The Effects of Sunflower Seed Meal and Urea Upon Microbial Protein Synthesis in the Rumen of Angora Goats (original) (raw)

The Effects of Corn Harvested at Different Stages of Maturity and Supplemented with Urea on Silage Quality and Nutrient Digestibility in Lambs

Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 2002

This study was conducted to determine the silage qualities of corn supplemented with urea and harvested at the boot and milk stages and the effect on food intake and nutrient digestibility of these silages in lambs. Corn harvested at the boot and milk stages was supplemented with 0.5% urea and was ensiled. This study involved 4 silage groups. group I consisted of silage from corn harvested at the boot stage; group II consisted of silage from corn harvested at the milk stage; group III consisted of silage from corn supplemented with urea and harvested at the boot stage; group IV consisted of silage from corn supplemented with urea at the milk stage. Dry matter levels in the groups were determined to be 18.77, 25.10, 18.82 and 25.20%, respectively. The pH, NH3-N and lactic acid levels of the silages were determined to be 4.16, 4.38, 5.10 and 5.42; 0.48, 0.39, 0.85 and 0.76%; and 1.78,1.96, 1.85 and 2.10% in the groups, respectively. Four 9-month-old Akkaraman male lambs averaging 32 k...

Effects of Sunflower Oil Replacement by Acidulated Sunflower Soapstock Oil on Performance, Egg Quality and Fatty Acid Composition of Laying Hens


Yumurta tavugu yemlerinde aycicek yagi yerine aycicek asit yagi kullaniminin verim kriterleri ve yumurta kalitesi uzerine etkilerini saptamak amaciyla yurutulen bu calisma, 52 haftalik yasta 270 adet ATE-K kahverengi yumurta tavugu ile, 11 hafta surdurulmustur. Tavuklar, her biri 9 tavuk iceren, 6 tekerrurlu 5 gruba tesadufi olarak dagitilmislardir. Arastirmada, kontrol yeminde % 4 duzeyinde yer alan aycicek yaginin, sirasiyla, % 25, 50, 75 ve 100’u duzeylerinde aycicek asit yagi ikame edilmesiyle olusturulan rasyonlar karsilastirilmistir. Tum rasyonlar 2752 kcal/kg ME ve %16 ham protein icerecek sekilde, izokalorik ve izonitrojenik olarak hazirlanmistir. Aycicek yagi yerine % 25 ve daha yuksek duzeylerde aycicek asit yagi ikamesi yumurta verimi ve gunluk yumurta uretim miktarini onemli duzeyde arttirmistir. Yumurta agirligi, yem tuketimi, yemden yararlanma ve canli agirlik degisimi, muamelelerden onemli duzeyde etkilenmemistir. Yumurta kirilma mukavemeti, kabuk orani ve Haugh birim...

Determing the Effects of Sunflower Varieties with Different Protein Contents on Results of in Vitro Gas Production and Enzyme Techniques


In this study, the effects of sunflower meal with high crude protein (CP) content (SFM1, %44,34 CP, DM) and sunflower meal with low CP content (SFM2, %32.77 HP, DM) on in vitro gas production levels, gas production parameters, organic material digestibilities (OMD), metabolic energy (ME) and net energy lactation (NEL) contents were investigated. Furthermore, energy and OMD values of SFM feeds were determined by using in vitro enzyme technique and it was aimed to prove the differences between the methods. Two rumen-cannulated Sakız x Karayaka rams were used in in vitro gas production technique and feeds were incubated for 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. While OMD, ME and NEL values in low CP group were higher compared to those in high CP group in enzyme technique, the corresponding values were lower in low CP group in in vitro gas production technique (P<0.01). In conclusion, significant differences were observed between two methods. As a result, there is a significant diffe...

