Shift of axial blocking of scattered nuclear products (original) (raw)

Nuclear Reactions: Mechanism and Spectroscopy. Volume II


Volume II of two. This document could be of interest to anyone who wants to have a comprehensive inside information about the research in nuclear physics from its early beginnings to later years. It describes highlights of my research work from the late 1950s to the late 1980s. It presents a panorama of experimental and theoretical methods used in the study of nuclear reactions (their mechanism and their application to the study of nuclear structure), the panorama ranging from simple detection techniques used in the early research to more complicated in later years, from simple theoretical interpretations to more complicated descriptions. This document describes my research work in Poland, Australia, Switzerland and Germany using various particle accelerators and a wide range of experimental and theoretical techniques. It presents a typical cross section of experimental and theoretical work in the early and later stages of nuclear research in the field of nuclear reactions.

Nuclear Reactions: Mechanism and Spectroscopy. Volume I

arXiv: Nuclear Experiment, 2016

Volume II of two. This document could be of interest to anyone who wants to have a comprehensive inside information about the research in nuclear physics from its early beginnings to later years. It describes highlights of my research work from the late 1950s to the late 1980s. It presents a panorama of experimental and theoretical methods used in the study of nuclear reactions (their mechanism and their application to the study of nuclear structure), the panorama ranging from simple detection techniques used in the early research to more complicated in later years, from simple theoretical interpretations to more complicated descriptions. This document describes my research work in Poland, Australia, Switzerland and Germany using various particle accelerators and a wide range of experimental and theoretical techniques. It presents a typical cross section of experimental and theoretical work in the early and later stages of nuclear research in the field of nuclear reactions.

Studying the role of nuclear structure effects in


The GEANIE (GErmanium Array for Neutron Induced Excitations) spectrometer at the LANSCEAVNR (Los Alamos Neutron Science Center/Weapons Neutron Research) 800 MeV spallation neutron source provides a unique tool for studying reaction dynamics for incident particle energies up to and beyond 250 MeV/amu. In this paper we will discuss several of the recent results from GEANIE and their implications for reaction dynamics modeling.

Nuclear rotational population patterns in heavy-ion scattering and transfer reactions

Zeitschrift f�r Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei, 1991

A model of 239pu with decoupled neutron is used for theoretical calculations of rotational population patterns in heavy ion inelastic scattering and one-neutron transfer reactions. The system treated is 9~ on z39pu at the near-barrier energy of 500 MeV and backscattering angles of 180 ~ and 140 ~ . The influence of the complex nuclear optical potential is seen to be very strong, and the Nilsson wave function of the odd neutron produces a distinctive pattern in the transfer reaction.

The nucleus as a time crystal

paper, 2020

The purpose of the following studyis to build up anucleus model–based on the symmetries of atomic shell –where the densityof nucleons is constant.And which gives enough space for zero point quantum motion in a waythatthe collision ofidentical particles is excluded.A suitable analogy may be the recently discovered time crystals, in which the particles are in so-called „crypt equilibrium‟ vibrate in a coordinated manner and their oscillation does not generate entropy.Its condition, the most symmetric cubic lattice can be realized by the strict self-organization and harmonized movement of nucleons.Continuing with the process, we will arrive at the magic numbers, the shell structure of nuclei, whichlogicallyderivefrom theabove mentioned symmetry.We get a clear explanation ofthe role classicalspinplaysin nuclear physics, and a simple method to describe nuclear spin.Binding energies of certain nuclei can be calculated with proper approach

elements of nuclear physics

1.1 General survey It is customary to regard nuclear physics as the field of study that includes the structure of atomic nuclei, the reactions that take place between them, and the techniques, both experimental and theoretical, that shed light on these subjects. Rigid adherence to such limits would, however, exclude much that is both exciting and informative. The nucleus entered physics as a necessary component of the atomic model and nuclear effects in spectroscopy and solid state physics now provide not only elegant methods for determination of nuclear properties but also convincing demonstrations of the powers of quantum mechanics. Equally, those particles sometimes described as elementary or fundamental, although first recognized in the cosmic radiation, soon assumed a role of importance in nuclear problems, especially in the understanding of the forces between neutrons and protons. Advances in the study of particles, or sub-nuclear physics, besides leading to the discovery of new and previously unsuspected physical laws, have frequently stimulated back-reference to complex nuclei

Nuclear processes in solids: basic 2nd-order processes

Nuclear processes in solid environment are investigated. It is shown that if a slow, quasi-free heavy particle of positive charge interacts with a " free " electron of a metallic host, it can obtain such a great magnitude of momentum in its intermediate state that the probability of its nuclear reaction with an other positively charged, slow, heavy particle can significantly increase. It is also shown that if a quasi-free heavy particle of positive charge of intermediately low energy interacts with a heavy particle of positive charge of the solid host, it can obtain much greater momentum relative to the former case in the intermediate state and consequently, the probability of a nuclear reaction with a positively charged, heavy particle can even more increase. This mechanism opens the door to a great variety of nuclear processes which up till know are thought to have negligible rate at low energies. Low energy nuclear reactions allowed by the Coulomb assistance of heavy charged particles is partly overviewed. Nuclear pd and dd reactions are investigated numerically. It was found that the leading channel in all the discussed charged particle assisted dd reactions is the electron assisted d + d → 4 He process.