Development of Proposals to Improve the Efficiency of Public Urban Passenger Transport (original) (raw)

Increasing the Efficiency of Passenger Traffic by Regular Public Transport According to Passenger Flow Variations

Herald of Polotsk State University. Series B. Industry. Applied Sciences

The amount of transport demand, estimated by the amount of passenger traffic, is a fundamental factor for the organization of the transportation process. In urban transportation of passengers in regular traffic, the size of the passenger flow on the route determines the number of passenger vehicles, their capacity, and the timetable. Creation of conditions under which the capacity of passenger vehicles will be as close as possible to the amount of passenger traffic on each flight of each route will reduce the cost of providing public transport services without compromising the quality of such services. This article proposes the concept of a new technology for organizing passenger transportation in urban regular traffic, based on daily forecasting on each flight of each route of the passenger flow parameter that determines the required capacity of passenger vehicles, and on that basis, assigning the appropriate composition of vehicle modules for passenger transportation.

Efficiency assessment of optimizing the schedule of urban passenger transport on duplicate sections


Introduction. One of the quality indicators of urban passenger transport services is regularity of route vehicles, which directly depends on a well-designed schedule. An urgent task is to optimize urban passenger transport schedule in response to the improvement in passenger service quality. The purpose of this work is to develop alignment technique of time intervals between consecutive vehicles of different routes on duplicate sections and efficiency assessment of its application.Materials and methods. Optimization technique includes some steps: analysis of public transport network, determining a lot of duplicate sections and their characteristics, calculation the optimal time intervals among arrivals of route vehicles and alignment this intervals among consecutive route vehicles on duplicate sections, analysis of the quality of adjusted schedule of route vehicles and calculating the effect. The simulation model of urban passenger transport within simulation modelling system GPSS W...

Development of proposals on passenger questionnaires for regular urban passenger transport

The Russian Automobile and Highway Industry Journal

Introduction. Public transport in the life of modern cities plays a significant role in the formation of urban transport systems, thereby affecting the environment, the quality of people’s life, their health, road safety, etc.Knowledge of the existing features of public transport functioning will allow for competent intervention in the operation of this system, increase its attractiveness and attract additional passengers. It is possible to obtain such knowledge by polling system users – passengers. Transport surveys around the world are widely used to develop measures to improve the operation of transport, as well as to evaluate their effectiveness.This article provides an analysis of the regulatory documents governing the conduct of transport surveys, as well as scientific literature, including foreign ones, describing both the conduct and results of such surveys. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to generalize the experience of conducting transport surveys and the imp...

Development of an Approach to Improving the Passenger Transport Routing Scheme in a Large City

World of Transport and Transportation, 2021

Despite high importance of mass passenger transport for ensuring mobility of urban population, the current period is characterized by a pronounced shift in priorities in implementation of measures for development of the transport system of a large city towards private transport. Along with impossibility of maintaining high rates of construction and reconstruction of the main street and road network, such a position regarding urban planning results in significant overload of almost the entire transport infrastructure of a large city. In the opinion of most experts, key measures aimed at stabilizing the transport situation in cities should comprise implementation of a policy of active development of the mass passenger transportation system. Among the issues of organizing passenger transport operation, the most interesting is the procedure for tracing routes followed by subsequent development of a rational routing scheme, since in many respects the urban passenger travel time will depe...

Evaluation of the Potential to Increase Return on Work Urban Passenger Transport Daily Passenger Volume Forecast

Herald of Polotsk State University. Series B. Industry. Applied Sciences

The size of passenger traffic is one of the fundamental values in the organization of urban passenger traffic in regular traffic. It determines the number of passenger vehicles (PTS) on the route, their capacity, traffic intervals. At the same time, the volume of passenger traffic is not constant and can change daily depending on the day of the week, month of the year and other factors. At the same time, the number of vehicles operating on the route, their capacity and intervals of movement, as a rule, change only by the type of day of the week (weekday/weekend) and by season (summer/ winter schedule). In such conditions, there is often an excess of carrying capacity compared to with the available capacity of passenger traffic, which leads to an unjustified increase in the cost of urban public passenger transport (OPPT). Therefore, the creation of conditions under which the transportation capacity of the PTS will be as close as possible to the size of the passenger traffic will incr...

Предпроектная оценка эффекта экономии времени в пути для экономики региона в результате реализации крупного инвестиционного проекта в сфере транспорта

Известия Дальневосточного федерального университета. Экономика и управление

Цель статьи — оценка экономии времени в пути как наиболее значимого эффекта от реализации крупных инвестиционных проектов в сфере транспорта. В статье кратко излагается суть широко распространённой за рубежом методологии анализа “затраты – выгоды”, используемой для оценки общественной эффективности проекта. Даётся критическая оценка отечественной методики расчёта эффекта экономии времени в пути в результате строительства объектов транспортной инфраструктуры. Проанализированы факторы, влияющие на ценность времени, раскрыты различия между видами (компонентами) прогнозного трафика, из которых складывается общее время в пути. На примере проекта моста через р. Лена в районе г. Якутск произведена предпроектная оценка потенциально сэкономленного времени пассажиров, составившая суммарно за период 2021–2044 гг. 75,8 млрд руб. Масштаб только этого эффекта превосходит затраты на реализацию проекта, что свидетельствует о целесообразности реализации и государственной поддержке проекта.

