Reduplikasi Pada Surat Kabar Kompas (original) (raw)
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Analisis Abreviasi Pada Teks Editorial Surat Kabar Kompas
CARAKA, 2021
Surat kabar dan proses pembentukan kata berperan penting dalam pengembangan bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis dan proses abreviasi pada teks editorial surat kabar Kompas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa bentuk pendek dalam teks editorial surat kabar Kompas edisi Januari-Februari 2021. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Analsis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif yang terdiri atas compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and conluding. Hasilnya, terdapat tiga jenis abreviasi, yaitu singkatan, akronim, dan lambang huruf. Proses abreviasi yang ditemukan berupa empat varian pengekalan huruf, dua varian pengekalan suku kata, dan delapan varian pengekalan huruf dan suku kata.
Skripsi ini fokus terhadap analisis teks model Van Dijk (struktur makro, superstruktur, dan struktur mikro) dan marjinalisasi (jenis dan gradasi) yang terdapat dalam ragam pojok Mang Usil surat kabar Kompas. Struktur mikro analisis teks wacana Van Dijk difokuskan pada latar, detail, maksud, dan praanggapan. Pemilihan Mang Usil sebagai objek penelitian karena berdasarkan referensi penelitian terdahulu belum ada analisis wacana surat kabar yang menganalisis jenis penyampaian berita ragam pojok Mang Usil. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui praktik-praktik kebahasaan yang dipakai Mang Usil dan implikasinya terhadap ideologi, pelaksanaan fungsi pers, serta kecenderungan terhadap pihak tertentu. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif karena data yang dianalisis bukan berupa angka. Sementara itu, jenis penelitian ini adalah analisis isi. Analisis isi digunakan untuk mengksplor konten mengenai fakta kebahasaan marjinalisasi yang terdapat dalam Mang Usil. Data pene...
Model-model resensi dalam surat Kabar Kompas edisi Juli-September 2013
This research was aimed to describe the book review models and to find out the structure of book review models in Kompas Daily Newpaper, July-September 2013. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. There were 4 steps employed in the data analysis. First, the researcher gave a code for each data which were analyzed. Second, the researcher searched and decided the book review models and their structure. Third, the book review models and their structure were put into the data analysis tables. At last, the researcher described the result of data analysis to answer the problem formulation and the meaning of the data unit. Based on the research applied, there were two findings found; they were the book review models and their structures. The book review models included concision, explanatory, analytical, critical, comparison and descriptive models. There were five structures of the book review. First, the concision model structure (a) prelude: the main idea of the book; (b) main body: the contents of the book; (c) closing: the relation of each chapter and the explanation of its contents. Second, the explanatory model structure (a) prelude: the explanation; (b) main body: the explanation of the book in certain topic; (c) the topic being discussed in the main body and closing part of the book review, and (d) the book being reviewed was translated book in the closing part. Third, the analytical model structure (a) the curiosity and interest of the book in the prelude; (b) the knowledge about the book contents in the body of the book review; (b) the summary and the analysis of the main body in the body of the book review; the analysis of the contents of the book presentation in the main body and closing part, and (d) the new ideas in the closing. Fourth, the comparison model structure (a) the comparison of the similar book with different author in the prelude, main body and closing part; (b) the exposure of the same themed new books in the prelude, main body, and closing; (c) the information of the book position in the prelude, main body, and closing. Fifth, the descriptive model structure (a) the detail of the object being discussed in the prelude; (b) the detailed exposure in the body of the book review; (c) the delineation and elucidation of the book being reviewed in the main body and closing of the book review, (d) the review and the book promotion in the closing. Sixth, the critical model structure (a) the book superiority in the main body of the review; (b) the lack of the book in the closing; and (c) the assessment of the publisher in the main body of the review. Based on the findings above, there were two recommendations proposed to the Indonesian teachers and other researchers. The first was to the Indonesian teachers. They were recommended to put the book review as the material on the academic writing subject. The second was to the other researchers. They were proposed to find more topics and expand them to be analyzed, and deepen each book review model and structure to be more detailed and clear.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Linguistik dan Sastra (SEMANTIKS), 2019
This study aims to describe the meaning of reduplication in class X senior high school (SMA) textbooks. The data in this study are a form of reduplication contained in class X textbooks. Data sources were obtained from texts in class X senior high school textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the revised 2017. The data collection techniques are documentation techniques, reading techniques, and note taking techniques. The results showed the meaning of reduplication based on the basic form (a) basic form of noun, the meaning of the word reduplication stated many, varied, (b) the basic form of the adjective meaning of the word reduplication stated the meaning of 'very', stated the meaning of 'many', stated earnestly or really, and states the superlative or the most level (c) the basic form of the verb meaning the word reduplication states the meaning of 'mutual', states the action over and over, and states the intensity or state.
