Analytical optimisation of industrial systems and applications to refineries, petrochemicals (original) (raw)
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Energy, 2013
The production of transportation fuels from the conversion of biomass into gasoline and diesel in a biorefinery is an attractive, clean, carbon neutral and sustainable process. The investment cost for the commercial application of a stand-alone bio-refinery may be reduced via integration with an existing petroleum refinery, whereby bio-refinery intermediates can be upgraded using the existing petroleum refinery infrastructure. In this work, two options of operational scenarios are studied and compared. The first option is to consider the bio-refinery and an existing petroleum refinery as stand-alone plants. The second option is to integrate bio-refinery network into an existing petroleum refinery and view it as an enterprise plant. The enterprise plant is represented in a superstructure, which is formulated as an MINLP (mixed integer nonlinear programming) model. The MINLP model involves logic constraints to allow the conditional designing of the optimal enterprise plant network. The model application is demonstrated on representative case studies. The model results shows that the optimal enterprise plant network design achieved 2.82% ($21.5 MM/year) higher profit compared to the combined profits of the stand-alone plants. As a result, the payback time for a new bio-refinery investment is reduced from 6.9 to 4.7 years.
Optimal operation of utility systems in petrochemical plants
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2003
Several operational modes can be used in the operation of utility plants for petrochemical plants. For the optimization system of a utility plant to be effective, all the possible operational modes should be taken into account. Moreover, due to the variable fuel cost and electricity cost, the objective function in the optimization system may take different forms depending on the utility management strategy. In this paper, we present a utility optimization system that is based on mixed integer linear programming and considers all possible operational modes and various types of objective functions to maximize the flexibility and the usefulness of the optimization system. The user can conveniently choose a suitable operation mode and a type of the objective function. Results of the optimization can be displayed both numerically and graphically.
Multisite Refinery and Petrochemical Network Design: Optimal Integration and Coordination
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009
This paper addresses the design of optimal integration and coordination of a refinery and petrochemical network to satisfy given chemical products demand. The refinery and petrochemical systems were modeled as a mixedinteger problem with the objective of minimizing the annualized cost over a given time horizon among the refineries and maximizing the added value of the petrochemical network. The main feature of the paper is the development of a methodology for simultaneous analysis of process network integration within a multisite refinery and petrochemical system. This approach provides appropriate planning across the petroleum refining and petrochemical industry and achieves an optimal production strategy by allowing appropriate trade-offs between the refinery and the downstream petrochemical markets. The performance of the proposed model was tested on industrial-scale examples of multiple refineries and a poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) complex to illustrate the economic potential and trade-offs involved in the optimization of the network. The proposed methodology not only devises the integration network in the refineries and synthesizes the petrochemical industry, but also provides refinery expansion requirements, production levels, and blending levels. The use of mathematical programming on an enterprise-wide scale to address strategic decisions considering various process integration alternatives yields substantial benefits. These benefits of process integration materialize in terms of economic considerations and improvements in the understanding of the process interactions and systems limitations.
Synthesis of industrial system based on value analysis
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2005
In this contribution, we present a novel methodology for flexible design of industrial systems based on detailed differential value analysis (Sadhukhan, J. Ph.D. Dissertation, UMIST, Manchester, U.K., 2002). Evolving from graph theory this methodology performs better than conventional mathematical programming based optimisation approaches through systematic structural decomposition of large scale industrial systems into basic processing elements (paths and trees), which helps to reduce the size and the complexity of large combinatorial problems and comprehensively analyse the multiple objectives, set of optimal operating states and marginal contributions at elemental levels that are critical for flexible designs.
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Synthesis of industrial systems based on value analysis
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2007
In this contribution, we present a novel methodology for flexible design of industrial systems based on detailed differential value analysis (Sadhukhan, J. Ph.D. Dissertation, UMIST, Manchester, U.K., 2002). Evolving from graph theory this methodology performs better than conventional mathematical programming based optimisation approaches through systematic structural decomposition of large scale industrial systems into basic processing elements (paths and trees), which helps to reduce the size and the complexity of large combinatorial problems and comprehensively analyse the multiple objectives, set of optimal operating states and marginal contributions at elemental levels that are critical for flexible designs.
Planning an Integrated Petrochemical Industry with an Environmental Objective
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2001
Production planning in the petrochemical industry requires a model that can account for the different interactions, needs, and features and provide at the same time suitable mathematical representation. In this work, a model with an environmental objective is presented. The system is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model where new value-added products are produced from the basic feedstock chemicals. From the superstructure of the technology alternatives, the optimal set of processes is selected with the objective function of sustainability. The quest for pollution prevention and increased pressure and demand for environmental considerations makes sustainability an important objective function. In this study, sustainability is quantified by a health index of the chemicals and increasing profit represented by processadded value. The model is applied to the case study of planning the development of the Kuwait petrochemical industry. Results give an optimal structure for the development and prove that simple indicators can represent sustainability, giving good results in selecting environmentally friendly processes and at the same time being profitable.
Petrochemical Industry: Assessment and Planning Using Multicriteria Decision Aid Methods
Technology and Investment, 2010
A methodology to solve a large and complex problem is proposed. OR methods as Multilevel Planning, Network Techniques, Multicriteria Decision Aid (MCDA) and Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) were used to structure the methodology. One of the principal objectives of this work is reduce the complexity of a large problem and solve it to find the better solution for the decision makers. The methodology is applied to a petrochemical industry of Mexico, which is structured in a network, having different alternative routes of production; each of them having also a different technology. This network begins from the crude oil as raw material in order to produce the basic petrochemicals until finals ones. It has been considered that basic petrochemicals will be produced through a set of Refineries with a high production of basic petrochemicals yield, searching the best configuration among it, according with the needs of basic petrochemicals coming from the final's and its best route selected.
Integrating process operations and finances for the optimal design of chemical supply chains
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2007
The tight profit margins under which the Chemical Process Industry (CPI) operates are forcing companies to pay more and more attention to the design and operation of their Supply Chains (SC). Traditional approaches available in the Process Systems Engineering (PSE) literature to address the design and operation of chemical SC focus on the process operations side and neglect the financial part of the problem. This work deals with the design and retrofit of chemical SC and proposes a novel framework that consists in the inclusion of financial considerations at the strategic decision-making level. Within this framework, decisions that have a long-lasting effect on the firm are assessed through integrated models which are capable of holistically optimising the combined effects of process operations and finances. The main advantages of the proposed holistic approach are highlighted through a case study, in which the integrated approach is compared with the traditional myopic method that pursues a fairly simple performance indicator as objective and neglect the financial variables and constraints of the problem. The integrated solution not only ensures the feasibility of the strategic decisions from the financial viewpoint but also leads to superior performance in terms of value measures.