Effects of Foliar Urea, Potassium and Zinc Sulphate Treatments Before and After Flowering on GlutoPeak, Some Protein Quality and Farinograph Properties of Wheat


Received : 02/09/2019 Accepted : 10/09/2019 Nitrogen and sulphur application has a significant effect on the quality and quantity of storage proteins of wheat which affect the bread making process. In this study, effect of foliar applications of urea, potassium sulphate (K2SO4) and zinc sulphate heptahydrate (ZnSO4.7H2O), under field conditions at vegetative and generative periods of wheat, were investigated for their effects on protein quality (SDS sedimentation and STK-Lactic Acid values), Glutopic parameters [(PMT (s)), BM (BE), BEM (BE) and PM (BE)] and dough rheological properties [stability (min), degree of softening (BU)] of wheat. Experiments were conducted in two trial groups. In the first trial, foliar treatments of 0% (Control); 0,5% Urea; 1% Urea; 0,5% ZnSO4.7H2O; 0,5% Urea+0,5% ZnSO4.7H2O; 1% Urea+0,5% ZnSO4.7H2O; 0,5% K2SO4 and 1% K2SO4; in the second trial, 0%; 0,5% Urea+0,5% K2SO4; 0,5% Urea+1% K2SO4;1% Urea+0,5% K2SO4; 1% Urea+1% K2SO4 were performed. As a result, i...

Effect of Peppermint Supplementation to Diet on Rumen Protozoal Numbers and Some Ruminal Parameters in Sheep


Bu calisma, koyunlarda yeme nane ilavesinin rumen protozoon sayisi ile bazi rumen ve kan parametrelerine etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapildi. Calismada 18 adet koyun kullanilmis olup, bunlar her grupta 6 adet olacak sekilde 3 gruba ayrildi. Toplam 30 gun suren deneme periyodu boyunca, Kontrol, %2.5 Nane ve %5 Nane gruplarindaki koyunlar sirasiyla nane icermeyen, %2.5 nane ve %5 nane ilave edilmis yemlerle beslendi. Denemenin sonunda koyunlardan rumen ve kan ornekleri alindi. Rumen orneklerinde; protozoon sayisi, pH ve amonyak duzeyleri belirlendi. Kan orneklerinde ise kan sayimi, plazma ure, glikoz, malondialdehid (MDA) ve glutasyon (GSH) duzeyleri, eritrositlerde superoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve katalaz (CAT) enzim aktiviteleri belirlendi. Calismada; gruplar arasinda rumen protozoon sayisi, pH ve amonyak duzeyleri bakimindan istatistiksel farklar oldugu tespit edildi. Yeme nane ilavesinin hematolojik parametreler ile plazma ure, glikoz, MDA ve GSH duzeyleri, SOD ve CAT enzim aktivitel...

Yapraktan Üre, Potasyum Sülfat ve Çinko Sülfat Uygulamalarının Ekmeklik Buğdayın Glutopeak, Bazı Protein Kalitesi ve Farinograf Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

Nitrogen and sulphur application has a significant effect on the quality and quantity of storage proteins of wheat which affect the bread making process. In this study, effect of foliar applications of urea, potassium sulphate (K2SO4) and zinc sulphate heptahydrate (ZnSO4.7H2O), under field conditions at vegetative and generative periods of wheat, were investigated for their effects on protein quality (SDS sedimentation and STK-Lactic Acid values), Glutopic parameters [(PMT (s)), BM (BE), BEM (BE) and PM (BE)] and dough rheological properties [stability (min), degree of softening (BU)] of wheat. Experiments were conducted in two trial groups. In the first trial, foliar treatments of 0% (Control); 0,5% Urea; 1% Urea; 0,5% ZnSO4.7H2O; 0,5% Urea+0,5% ZnSO4.7H2O; 1% Urea+0,5% ZnSO4.7H2O; 0,5% K2SO4 and 1% K2SO4; in the second trial, 0%; 0,5% Urea+0,5% K2SO4; 0,5% Urea+1% K2SO4;1% Urea+0,5% K2SO4; 1% Urea+1% K2SO4 were performed. As a result, in the first trial, 0,5% Urea, 1% Urea+0,5% Z...