Korupsi tentu saja bukan hanya perkara menilap uang dari brankas, namun juga berupa penyalahgunaan kekuasaan dan jabatan untuk menerima uang suap, me-mark-up nilai suatu proyek, praktik melegalisasi biaya-biaya proyek yang tidak ada, menawarkan biaya-biaya tidak resmi, sampai menerima uang suap untuk mengesahkan undang-undang yang dapat merugikan negara. Tidak berlebihan kalau kemudian kita katakan bahwa korupsi di negeri ini bak sebuah penyakit kronis yang telah lama menyerang berbagai sendi-sendi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Tindak Tutur Perlokusi Pada Karikatur Dalam Rubrik Opini DI Surat Kabar Kompas
Kajian linguistik dan sastra, 2019
This research raises the issue of perlokusi speech acts in the caricatures of the Kompas newspaper. The purpose of this study was to describe the form of acts of speech in the caricature in the Kompas newspaper. This research is expected to provide an understanding for readers and writers regarding the form of significant acts of perlocution speech. The data source of this research is caricature in the Kompas newspaper. The data collection technique is done by reading techniques, namely the SQ3R reading technique. The results of this study found that perlocution speech acts contained in caricatures refer to five types of speech acts, among them are a) reference, b) commissive, c) directive d) expressive, and e) declaration.
Penggunaan Reduplikasi Dalam Novel Matahari Karya Tere Liye
This study aims to describe use reduplication the novel Matahari by Tere Live in terms types reduplication and the meaning reduplication. The results this study are as follows. The types reduplication found in this study have four types, namely a) complete reduplication, found 94 data; b) partial reduplication, found 2 data, c) affixed reduplication was divided into four, namely prefix affixed, 24 data found, middle affix, 4 data found, suffixed, 8 combined data affixed, 6 data found d) voice copy reduplication, found 5 data. Meanwhile, the meaning of reduplication found is as follows: (1) meaning states that there are 71 data found; (2) meaning of stating type found 3 data (3) meaning of stating repeatedly, found 25 data; (4) meaning stated that 7 data were found, (5) meaning stated the most, 3 data were found, (6) meaning stated although, 5 data were found; (7) meaning stating the subject, found 5 data, (8) meaning stating affirmation, found 26 data. The conclusion this resear...
Reputation is an important concept for the corporation. In the highly competitive situation, reputasi help the corporation to develop and maintain its existency. For this reason, reputation has to be managed by creating appropriately strategic communication. Reputation is different from corporate identity and corporate image. Corporate reputation is more established, stable and testable than the corporate identity and corporate image. However, to build corporate reputation, we need to manage corporate image and corporate identity by applying a strategic corporate communication. Komunikasi keorganisasian memainkan peran yang semakin besar dalam lingkungan bisnis yang makin galau (turbulent), karena harus melaksanakan "pengamanan brand image" yang merupakan tugas pokok sebuah perusahaan. Berkat pengamanan yang memadai brand image akan berkembang menjadi reputasi perusahaan (corporate reputation), maka 1 Inti dari isi makalah ini pernah dismpaikan sebagai ceramah bagi mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid, Jakarta . 2 André A. Hardjana, adalah staf pengajar pada Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.
Framing Pemberitaan kelangkaan Kedelai di
Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan
Pada tatanan baru mengenai perkembangan teknologi komunikasi, dunia jurnalistik ikut mengalami pergeseran kemajuan karena adanya internet. Jurnalistik online menerangkan tentang adanya 3 korelasi antara daring, internet, dan website dan tidak ada tenggat waktu (deadline) dalam setiap pemberitaannya oleh media. Termasuk pemberitaan kelangkaan kedelai yang menjadi topik yang cukup sering di blow-up oleh media dalam kurun waktu tahun 2021 hingga tahun 2022. Tak sedikit media yang meliput dan membuat pemberitaan tentang kelang 1 kaan kedelai ini. Salah satunya adalah media yang massif memberitakan berita kelangkaan kedelai pada saat kedelai dan olahan turunanya seperti tahu dan tempe mengalami gejolak. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana framing media dalam pemberitaan kelangkaan kedelai. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif konstruktivis. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian untuk mengetahui framing isu, sudut pandang, dan faktor-faktor framing pada media berkenaan dengan kelangkaan kedelai dengan menggunakan teori konstruksi realitas dan framing. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik Analisis Isi (Dokumen/Arsip) dengan menganalisis 3 pemberitaan mengenai kelangkaan kedelai di Hasil temuan dari analisis 3 berita yang berkenaan dengan kelangkaan kedelai adalah secara keseluruhan sikap atau framing yang dilakukan oleh bersifat netral. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari adanya saran dan upaya penyelesaian yang diberikan oleh agar kedua belah pihak baik itu petani kedelai maupun pemerintah sama-sama bersinergi dan berkontribusi untuk menanggulangi dan menangani permasalahan kelangkaan kedelai yang terjadi ini.