The issue of preservation of traditional rammed earth houses: current practice of presentation in Serbia and region (original) (raw)



Novi Pazar is one of the historic Ottoman settlements established in 1461 in the southwestern part of Serbia. Due to its location on the crossroad of the big caravanserai road, which led from Dubrovnik to Istanbul, Novi Pazar played a great part in the economic development of the Balkans. The traditional texture of the town contains monumental buildings as well as houses that carry traces of Ottoman period architecture. The features of civil architecture in Novi Pazar, which is continuously being damaged, have not been subject to detailed documentation work and conservation studies up to now. It is observed that Novi Pazar houses that date back to the early years of the 19th century have several conservation problems, such as inappropriate interventions of users, climate circumstances and abandonment as a result of downturn of the economic situation. This study, as a part of a Master's thesis, consists of the documentation of more than 80 timber houses in use, and 18 of them documented in detail by means of onsite observations, survey drawings, photos and interviews with the local masters. The architectural morphology, timber framing and masonry walls techniques, floors, ceilings, roofs, mortars, plasters and indoor architectural elements were written by analyzing 18 traditional houses in detail.

An approach to building heritage and its preservation in Serbia and surrounding areas

Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2020

Cultural heritage represents a unique and irreplaceable cultural value of a nation. Preservation and protection of cultural heritage is an important moral role of the entire modern society. The paper singles out the notion of vernacular architecture and traditional houses as a significant part of the architectural heritage. The case study includes examples of traditional houses in Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. The current condition of buildings, their purpose, the degree of preservation, as well as the applied methods of protection are considered in more detail. By analyzing examples of positive and negative practice, conclusions were drawn about the active approach to the architectural heritage of these countries. The goal of this paper is to consider the approach to the preservation of vernacular architecture and the relationship of these countries to this form of cultural heritage. The methods used in the paper are analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, modeling method and ca...


ABpToACT qraditiçnal rural hçuses are çne çf the mçst endangered fçrms çf cultural and built heritage in perbia tçdayK A special quality çf traditiçnal architecture çf this regiçn cçuld be recçgnized in its manifçld typçlçgical diversity that is present nçt çnly in its spatial and fçrmative characteristics but alsç in variçus structures and materials that were used in their cçnstructiçnK fn the pastI materializatiçn çf this vernacular architecture was in interactiçn with nature and the cçnditiçns çf the immediate envirçnmentI especially in terms çf its climatic and geçgraphic prçpertiesK Althçugh çld rural hçuses represent the keepers çf the traditiçnI they are çften abandçned and left tç the effects çf the march çf timeI çr replaced with new buildings that dç nçt manifest any authentic regiçnal çr lçcal featuresK mrçblems related tç their prçtectiçnI preservatiçn and regeneratiçn tç a great extent cçuld be cçnnected either with prçperties çf materials used fçr their cçnstructiçnI since they are usually nçt very durableI çr with level çf hçw cçmfçrtable they are altçgetherI which is less than it is necessary fçr a cçmfçrtable life çf a cçntempçrary manK qhrçugh a review çf types and methçds çf materializatiçn çf traditiçnal rural hçuses in perbiaI as well as an analysis çf their achieved thermal perfçrmancesI this paper strives tç pçint çut the real need and çptimal pçssibilities fçr their imprçvementI with respect tç the need fçr prçtectiçn çf their integrity and authenticity during the rençvatiçn prçcessI which are basic pçstulates çf the cçntempçrary cçnservatiçn theçry and practiceK heywords:

Ohranjanje stavbne dediscine dvajsetega stoletja : Preservation of 20th Century Architectural Heritage

20. stoletje : arhitektura od moderne do sodobne : vodnik po arhitekturi : 20th century architecture : from modernist to contemporary : guide to architecture, 2001

The chapter in the book on 20th-century architectural heritage in Slovenia introduces the presentation of modernist architecture and its protection. The main problems and attitudes towards the heritage of the 20th century are discussed and some pathways to arriving at better results in the protection of such heritage are given.

