursa of Fabricius (P<0.05).
Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2004
Two groups of animals (control diet and control diet supplemented with sunflower) were evaluated in three lactation phases (0 to 60; 61 to 90; and 91 to 120 days in milk). During phase I, cows fed without sunflower showed higher concentrations of capric, lauric, palmitic, and araquidic acids. Only stearic acid had low concentrations during this phase. Cows fed with sunflower presented a reduction in the concentration of saturated fatty acids during phases I and II. During phase III, there was a concentration decrease of lauric, miristic, and pentadecilic acids in the sunflower-fed cow's milk Adding sunflower to cow's diet altered the profile of milk fatty acids. Milk nutrients were not altered by adding sunflower to the diet, excepting milk protein concentration, which registered decreases of 3.6% in phase I, 3.4% in phase II and 6.7% in phase III.
heat stress on egg quality in layer hens supplemented with l-ascorbic acid and dl-tocopherol acetate. Vet. arhiv 81, 119-132, 2011. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of heat stress on egg quality profile in layer hens supplemented with vitamins C and E. A total of 720 L layer hens at 39 weeks old, were divided into 33 four groups of 180 birds. One group was fed a basal diet (control) and treatment groups were fed a basal diet supplemented with 150 mg of l-ascorbic acid/kg of diet (Vit. C group), 150 mg of α-dl-tocopherol acetate/kg of diet (Vit. E group), while the last group was supplemented with 150 mg of l-ascorbic acid/kg of diet plus 150 mg of α-dl-tocopherol acetate/kg of diet (Vit C + E group). Egg, albumen and eggshell weights were higher (P<0.05) and (P<0.005) in vitamins E and C + E groups when compared to vitamin C and control groups. Egg yolk was higher (P<0.05), (P<0.005) and (P<0.0005) in the vitamin C + E group, compared to the vi...
Ascorbic Acid Supplementation: Effects on the Growth and Packed Cell Volume of Broiler Chickens
This study was conducted to observe the effect of natural and artificial ascorbic acid supplementation on the growth and packed cell volume using broiler chicks. The chicks were divided into groups A, B, C and D. They were fed with the same quantity of feed but different type of ascorbic acid in a litre of water were also administered to groups B to D. Group A which served as the control group received no ascorbic acid and groups B was given 150 g of natural and 150 g of artificial ascorbic acid per litre of water, C received 300 g of natural and 300 g artificial ascorbic acid while D was given 300 g of artificial ascorbic acid per litre of water. The result of the supplement effects on the birds showed that birds feed with natural ascorbic acid recorded the highest weight gain 1.22 kg followed by those feed with mixture of natural and artificial ascorbic acid 1.09kg. Birds that were feed artificial ascorbic acid recorded a weight gain of 0.89 kg while the control group produced the least weight gain of 0.79 kg. The mixture of natural and artificial ascorbic acid proved to be most effective on PCV 21.23, followed by that of artificial ascorbic acid 18.1. Whereas control group recorded a PCV level of 12.84 natural ascorbic acid recorded the least PCV level of 9.93. The result of the experiment indicated that natural ascorbic acid elevated body weight while mixture of natural and artificial ascorbic acid boosted PCV in broiler when given in the right proportion.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2007
Forty-eight pigs (24 barrows and 24 gilts), Landrace X Large White with initial liveweight of 22.69 kg were subjected to four treatments: diets with 0, 5, 10, and 15% of sunflower cake (SFC). No significant (P>0.05) effect of dietary treatment was observed on crude protein (19.6%), total fat (15.3%), ash (0.89%), and moisture (63.9%) contents of ham. Fatty acids in all ham (Biceps femoris, Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus) were significantly influenced by diets. Palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids were the most abundant fatty acids in both diets and pork meat. Linoleic acid (18:2n-6) was the most abundant fatty acid under SFC-based diets. Its levels were also higher in ham of pigs fed SFC diets (T2, T3, and T4 with 15.79, 18.66, and 22.85%, respectively) than in that of pig fed the control diet (13.73%). Incorporation of 5, 10, and 15% SFC in pig diet markedly decreased the proportion of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids and increased polyunsaturated fatty acids in ham (P<0.05).
