Sociálna pozícia obyvateľov opevneného sídliska z 9.–10. storočia v Mužle-Čenkove (original) (raw)

Novoveký sídliskový segment z Mužle-Čenkova

Archaeologia historica, 2017

Nine settlement features were investigated at the Orechový sad location in the cadastral zone of Mužla-Čenkov (Nové Zámky district) in 1989. These included sunken features with a tongue-shaped entrance, four grain storage pits and three storage pits situated 3-8 m from one another on the bank of the Danube. The features make up a part of a settlement segment from the first half of the 17th century. Their chronological classification was contributed to by sparse fragments of ceramic vessels, shoe heel tips and fragments of cannonballs. The analysis of the collection elucidated the importance of the segment for the location, the reasons behind its origin and violent decline, as well as the occurrence of militaria in the farming environment.

Marginalizovaní jedinci z veľkomoravských jamovitých objektov v Nitre

Musaica Archaeologica, 2020

Circumstances, which could have decided about placing of dead into the settlement features, are evaluated in the study. Their assessment is based on the sites with greater amount of features, with several individuals in their filling and with preserved proofs of violent downfall of this settlement. It is possible to ascribe main portion of untraditional inhumation to various manifestations of unusual death recalled by violence which accompanied fighting actions according to this. These circumstances contributed to the considerable marginalisation of original social status of individuals. Proscribed individuals were laid into the inferior space of settlement features as a consequence of this events. Their bodies were arranged in the flexed position, prone position, their anatomical position was disturbed by intentional intervention on behalf of protection of local community from their negative influence.

Great Moravian Objects from the Fortified Settlement of Mužla-Čenkov

Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2017

This study brings information about the structure, importance and development of the settlement in the locality Mužla-Čenkov from the 9th to the 10th century situated on the left bank of the Danube River. The finds fund helped to sort out the members of elite from the population, to determine their dwellings and to elucidate their relation to the construction built on the edge of their burial ground. It turned out that the fortification was built later, when the centre was threatened by external enemies. Only at that time the settlement with important economic potential changed into a Great Moravian fortified settlement.

Poznámky na margo jedného úradného vestníka: Kárpátaljai Közlöny - Подкарпатский Вђстникъ (1939 – 1944)


Csilla FEDINEC-István CSERNICSKÓ Abstract:.Remarks on one official gazette Kárpátaljai Közlöny-Подкарпатский Вђстникъ (1939-1944). The districts with the official name of Carpathian regency (abbreviated Podkarpatsko), existing in the years 1939-1944, in terms of public organizations has stood out from the Hungarian legal system, which has been applied in other regions of the country. Broad-spectrum research focused on this specific region, successfully mapped many historical, legal, linguistic and political aspects of life in its territory. Un-explored space existing in research has been a survey regional history on level of local regulations. In this study we examine the directions, and particularly local content policy in the context of nationwide events. And also whether there existed areas of questions for which were born specific answers, in connection with that we shall try to find answer for question whether this specific position in Hungarian public administration was due to name only and part of life within this administrative unit, or its uniqueness had a deeper context.

Spoločnosť, kultúra a každodennosť v dejinách Slovenska

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

Hrobové nálezy z doby rímskej v hornopotiskej oblasti v kontexte skupiny Leuna-Hassleben Burial findings of the Roman Period in the Upper Tisza region in context of the Leuna-Hassleben group.

Výskum neolitického sídliska na lokalite Harta-Gátőrház


Autori príspevku podávajú predbežnú správu o výskume neolitického sídliska na lokalite Harta-Gátőrház (Maďarsko). Lokalita s rozlohou približne 27 ha leží na ľavom brehu Dunaja, vo vzdialenosti 100 km južne od Budapešti. Záchranným výskumom bola preskúmaná plocha o veľkosti ca 20 000 m2. Na skúmanej ploche boli zachytené pôdorysy siedmich domov, zásobné jamy, exploatačné jamy a šesť pohrebov. Podľa spôsobu umiestnenia v priestore sídliska a súborov nálezov z prislúchajúcich kolových jám sú do neolitu datované aj štvoruholníkové ohrady. Tie boli čiastočne s inými ohradami, čiastočne s jedným neolitickým domom v superpozícii. Keramický materiál z lokality je príbuzný nálezom v strednom Zadunajsku – často sa v jednom súbore, prípadne na jednej nádobe objavujú odlišné výzdobné štýly skupiny Keszthely, želiezovskej skupiny a kultúry Vinča. Lokalita sa rozrastala postupne od klasickej fázy kultúry s lineárnou keramikou po fázu IIb želiezovskej skupiny.