Methodology of Public Transport Service Quality

MIR [World] (Modernization Innovation Research), 2016

Аннотация. В статье изложены подходы к формированию системы показателей качества обслуживания наземным транспортом общего пользования в г. Москве на основе сопоставления ожиданий потребителей и существующих характеристик транспортного обслуживания. Тема является актуальной в связи с использованием в г. Москве новой модели обслуживания наземным транспортом общего пользования с привлечением коммерческих структур, что требует внедрения единых стандартов качества обслуживания пассажиров.

Моделювання оптимізації міської транспортної мережі в інтегрованих транспортних системах / Urban Transport Network Optimization Modeling In Integrated Transport Systems

Roads and bridges. Collection of scientific papers, 2022

У світовій практиці в основу створення інтегрованих транспортних систем, однією з головних особливостей таких систем є доставки вантажів «від дверей до дверей», що неможлива без ділянки маршруту, де використовується автомобільний транспорт. Сьогодні ситуація на дорогах України має негативну тенденцію розвитку в аспектах завантаженості та ДТП, що створює ризик затримки або пошкодження вантажу під час перевізного процесу. Постає питання, яким чином необхідно оптимізувати міську транспортну мережу задля задоволення зростаючого попиту на перевезення та зменшення заторів на дорогах. Мета. Дослідити першопричини появи заторів та запропонувати інструмент для оптимізації міської мережі на прикладі транспортної розв’язки. Методи дослідження. Аналітично-експериментальний із застосуванням комп’ютерного імітаційного моделювання. Результати. Для практичної демонстрації було розроблено динамічну модель однієї з проблемних, з точки зору заторів, транспортних розв’язок м. Києва та проведено оптимізаційний експеримент, результатами якого стали: збільшення пропускної здатності розв’язки на 26,2 % та зменшення середнього час проїзду на 60,47 %. Ключові слова: вантажні перевезення, імітаційне моделювання, інтегровані транспортні системи, міська транспортна мережа, оптимізація, перехрестя, розв’язка. In world practice, one of the main features of integrated transport systems, is the delivery of goods "door-to-door", which is impossible without the road transport is being used at the final stage of transportation. Today, the situation on the Ukrainian roads has a negative trend in terms of traffic jams and accidents, which creates a risk of delay or damage to freight during the transportation process. The problem is how to optimize the urban transport network to meet the growing demand for transportation and reduce traffic congestion. Purpose. Investigate the root causes of traffic congestion and develop a tool in order to optimize the city network on the example of a traffic interchange. Analytical and experimental with the use of computer 3D-simulation. For a practical demonstration, a model of one of the most problematic, from the point of view of traffic jams, transport interchanges in Kyiv, was developed. An optimization experiment was conducted, which demonstrated an increase in interchange capacity by 26,2% and reduction in average transportation time by 60, 47%. It is a difficult task to optimizing the transport network, because if you conduct an experiment with a real system, any changes could be catastrophic. In addition, it is necessary to anticipate the growth of traffic, take into account the economic, territorial and industrial characteristics of settlements. The research clearly demonstrates the possibilities of simulation computer modeling in this aspect. The purposed solution allows to optimize the city transport network without significant investment, and could reduce the risk of accidents, financial and time costs for transportation of goods by city in the global aspect. Keywords: freight transport, intersections, integrated transport systems, urban transport network, optimization, imitation modeling.

Consumer Value Comparison of Private Vehicles and Public Transport in Suburban Transportation

Economic scope, 2021

The consumer's decision on the choice of a way to move in space, but directly in this article on the choice of the type private or suburban public transport, is based on the person's expectation of the consumer value of the trip, which will have a certain size and content. Consumer value for suburban transportation – as a result of the interaction of the passenger with the carrier. The elements of the consumer value for suburban passenger transportation by public transport are shown in general. With the help of previous research in this area, as well as the author's own experience, the elements and content of the consumer value, commuter travel by public transport and private car, are further formed and revealed. The elements of consumer value consist of the preferences and sacrifices of the passenger. The article aims to use more modern and universal approaches to shaping the consumer value content and components of commuter travel. This set-up should be based on a sequ...

Problems of transport security and quality of transport services of urban settlements of Russia of various people

The Eurasian Scientific Journal, 2020

The level of development of the country's transport infrastructure is one of the most important civilizational, geographical, economic and social characteristics of the state. The article is based on the materials of a scientific study that analyzes the final data of a comprehensive observation of the living conditions of the Russian population (for urban localities) in the field of transport services and transport security of the population according to research indicators for 2018. Analysis of data from the comprehensive monitoring of the population's living conditions, conducted by the Russian Federal Agency for statistics once every two years, contributes to a better understanding of local and regional processes in the field of public satisfaction with the level and quality of transport services, availability of various types of vehicles and public transport. In General, according to the comprehensive monitoring of the population's living conditions, the indicators o...