Effects of using transglutaminase on properties of Ayran in traditional production of Ayran


In this study, the applicability of enzymatic modification of milk proteins by transglutaminase enzyme in production of Ayran and the effects of enzyme addition on the quality criteria of product, were investigated. For this purpose, the enzyme addition to Ayran milk at two different steps of the production (just after the pasteurization and simultaneous addition with starter culture) and in two different incubation time with enzyme (at 50 C 1 hour and 10 minutes), were tried. Ayran samples were kept at 4 C for 20 days and analyzed on the 1, 10, and the 20 days of the storage. As a result, significant increase in viscosity and decrease in syneresis were determined. in Ayran samples produced from enzyme-treated milk, It was detected that transglutaminase did not cause significant changes on chemical properties of Ayran. Electron microscopic studies showed that enzymetreated milk lead to obtain firmer microstructure in Ayran. Amount of enzyme used in this study was 1 Unit TGase/g milk...

Effects of dried rumen content in the feed on broiler performance

Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2000

Özet: Bu çalışma rasyona ilave edilen kurutulmuş rumen içeriğinin broyler verimine etkilerini saptamak amacıyla yapı !mıştır. Kontrol grubunda yer alan piliçler deneme süresince broyler başlangıç yemi ile, II ve m. gruplarda yer alan piliçler ise deneme süresince aynı yeme % 1 O ve % 20 kurutulmuş rumen içeriği ilave edilen yem ile beslenmişlerd ir. Can lı ağırlık, yemden yararlanma oranı ile karkas, taşlık ve karaciğer ağırlıklarının canlı ağı rlık içindeki payı bakı m ından gruplar arasında gözlemlenen farklılıklar önemli bulunmuştur (P<O.OOI, P<O.Ol , P<0.05, P<O.OOl , P<0.05). Kontrol grubunun Avrupa verimlilik Faktörü en yüksek olmasına rağmen, % ı O ve % 20 kurutu lmuş rum en içeriği ile beslenen deneme gruplarının ekonomik verimliliği kontrol grubundan daha yüksek bulunmuştu r. Bu ça lışmada broyler yemine ilave edilen kurutulmuş rumen içeriğinin broyler verimini etkilemeksizin ekonomik olarak broyler beslemede kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.

Determination of Some Biochemical Properties of Saanen Goat Milk

Iğdır üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü dergisi, 2017

Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yetiştiriciliği yapılan Saanen keçi sütlerinin biyokimyasal parametrelerini karakterize etmektir. Bu amaçla, Saenen keçi sütü numunelerinin, element, yağ asidi ve kimyasal parametre seviyeleri, sırasıyla İndüklenmiş Eşleşmiş Plazma Atomik Emisyon Spektrofotometresi (ICP-OES), Gaz Kromatografisi (GC) ve Foss Electrik (FT-120) süt analizörü cihazları kullanılarak ölçüldü. Saanen keçi sütü ana elementlerden kalsiyum (Ca) 1212.87 mg L-1 , magnezyum (Mg) 124.37 mg L-1 , fosfor (P) 816.87 mg L-1 , potasyum (K) 1557mg L-1 olarak belirlendi. Saanen keçi sütünün kimyasal bileşimi %11.14 kuru madde, %8.06 yağsız kuru madde, %3.04 protein, %4.25 laktoz, %2.58 kazein ve % 3.60 yağ olarak bulundu. Toplam doymuş yağ asidi (ΣSFA) oran %64.65, tekli doymamış yağ asidi (ΣMUFA) %25.93 ve çoklu doymamış yağ asidi (ΣPUFA) %9.42 olarak bulundu. Sonuçlarımıza göre Saanen keçi sütünün, insan diyetinin önemli bir parçası olabileceği düşünülmektedir.