Efecto de adicionar ácido ascórbico al medio de vitrificación de folículos preantrales bovinos
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de ácido ascórbico (AA) al medio de vitrificación de folículos preantrales (FPs) bovinos previamente enfriados a 4 °C durante 4 o 24 h. Se recolectaron ovarios de novillas Nelore a los 14 meses de edad. En el laboratorio se extrajeron fragmentos de ovario de la región cortical y se distribuyeron a fragmentos para control fresco (C0h), y fragmentos para refrigeración a 4 ºC por 4 y 24 horas en TCM-199 más HEPES y antibióticos. De los fragmentos enfriados, dos se fijaron como controles para cada tiempo de enfriamiento (C4h, C24h), y los restantes se distribuyeron en cuatro tratamientos de vitrificación, utilizando el medio TCM-199 asociado con etilenglicol y dimetilsulfóxido (V), sacarosa (VSUC) o ácido ascórbico (VAA), y el tratamiento con etilenglicol, dimetilsulfóxido, sacarosa y AA (VSUC+AA). Después de 72 h, los fragmentos se calentaron y fijaron para el análisis histológico y el aislamiento folicular mecánico. No se det...
Ácidos Orgánicos, Una Alternativa en La Nutrición Avícola: Una Revisión
CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, 2019
Los ácidos orgánicos son una alternativa de reemplazo a los antibióticos promotores de crecimiento utilizados en la industria avícola moderna, por ser agentes que no dejan residuos en la carne de los animales y no generan ningún riesgo para la salud humana. El uso de ácidos orgánicos en la alimentación de las aves, contribuye al mantenimiento de la integridad y estabilidad de la biota intestinal; además, dificulta la proliferación de microorganismos patógenos, ayuda a prevenir la aparición de enfermedades y a mejorar el rendimiento productivo. Sin embargo, los resultados experimentales en la dieta de las aves son diversos y contradictorios, inducidos por diferencias en factores tales como: el tipo y la dosis del ácido orgánico, la composición de la dieta y las condiciones ambientales de cría en las que se realizan los ensayos. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar un análisis de los diferentes resultados experimentales al incluir ácidos orgánicos en la dieta del pollo de engorde...
Abanico veternario, 2018
The objective was to determine the effect of black tuna meal (BTM) at different concentrations and time of addition, in chicken diets on production variables, quality, and concentration of fatty acids in eggs and sensory evaluation. A 3 x 4 factorial design was used. Increasing the concentration of BTM modified the production variables. The cholesterol level was higher with 3% of BTM, the total lipids were increased at the time, the highest level was the control and the lowest with 3%, the Decosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was greater than 3% of BTM, the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) did not obtain differences, arachidonic acid (AA) and linoleic acid (LA) showed their lowest values with 2% of BTM. As for the sensory evaluation, color, smell, and taste were well accepted. Therefore, it is concluded that BTM can be used to enrich the nutritional values of the bird´s diet. Omega 3, black tuna meal, egg, production, hen, posture. RESUMEN El objetivo fue determinar el efecto de la harina negra de atún (HNA) a diferentes concentraciones y tiempo de adición en dietas para gallina sobre variables de producción, calidad y concentración de ácidos grasos en el huevo y evaluación sensorial. Se utilizó un diseño factorial 3 x 4. Se modificaron las variables de producción al aumentar la concentración de HNA. El nivel de colesterol fue mayor con 3 % de HNA, los lípidos totales se aumentaron al tiempo, el nivel más alto fue el testigo y el más bajo con 3 %, el ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA) fue mayor al 3 % de HNA, el ácido alfa linolénico (ALA) no obtuvo diferencias, el ácido araquidónico (AA) y el ácido linoleico (LA) mostraron sus valores más bajos con un 2 % de HNA. En cuanto a la evaluación sensorial color, olor y sabor tuvieron buena aceptación. Por lo que se concluye que la HNA puede ser utilizada para enriquecer los valores nutricionales de la dieta de las aves. Omega 3, harina negra de atún, huevo, producción, gallina, postura.