Piattaforme e-learning a confronto. Workshop GIDIF-RBM (original) (raw)
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Piattaforme digitali: tra criticità concorrenziali e prospettive di regolamentazione
E indubbio che le piattaforme digitali abbiano oggi un impatto tale da condizionare in maniera trasversale tutti gli aspetti delle relazioni umane, personali ed economiche, cosi rendendo le predette piattaforme dei veri e propri giganti della nostra societa, attraverso i quali si rapportano quotidianamente miliardi di persone, eleggendo i social network quale luogo digitale di incontro, le piattaforme di e-commerce a nuovi mercati, i motori di ricerca a porte sullo scibile umano. In tale contesto, e sorto pero il dibattito circa la necessita di una regolamentazione unitaria e teleologicamente orientata del fenomeno delle piattaforme digitali. Invero, da piu parti e stato sollevato il dubbio che l’inarrestabile sviluppo delle piattaforme digitali sia proprio dovuto alla mancanza di un quadro regolamentare in grado di porre freno ai comportamenti opportunistici di questi nuovi giganti digitali. Su tali premesse, scopo della presente trattazione sara quello di andare ad analizzare le p...
Piattaforma e risorse per gli insegnanti
Nella seconda annualità del Progetto MMLab-ER, la formazione degli insegnanti si è arricchita, per la sede di Modena prima e per quella di Bologna poi, di un dispositivo di accompagnamento, considerato in forma sperimentale, della formazione stessa. Nello specifico, tale dispositivo corrispondeva a una piattaforma tipo Moodle55. La struttura della piattaforma, così come delle sezioni che la costituiscono, è stata definita dall’autrice del presente capitolo, la quale ha anche svolto il ruolo di amministratore. In questo capitolo saranno presentati gli obiettivi di tale introduzione, la struttura della piattaforma e la sua fruizione da parte degli insegnanti partecipanti al Progetto. L’utilizzo della piattaforma ha portato l’attenzione sul lavoro collaborativo e sulla concezione e appropriazione di risorse nel laboratorio di matematica, intendendo per risorsa tutto ciò che può nutrire il lavoro dell’insegnante (Gueudet, Trouche, 2010). A questo tema sarà dedicata l’ultima parte d...
Oltre il riconoscimento. Piattaforme digitali e metamorfosi del lavoro
The essay starts with a discussion of the legal and political logic of recognition with respect to labor and labor relations. Such a logic is historically and geographically con- textualized in the framework of the development of industrial capitalism and in par- ticular of mass industrial production, i.e., Fordism. The notion of a «standard labor relation» associated to this development is then critically analyzed. It is from this angle that the author discusses the emergence of digital, and more specifically platform labor, which radically challenges any idea of a standard labor relation. Several dimensions of platform labor are explored, from algorithmic management to the explosion of the working day, from its peculiar cooperative nature to experiences of self-organization. As an instance of «labor beyond recognition», platform labor allows shedding light on wider transformations of labor and asking crucial questions on the position of labor in a project of radical transformation today.
Imparare delle piattaforme antisfratto. Roma, Atene e Madrid a confronto
The paper deals with the rise of evictions and anti-eviction practices performed in the space of Southern European cities after the 2008 global economic crisis and the beginning of a permanent austerity climate. As argue by Desmond in his work on eviction (2012, 2015) mobility in housing studies have largely been characterized by study on accessibility and affordability. On the contrary, in time of austerity, assuming an anti-eviction paradigm means to focus on the prevention of the " getting-out " of a house (ibidem, 121) and on the possibility to 'stay put' (Hartman 1984) – whether in private rental housing or public housing under privatization. The paper argues that the current lack of accessibility to housing challenges in particular the rental system in Southern European housing regimes, which is characterized by a large proprietary society (Allen et all 2005). In this regime small property owners are accustomed to use housing as an investment in welfare, consequently to increase the family income with housing rent is a culturally rooted practices. Eviction for rent arrears and anti-eviction practices testifies the breaking down of a system of social relation and call for a revision of tools that increased social solidarities among different social groups. In the face of this state of the art the paper will explore the strength and ambivalences of anti-eviction presenting cases from Madrid, Athens and Rome and assuming a comparative perspective. Methodologically the data come from two years of field work observation and participation to anti-eviction platforms in the selected cases. In more detail the paper will briefly frame the ways in which eviction has been explored in housing studies, the regimes of expulsion occurring in the cities under studies; and the repertoire of practices of different anti-eviction platform that animate the political space of the selected cases. The paper in conclusion sees anti-eviction practices for their 'potential agenda-setting-effect' that assume the prevention of urban displacement as guiding principle for housing reform.
The multilingual interaction that characterizes language learning throughout the use of different languages (Candelier 2007) is a noteworthy factor in the study of plurilingual competence as well as of intercultural communicative competence (Araújo and Sá, De Carlo, Melo-Pfeifer 2010). After presenting the platforms implemented by Galanet, Galapro and MIRIADI projects, we will analyze the processes of interaction and relational skills established by speakers coming from countries of Romance area. We will draw inspiration from examples which are taken from some online sessions; in particular, a part of our analysis will focus on the project MIRIADI to test a part of the framework on Intercomprehension skills whose preparation is in progress. Mots-clefs : intercompréhension – dispositifs – interaction plurilingue – compétences interculturelles