Kompetencije I Edukacijske Potrebe Stručnjaka U Sustavima Obrazovanja I Socijalne Skrbi Za Rad S Mladima S Problemima Kockanja (original) (raw)

Značaj Odnosa Stručnjaka I Korisnika Te Stručnih Postupaka U Prevenciji Bjegova Mladih Iz Odgojnih Ustanova

Social Work, 2021

Youth runaways are often mentioned as a burning problem in residential care. Apart from phenomenological aspects and factors that contribute to this phenomenon, and which have previously been analyzed in scientific research studies, this paper is focused on the relationship of young people who have already had an experience of runaway from residential care with professionals, primarily educators. Existing research studies indicate the significance of the relationship between the users and professionals, at which poor relationship is associated with the reasons for youth runaways, and a good relationship with protective factors that prevent the youth from running away and which protect them generally is perceived as a factor that contributes to the success of the treatment. The aim of this paper is to present how young persons experience the relationship with professionals, and which actions of professionals they identify as potentially useful and efficient in the prevention of runaw...

Stav Novoupisanih Studenata Psihologije Prema Matematici •


Odeljenje za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd Na grupama novoupisanih studenata psihologije, građevine i etnologije ispitivane su, Upitnikom stava prema matematici L. Aikena, dve komponente stava prema matematici: lično uživanje u bavljenju matematikom, tj. u rešavanju matematičkih zadataka i procena važnosti i vrednosti matematike kao discipline. Aritmetičke sredine studenata psihologije na dvema komponentama stava prema matematici bile su gotovo podjednako udaljene od aritmetičkih sredina studenata gradjevine, sa jedne, i studenata etnologije, sa druge strane. Međutim, s obzirom na izrazitu asimetričnost raspodela rezultata na pojedinim komponentama stava prema matematici, radi realnijeg pozicioniranja studenata psihologije u odnosu na ostale dve grupe po njihovom odnosu prema matematici izvršeno je grupisanje svih ispitanika prema njihovim odgovorima na pojedinačne stavke Upitnika. Rezultati analize grupisanja navode na zaključak da je po svom odnosu prema matematici već...

Stavovi studenata Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju prema Matematici


The positive attitude of teachers towards mathematics, influences the higher quality of the teaching process as well as inducing a positive student attitude. The main goal of the research is to determine attitudes towards mathematics among FASPER students. In the research, 43 students of the 4th year (90.7% female and 9.3% male) and 38 students of 3rd year of college (94.7% female and 5.3% male) have participated. The Attitudes towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) is used to assess the four dimensions of attitude towards mathematics (Self-confidence, Evaluation, Enjoyment, Motivation). The obtained data show that FASPER students have the most positive attitudes towards dimension Evaluation (AS=42.86; SD=7.63), followed by Self-confidence (AS=34.56; SD=9.34), somewhat lower mean values were obtained in assessing dimension Enjoymentin Mathematics (AS=21.66; SD=4.37). The lowest median achievements are obtained while assessing dimension Motivation (AS=13.37; SD=5.54). The results indic...