Bat species composition associated with restinga lagoons from the Paulo César Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo, Brazil (original) (raw)

Bat community species richness and composition in a restinga protected area in Southeastern Brazil

In Brazil, restingas are under severe human-induced impacts resulting in habitat degradation and loss and remain one of the less frequently studied ecosystems. The main objectives of the present study are to describe the bat community in a restinga in Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Guarapari municipality, state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Fieldwork was conducted twice a month from August 2004 to September 2005. A total sampling effort of 40,300 m2/h, represents the largest sampling effort for sampling bats in restingas to date. Bats were sampled in five different vegetational types in the area. Captured bats were processed recording information on species, sex, age, forearm length and weight. Shannon Diversity and Jaccard indexes were used to analyse diversity and similarity among habitats in the Park. A total of 554 captures belonging to 14 species and two families were obtained. Noctilio leporinus was recorded through direct observation and an ultra-sound detector also registered the presence of individuals from the family Molossidae, without being possible to distinguish it at specific level. Frugivores were the most representative guild. Richness was higher in Clusia shrubs (11 species) and Caraís lagoon (10 species). Shannon diversity index was estimated at H' = 1.43 for the overall sample, with Caraís lagoon representing the most diverse habitat (H' = 1.60). The greater similarity (J = 0.714) was observed for the two areas under high human influence.

Bat assemblage of Guaribas Biological Reserve, an Atlantic forest conservation unit in North-eastern Brazil: Results of a two-stage long-term survey

Inventories are the basis of every work with biodiversity, with increased importance due to the current environmental crisis. Bats are one of the most diverse groups of mammals, with high ecologic versatility and are good bioindicators to monitor environmental impacts. We performed a two-stage survey at an Atlantic Forest reserve in the State of Paraíba, the first stage registering 187 individuals of 24 species and the second stage, 1073 individuals of 11 species; the second stage's richness being a subset of the first as pointed by the Mann-Whitney test. The second stage was more efficient in accumulating individuals, while the first accumulated species more efficiently. The diversity estimation (Chao 1) pointed that the survey was efficient in registering 93.75% of the species richness predicted for the area, and that diversity estimators are more reliable to evaluate sampling efficiency than methods based in number of captures. The inventory survey registered over 42% of the species richness registered for the State of Paraíba, as well as included a new register, Natalus stramineus, pointing that the bat richness for the state is yet to be sufficiently studied. Assembleia de morcegos da Reserva Biológica de Guaribas, uma unidade de conservação da Mata Atlântica no Nordeste do Brasil: resultados de um estudo de longa duração em duas etapas RESUMO. Inventários são a base de qualquer trabalho com biodiversidade, com sua importância exacerbada dada a crise ambiental atual. Morcegos são um dos grupos de mamíferos mais diversos, com alta versatilidade ecológica, e se apresentam como bons bioindicadores para monitorar impactos ambientais. O presente trabalho é um inventário de morcegos em longo prazo, dividido em duas etapas, numa reserva biológica de Floresta Atlântica no Estado da Paraíba, Brasil. A primeira etapa capturou 187 indivíduos de 24 espécies, o segundo registrou 1073 indivíduos de 11 espécies, sendo a diversidade deste um subgrupo da diversidade do primeiro, como apontado pelo teste de Mann-Whitney. O segundo estágio foi mais eficaz em acumular indivíduos, enquanto o primeiro acumulou espécies mais eficientemente. O estimador de diversidade Chao 1 apontou que o inventário foi eficiente em registrar 93,75% da riqueza de espécies prevista para a área, e que estimadores de diversidade são mais confiáveis para avaliar suficiência amostral que métodos baseados em número mínimo de capturas. O inventário registrou cerca de 42% da riqueza de espécies conhecida para o Estado da Paraíba, assim como incluiu um novo registro, Natalus stramineus, ressaltando que a riqueza de espécies de morcegos no estado está por ser suficientemente estudada. Palavras-chave: Chiroptera, inventário, estimativa de diversidade, riqueza de espécies, Natalus stramineus.

Bat assemblage of Guaribas Biological Reserve, an Atlantic forest conservation unit in North-eastern Brazil: Results of a two-stage long-term survey

Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, 2016

Inventories are the basis of every work with biodiversity, with increased importance due to the current environmental crisis. Bats are one of the most diverse groups of mammals, with high ecologic versatility and are good bioindicators to monitor environmental impacts. We performed a two-stage survey at an Atlantic Forest reserve in the State of Paraíba, the first stage registering 187 individuals of 24 species and the second stage, 1073 individuals of 11 species; the second stage's richness being a subset of the first as pointed by the Mann-Whitney test. The second stage was more efficient in accumulating individuals, while the first accumulated species more efficiently. The diversity estimation (Chao 1) pointed that the survey was efficient in registering 93.75% of the species richness predicted for the area, and that diversity estimators are more reliable to evaluate sampling efficiency than methods based in number of captures. The inventory survey registered over 42% of the species richness registered for the State of Paraíba, as well as included a new register, Natalus stramineus, pointing that the bat richness for the state is yet to be sufficiently studied.