The revival of the traditional Bosnian wood dwellings

Energy Efficiency, 2011

This paper presents the results of research regarding the possibilities of the revival of the traditional Bosnian single-family house. The architectural design, spatial organization, and connection with the natural environment make it a valuable example of residential architecture. The use of local natural materials such as wood, stone, and adobe brick, brings this typology back into the limelight. This study illustrates that due to the increasing need to save energy, the importance to use natural materials, and integration of sustainable design into architectural design processes, our contemporaries turn to past examples in order to reference benchmarks combined with cutting edge technology for buildings of the future. Because Bosnia has large wooded areas, and a policy goal is to use local resources, the research aim

Remaining Architectural Heritage in Kosovo, Their Durability and Sustainability


This paper work aims to response the request for immediate intervention of cultural heritage preservation in Kosovo, with the aim of protection against the harmful consequences of insufficient knowledge leading to a misuse of technology and to ill-considered approaches. The DGT (dwelling-garret type) is an important vernacular study case. The DGT is a historic building of 18th century, located in the core of Lebusha Village, Municipality of Peja, an architectural construction characterized by two concentric volumes at rectangular layout, very dynamic at horizontal composition, obtained by the movement of two differently constructional materials volumes, stone masonry and timber assembly, and covered with roof clay tiles. In view of its esthetic and artistic values, its important role at developing chain of Kosovo’s rural dwellings typology, and its method of construction, the building should be listed as a monument under state protection. Hence, immediate protection interventions, s...

Sustainable Vernacular Architecture: The Renovation of a Traditional House on Stara Planina Mountain in Serbia

Buildings, 2023

In the last few years, Stara planina (the Balkan Mountains) and its surroundings have been improving their tourist offer. The area is protected by law, as a nature park, and the construction of new buildings requires a complex administrative procedure. Renovation of country houses is part of the usual construction procedures and is easier to carry out. Typical renovation solutions involve application of industrial materials with significant impact on the environment from the process of their production and further on. The traditional houses found in many mountains across Serbia and the Balkans are constructed using natural materials. Hence, this paper tackles the problem of renovating such dwellings by application of natural materials to improve their usability and reduce their energy and carbon footprint. An analysis is performed on a case study model of a typical house from Stara planina. The advantages of using natural materials in the process of renovating a traditional house are analysed. By using TRNSYS software, the total amount of energy demands of the house during a typical meteorological year with four scenarios (current state, walls isolated with sheep and hemp wool panels and EPS) was simulated. These materials were further analysed for their environmental impact by means of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). In the synthesis of the research, the best results were brought into connection with the sustainable development of the architectural heritage. The results prove that natural products provide the necessary thermal comfort and have a significantly more positive impact on the environment than artificial materials. Based on this study, recommendations were created for the sustainable renovation of vernacular architecture in Serbia. The goal of the paper is to create scientific and professional evidence that local and natural materials must be used to reduce the impact of climate change and that such sustainable renovation is in accordance with modern architectural design and thermal comfort. The goal is also to fill the gap in renovation methods in Serbia, according to the principles of sustainable design.

Preservation and Reuse of an Adobe Building; Turkes (Türkeş) House and Museum in Northern Cyprus

Earthen Heritage, New Technology, Management, 7th International Conference proceedings, 2019

The buildings registered as cultural heritage are historical documents of their respective period. Particularly, it is difficult to apply mudbrick structures constructed with traditional materials and construction technology to today's comfort conditions. It is not possible for the owners of the mudbrick structures of soil material origin to be owned, kept alive and used as a residence within the current living conditions. Therefore, most of the adobe structures are in danger of being destroyed due to neglect over time. Within the scope of this study, the stages of the restoration of a mudbrick structure, which is an example of civil architecture in the city of Nicosia, located in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, after the loss of its original function will be transferred. In order to ensure cultural continuity, in order to transfer historical buildings that have lost their original use to future generations, “Re-use” is a preferred practice in terms of protection concepts. The mudbrick structure is not only a physical entity, but also belongs to the group of structures that must be protected because of the information it conveys such as social and cultural lifestyles, traditions, technical level reached, aesthetic perception and social rules.

The Paštrovska House of the Montenegrin Coastal Area: Example of Sustainable Building in Traditional Architecture

Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 2019

The subject of this research is the Paštrovska house type of the Montenegrin coast. It is a part of the cultural heritage as a manifestation of individual housing, whose formation was affected by historical, sociological, climatic and other factors. It represents a collection of all the artifacts of material, social and spiritual culture, created throughout the centuries, to the present day. In this paper are analyzed climatic, topological and sociological factors as well as the used materials which affected the formation of this type of coastal house. The goal of this paper is to establish which of the mentioned factors had the greatest effect on this, in many respects, special kind of traditional sustainable architecture of the Adriatic coastline.