Photonics engineering in a new light (original) (raw)

Bridging from technology to society (2004) Engineering challenges energy, climate change & health DTU 2009 3 Preface Action, Boldness & Creativity Action, boldness and creativity are the ABC of engineering. Th e refuge of academia, around which we all must stand guard, is a prerequisite for the free fl ow of thought, the critical solitary refl ection and the inner secluded contemplation from which new ideas are born. Ideas of the individual that must be integrated with the ideas of others to form groundbreaking trains of thought, not only lift ing the spirit of humanity but also bettering the human condition, indeed giving promise of a better future for humankind. Th e academic refuge can of course be abused in wasteful daydreaming, idle pastimes or even academic arrogance. All of us who detest such abuses must, in our defense of academic freedom, continuously fi ght to secure its ideals. However, even uncompromised, academic freedom cannot ensure the delivery of what academia can off er society, neither to the academic society nor-more importantly-to the society at large. Especially in science and technology, more, much more, is required. Th is "much more" is not to be solicited from society; we must solicit it from ourselves in the form of dedicated action. Passive refl ection must be paired with active observation; interaction between theory and practice must be promoted; iteration between building models and experimental design must be employed; and dialogue between deduction and induction must be practiced. To be constructive, these endeavors require not only the abilities of the professionally trained researcher and the eager curiosity of the natural-born scholar but also a certain boldness. If limits are not tested, if well-known truths are not challenged, if mental faculties are not exercised vigorously, then the challenging questions posed-even the most important ones-are reduced to being solely academic. Scientifi c independence, a sibling to academic freedom, is an intellectual ideal very sensitive to its circumstances, and it may similarly wither away if it is left to self-indulgence and vain pride. Science and technology as research fi elds must responsibly and ethically live up to the highest standards of academic freedom and scientifi c independence to remain the justly admired disciplines they are. Nevertheless, the intercourse between science and technology bears a much larger promise. Adding genuine creativity to action and boldness brings us to the pinnacle of engineering. Perhaps the fascinating wonders of engineering can only be grasped if the ABC ingredients are recognized and understood in this context. Further, perhaps this insight is also the key to realizing why the wonders of engineering harbor the only possible answer to the pressing challenges posed by today's mounting problems and the only credible hope for a sustainable and livable future on this planet. I hope the readers of this book will be impressed, as I have been, by how DTU researchers actually unfold the ABC of engineering. We will join forces with colleagues from all over the world to meet the engineering challenges of tomorrow, especially those related to energy, climate change and health. Emissions Aft hull design Propeller Rudder Hull design Anti-fouling paint Drag reduction Air lubrication Bow design Main engine Auxiliary engine Shaft generator Operations decision support Cargo and port operations Kite-assisted propulsion Building maritime structures Activities transport of goods and people Resource exploitation oil, gas and minerals Defense and surveillance Sea wave, tidal and current energy harvest Research activities Recreation E Requirements for future marine structures Science and technology Maritime structures • Vessels • Platforms • Systems • Equipment