Syntactic-Stylistic Features of Newspapers Headlines in Cultural Section (original) (raw)
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''18/19'' Izvorni znanstveni rad Sažetak Cilj je rada prikazati razvoj rubrika u osječkim novinama tijekom druge polovice 19. i prve polovice 20. stoljeća. Rad se usredotočuje na formiranje, razvoj i oblikovanje rubrika, tj. na njihov smještaj, nazive, promjene naziva, ritam promjena, grafička i tipografska rješenja i sl. Istraživanje je provedeno u Hemeroteci muzeja Slavonije u Osijeku, a na temelju dvaju kriterija, duljine izlaženja i kulturne važnosti, za analizu su odabrane sljedeće novine: "Die Drau", "Slavonische Presse", "Narodna (Hrvatska) obrana" i "Hrvatski list". Istraživanjem je dokazano da novinske rubrike u tom razdoblju tek sazrijevaju kao koncept organizacije novinskog sadržaja. Njihovi su nazivi grafički najčešće istaknuti kao podnaslovi u sklopu stranice, često vrlo neujednačeno. Mnoge vijesti, posebice važnije, ostaju neraspoređene u rubrikama-rubrike su sadržajni element, a ne način organizacije sadržaja. Često služe tek okupljanju srodnih informacija i pojavljuju se samo kada se skupi dovoljno takvih informacija. Rad inovativno pristupa istraživanju povijesti hrvatskih novina, a uz sam razvoj rubrikacije pokazuje i kako se takvim istraživanjem mogu rekonstruirati opće društvene promjene i njihov odraz u dnevnim novinama, budući da se može pretpostaviti kako se nova rubrika uvodi onda kada su interes ili potreba javnosti za neku temu dovoljno veliki da ona stekne zasebnu rubriku.
Diachronic changes in word probability distributions in daily press
Psihologija, 2006
Changes in probability distributions of individual words and word types were investigated within two samples of daily press in the span of fifty years. Two samples of daily press were used in this study. The one derived from the Corpus of Serbian Language (CSL) /Kostic, Dj., 2001/ that covers period between 1945. and 1957. and the other derived from the Ebart Media Documentation (EBR) that was complied from seven daily news and five weekly magazines from 2002. and 2003. Each sample consisted of about 1 million words. The obtained results indicate that nouns and adjectives were more frequent in the CSL, while verbs and prepositions are more frequent in the EBR sample, suggesting a decrease of sentence length in the last five decades. Conspicuous changes in probability distribution of individual words were observed for nouns and adjectives, while minimal or no changes were observed for verbs and prepositions. Such an outcome suggests that nouns and adjectives are most susceptible to d...
Društvene i Humanističke Studije, 2020
This paper opens a new perspective of cooperation between linguists and a growing movie industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The authors have translated a Bosnian movie, I am from Krajina – the land of chestnut, an outline of turbulent Bosnian history in its very typical, western border-area, known as Krajina. The paper explores issues of translation of Bosnian culture into English, with an emphasis on translation problems and promotion of B&H culture in contemporary Bosnian movies.Throughtranslation analysis, the authors point at translation solutions based on the criterion of their source-language vs. target-language orientation.
Croatian dialectal idioms with a toponym as a component
U stotinjak hrvatskih govora istražuju se i promatraju frazemi s toponimom kao sastavnicom. Pronalaze se najšire potvrđeni frazemi, oni manje potvrđeni i frazemi lokalizmi. Promatraju se inovacije u pojedinim sustavima koji zahvaćaju toponim. 0. Sa studentima Kroatistike istraživala sam frazeme u više od stotinu hrvatskih govora. Najviše je ispitanika bilo s kajkavskoga, nešto manje sa štokavskoga, a najmanje s čakavskoga područja, što odgovara strukturi studentske populacije Filozofskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu. Studenti druge godine na samom početku bavljenja dijalektologijom ispunjavali su ankete, popunjavali ih sami, kao izvorni govornici, ili kao ispitivači bliskih osoba u svom kraju. Neki su i poslije nastavili prikupljati frazeme u svom govoru, a njihova su istraživanja rezultirala seminarskim i diplomskim radovima. Iz tog velikog materijala hrvatskih dijalektih frazema izdvojila sam za ovu priliku frazeme s toponimom kao sastavnicom. Primjeri su iz svih proučavanih govora, dakle...
Cognitive linguistic approach to the study of language claims that the meaning of phrasemes is not arbitrary as claimed by the traditional approach to the study of language. There is an opinion in cognitive linguistics stating that the meaning of phrasemes is motivated by human conceptual system and the primary objective of this paper is to analyze the motivation of meaning of Turkish somatic phrasemes where a lexeme bas (head) is a component and it is linked to human behavior and human relations. Besides, Turkish somatic phrasemes are compared to the semantically close phrasemes in Bosnian language. In that way, the study is trying to establish whether there are any similarities between the speakers of two genetically and typologically different languages in their conceptualization of certain activities and experiences in the domain of body parts.