2009 Luz et al. Bats from the Restinga of Praia das Neves, state of Espírito Santo, Southeastern Brazil

Studies on bat richness and diversity in coastal sand dunes ('restinga') are still scarce. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to estimate bat richness in the restinga of Praia das Neves (state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil) and to analyze species abundance. Ten sampling nights were carried out in May and July 2008, resulting in a sampling effort of 21,847.5 h.m 2 . We captured 125 individuals from 17 bat species. In this study, Tonatia saurophila was recorded for the first time not only in the state of Espírito Santo but also in the restinga ecosystem. The most abundant species was Artibeus lituratus with 32% of all captures. Surveys in coastal restingas are urgently needed in order to obtain more information about the bats living in this environment.

Bat diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the Itabapoana drainage basin, Espírito Santo state, Brazil


Entre os mamíferos que ocorrem ao longo de todo gradiente altitudinal em montanhas no sudeste do Brasil (i.e. Mata Atlântica), os morcegos podem ser um excelente modelo de análise, porque são abundantes e apresentam todas as guildas. Nas cadeias de montanhas ao redor do mundo, a comunidade de morcegos pode apresentar dois padrões de riqueza e diversidade de espécies: 1) declínio progressivo na riqueza e diversidade de espécies à medida que a altitude aumenta; ou 2) um pico de riqueza e diversidade no nível altitudinal intermediário. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento das espécies de morcegos ocorrentes nos fragmentos localizados na bacia do rio Itabapoana verificando a influência do gradiente altitudinal nas taxas de capturas dos morcegos. Para a captura dos morcegos, utilizamos redes de neblina, armadas no nível do solo, totalizando um esforço amostral de 1.500 m2/ha para cada localidade. A região do rio Itabapoana apresentou uma elevada r...

Bat assemblages of protected areas in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Iheringia. Série Zoologia

We analyzed the bat assemblages found in protected areas in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which is the best-sampled region of the Atlantic Forest. We selected 24 strict nature reserves and nine sustainable-use protected areas. We used data from inventories and complemented with data from the literature. We compared strict and sustainable-use protected areas, and tested whether the bat assemblages varied between habitat types. We tested the effect of geographic distance on the dissimilarity between bat assemblages, as well as the relationship between species composition and the size, mean altitude of the protected area, and capture effort. We compiled a total of 34,443 capture records, involving 67 species. Three species were captured only once, which raises cause for concern. Bat assemblages did not vary between protected area categories, but did vary among habitats with less than 1,000 captures. Assemblages were more similar to one another in geographically proximate areas. ...

Species richness and edge effects on bat communities from Perobas Biological Reserve, Paraná, southern Brazil

Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 2013

We investigated the influence of edge effects on the composition of bat species communities in Perobas Biological Reserve. Mist nets were set along forest edges and in fragments; 170 individuals and 13 species were captured. Eleven species were registered in the forest and nine in the edge, and mean number of captures by month was significantly lower in edge habitat. Artibeus lituratus and Sturnira lilium were the most frequently captured species. Some species were sampled exclusively in the edge; others were captured only in forest. Insectivorous bats were more frequently captured in more open edge habitats.


Modifications in habitats cause several alterations in the functional structure of communities. It seems that, to date, there are no studies on the functional diversity of bats concerning habitat changes in the phytophysionomy of the Brazilian Semideciduous Seasonal Forest (SSF). Current analysis compares richness, abundance and functional diversity of bats captured within the matrix and within rural and urban fragments. Samples were retrieved from five forest fragments of the SSF in the northern region of the state of Paraná, Brazil, between 2015 and 2016. Richness rates within the forest fragments were higher than in the matrix, with significant differences between sites. The abundance of captured specimens did not differ between matrix and the interior of the forest. Parameters of functional diversity were greater within the forest than in the matrix. Results show that habitat type affects species abundance and richness in the SSF. Heterogeneous matrices provide several resources, including complementary ones, for certain bat species, in food or in havens, mirroring the community´s functional diversity RESUMO. Mudanças na diversidade de morcegos em agroecossistemas da mata atlântica, Brasil. Modifi-cações no habitat podem causar alterações na estrutura funcional das comunidades. Até o presente momento não se tem estudos que abordem a variação na diversidade funcional de morcegos em relação às alterações do habitat na fitofisionomia Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES) do Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a riqueza, abundância e diversidade funcional de morcegos capturados na matriz e interior de fragmentos rurais e urbanos. As coletas ocorreram em cinco fragmentos florestais de FES, localizados na região norte do estado do Paraná, região do Brasil, entre 2015 a 2016. Em todos os fragmentos a riqueza no interior da floresta foi maior que na matriz ocorrendo diferenças significativas entre os ambientes. A abundância de indivíduos capturados não diferiu entre a matriz e interior das matas. Os parâmetros de diversidade funcional foram maiores no interior da floresta ao comparado com a matriz. Nossos resultados indicam que o tipo de habitat influencia na abundância e na riqueza de espécies na Floresta estacional Semidecidual sendo que as matrizes heterogêneas ofertam uma variedade de recursos até complementares para algumas espécies de morcegos, seja na forma de alimento ou seja na forma de REFÚGIOS refletindo na diversidade funcional da comunidade.