Reakcia fluviálneho georeliéfu na tektonický impulz: morfometrický odhad veku zdvihu (prípadová štúdia z oblasti Západných Karpát) (original) (raw)

Vybrané environmentálne súvislosti zmien historickej lazníckej krajiny (na príklade obce Hrušov okres Veľký Krtíš)

Geografický časopis, 2018

Selected environmental contexts of changes in the historical landscape with scattered settlement (the example of the village of Hrušov, Veľký Krtíš district) Using the example of the cadastral territory of the Hrušov village, we identified and interpreted changes in the land cover (LC), land diversity (LD) and road network in 1950 and 2010 in relation to the scattered settlement system. The LC and LD changes were identified on three spatially different levels: in the whole cadastral area, in the natural landscape units and in 20 circular areas. Landscape diversity was evaluated by using the Shannon diversity index. The scattered settlements system, by its origin and unique functioning in Slovakia, conditioned some anomalies in LC development which are typical for marginal regions and/or areas with such a type of settlementsdelayed, incomplete or no collectivization of agriculture. On the other hand, the retreat and partial extinction of scattered settlements resulted in changes in LC, whose intensity exceeded the values typical in the wider region.

Vybrané geografické aspekty vývoja lazníckej krajiny k. ú. Hrušov

Geografické informácie, 2018

This contribution has been created as a part of the scientific project focused on the geographical research of the specific type of the cultural landscape characterized by scattered settlement. This type of landscape covers almost one tenth of the Slovakia territory. Landscape with scattered settlement has developed previously in the montane regions of the Slovak Carpathians characterized by hindered live condition of the inhabitants closely connected to nature. Therefore, these regions have been distinguished by very sparse settlement. Local governments of the villages with scattered settlements have lacked for defaults of inner human, material and financial sources for management of the landscape with high operating costs. They need helps from outside. This research project has been an example of successful cooperation geographers with active local government of the village Hrušov (district Veľký Krtíš) on the project of the revitalisation of landscape with scattered settlement.

Regulácie koryta nížinného meandrujúceho vodného toku v období r. 1782-1900 (na príklade rieky Váh v úseku Sereď-Komárno)

During the period 1782-1900, artificial meander cutoffs were the most important interferences to the lower Váh River channel. For the study of this phenomenon, we used historic map data sources, such as 1 st – 3 rd military survey of Habsburg Empire, old cadastral, local and regional maps. In the investigated segment of Váh river on Podunajská nížina lowland (stretch between towns Sereď and Komárno), we identified 27 artificial meander cutoffs in total, from which five were already realised during the 18 th century. Some of them were even cut repeatedly. Due to artificial meander cutoffs not only channel shortening and decrease in sinuosity took place, but probably also an increase in channel slope and incision, leading to subsequent narrowing of the channel. The aim of the work is to evaluate chronologically the most important channel alterations to the lower Váh river channel before the end of the 19 th century using historic maps.

Geotechnické aspekty ťaby soli na slovenských loiskách


Geotechnics aspects salt exploitation of the slovak deposits Salt caverns can be used for a variety of storage purposes, and this requires adequate calculation methods for the rock mechnical behavior and for the proof of cavern stability. A general calculation concept and dimension criteria is proposed to contribute to the elements of the theoretical investigation of the stability behaviour of caverns in salt rock.. As a method for solution by approximation of non-linear equations concerning the stresses and strains in the rock, the mathematical modelling methods (FEM-Finite Element Method, BEM-Boundary Element Method, DEM-Distinct Element Method) is applied. The knowledge on the material behavior depending on stress, temperature, cavern shape, and time must be the basis for reliable results of calculations. In the present paper is made to demonstrate mathematical modelling application for the geotechnical problems solving of the slovak salt deposits Zbudza and Solivary-Prešov.

Zerstörung von Körperresten der Verstorbenen im großmährischen Milieu aus dem Gebiet der Slowakei


Na veľkomoravských lokalitách nie sú neobvyklé prípady porušených telesných zvyškov zomrelých. Ich skeletový materiál býva pritom rozlomený či presunutý z anatomickej polohy alebo niektoré kosti v hrobovej jame chýbajú. Na osvetlenie jej príčin bol vytvorený materiálový súbor. Skladá sa z 253 hrobov a sídliskových objektov umiestnených na 61 lokalitách. Najbližšie interpretačné možnosti k porušovaniu tiel zomrelých pochádzajú z etnologických prameňov. Podľa nich boli popisované zákroky vykonávané u jedincov – revenantov, ktorí mohli po smrti rôznym spôsobom poškodzovať zdravie, úspešnosť v hospodárskej činnosti a ďalšie významné sféry života pozostalých. Dôvody k takýmto zákrokom mohli prameniť nielen z nedostatkov, ku ktorým došlo pri pohrebných obradoch, ale aj nesplnením záväzkov zomrelých či neobvyklým spôsobom úmrtia.

Porušovanie telesných zvyškov zomrelých vo vel'komoravskom prostredí z územia Slovenska

Prilozi Instituta Za Arheologiju U Zagrebu, 2007

Na veľkomoravských lokalitách nie sú neobvyklé prípady porušených telesných zvyškov zomrelých. Ich skeletový materiál býva pritom rozlomený či presunutý z anatomickej polohy alebo niektoré kosti v hrobovej jame chýbajú. Na osvetlenie jej príčin bol vytvorený materiálový súbor. Skladá sa z 253 hrobov a sídliskových objektov umiestnených na 61 lokalitách. Najbližšie interpretačné možnosti k porušovaniu tiel zomrelých pochádzajú z etnologických prameňov. Podľa nich boli popisované zákroky vykonávané u jedincov-revenantov, ktorí mohli po smrti rôznym spôsobom poškodzovať zdravie, úspešnosť v hospodárskej činnosti a ďalšie významné sféry života pozostalých. Dôvody k takýmto zákrokom mohli prameniť nielen z nedostatkov, ku ktorým došlo pri pohrebných obradoch, ale aj nesplnením záväzkov zomrelých či neobvyklým spôsobom úmrtia.

Vzťah rekatolizácie a epidémie alebo ako mor prerušil rekatolizáciu (na príklade Užskej stolice)


The relationship between a recatholicization and epidemic or how the plague interrupted the recatholicization (on the example of the Ung county) Following recatholicization in the late 17th century at the territory of the Ung county was stopped by the uprising of Francis II Rákóczi. The uprising did not have a religious character; the confessional question was more influenced by the following plague epidemic, which peaked in the territory of the county in the years 1709 – 1710. The territory of the county was deserted, and the arrival of new inhabitants did not allow to follow up on the recatholicization activity nor to start it all over again. In the article we map the confessional development of the Ung county with the emphasis on the changes of the confessional structures. Keywords: The Ung county. Recatholicization. Plague epidemic. The uprising of Francis II Rákóczi. Confession

Makrozoobentos Nižného Terianskeho plesa (Vysoké Tatry)

The structure of macrozoobenthic assemblages of littoral, inlet and outlet of oligotrophic alpine lake Nižné Terianske pleso in High Tatras Mts. (Slovakia) with emphasis on temporal fauna was investigated during the years 2000 and 2001. The appearance of 23 taxons of aquatic invertebrates in total (16 in inlet, 13 in littoral, 15 in outlet) was registered. Excepting Oligochaeta and Chironomidae, Plecoptera dominated in inlet, Trichoptera in littoral and Simuliidae in outlet. Central European mountain species with short life cycle prevailed. The regular appearance of species Crenobia alpina, Diura bicaudata, Capnia vidua and Drusus trifidus confirmed that the lake is not affected by acidification.