Y Kuşağının İnternet Alışverişi (original) (raw)

Internet Shopping of Generation Y

OPUS, 2019

The Internet has begun to show its existence in all areas of life as the greatest invention of the 20th century. The prevalence of the Internet has shortened the way of communication between people and also eliminated the distance of the spaces. In addition to the facilitating effect in every field, the increase in internet addiction has been defined as a disease and its negative effects have been discussed. As these discussions continues, with the increasing use of the internet by consumers and the passionate use of it as an indispensable medium, internet has taken its place in the world of consumption as a new area of enterprise. This study was conducted in Adana province in order to determine the factors and the level of these factors affecting the online shopping of Y generation who were born in a digital era and regard the internet as a natural part of life. 50.7% of the participants were female. 30.7% of them make online purchases; 85.8% of them are either social media or microblogging users. It is the variable education that best describes the internet exchange of the participants. Those who have university and postgraduate education mostly do internet shopping. In addition, social media presence and free time activity emerged as subsets describing the internet exchange.

Çevrimiçi Sosyal Etkileşimin Ergenlerin İnternet Bağımlılığı Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yaşam Becerileri Psikoloji Dergisi, 2019

Internet addiction is a serious problem affecting individuals of all ages. There are many reasons for internet addiction. One of these reasons is online social interaction. Online social interaction on the internet is the strongest and most common activity that makes adolescents dependent on the internet. Social interaction online facilitate the need to make friends and the need to obtain a personal achievement. Therefore, individuals spend a long time on the Internet. This study aims to determine the effect of online social interaction on internet addiction in adolescents. This research was conducted in the Purbalingga / Indonesia district. The study was conducted with 70 adolescents aged 15-18 years. As data collection tool, Online Social Interaction Questionnaire and Internet Addiction Questionnaire have been used. To test whether the data shows normal distribution, Kolmogorov Smirnov Normality Test was performed. The results of the test showed that the data obtained in the study showed normal distribution. Regression Analysis were used in the study. The research findings show that online social interaction has an effect on internet addiction (R 2 =0.351; p<0.05). The Regression Analysis applied indicated that online social interaction explain 35.1% of the total variance in internet addiction. According to the results of the study, online social interaction needs to be reduced in order to reduce internet addiction in adolescents. Even so, internet addiction is not only caused by online social interaction, but there are 64.9% of other factors that influence it.

The Effect of Internet Advertisements on the Purchasing Decision of the Today Consumers / Günümüz Tüketicilerinin Ürün Satınalma Kararlarında İnternet Reklamlarının Etkisi

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019

In today's information age, consumers spend most of their time on the internet. Consumers expanded their online shopping volumes and increased their demand for ready-to-wear products. In this respect, the students who are studying at the university in practice; attitudes towards internet advertisements (GAI), information sharing (CIS), motivations (CM), information production (CIP) and purchasing decisions (CPD) were examined. In the previous studies, these variables were generally applied to different fields under different headings. In the study, these variables were examined as a whole. The results of the study; It is concluded that there is a negative and significant relationship between consumers' attitudes towards internet advertisements and information sharing, and between information sharing and purchasing decisions. The results showed that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between the attitudes and motivations of consumers towards internet advertisements, and their motivations and purchasing decisions. Also, it was concluded that there was a negative and significant relationship between consumer attitudes towards advertising and information production, and between information production and purchasing decisions. With these results, it is aimed to gain new perspectives to the literature. Günümüz bilişim çağında tüketiciler zamanlarının birçoğunu internete ayırmaktadırlar. Tüketiciler internetten alışveriş hacimlerini genişletmiş ve hazır giyim ürünlerindeki taleplerini de arttırmışlardır. Bu açıdan uygulamada üniversitede eğitim gören öğrencilerin; hazır giyim ürünleri satın alırken internet reklamlarına yönelik tutumları (GAI), bilgi paylaşımları (CIS), motivasyonları (CM), bilgi üretimleri (CIP) ve satınalma kararları (CPD) incelenmiştir. Daha önce yapılan çalışmalarda genellikle bu değişkenler farklı başlıklar altında farklı alanlara uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada bu değişkenler bir bütün olarak incelemiştir. Çalışma sonuçları; tüketicilerin internet reklamlarına yönelik tutumları ile bilgi paylaşımları arasında ve bilgi paylaşımları ile de satınalma kararları arasında negatif ve anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Tüketicilerin internet reklamlarına yönelik tutumları ile motivasyonları arasında ve motivasyonları ile de satınalma kararları arasında pozitif ve anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu sonuçları elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca tüketicilerin reklama yönelik tutumları ile bilgi üretimleri arasında ve bilgi üretimleri ile de satınalma kararları arasında negatif ve anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Bu sonuçlar ile literatüre yeni bakış açıları kazandırılması amaçlanmıştır.

International Review of Management and Marketing A Research on the Impacts of the Young People's Internet Addiction Levels and their Social Media Preferences

The aim of this study is to determine whether or not internet addiction levels of young people lead to differences in social media use intentions. The study consists of two main parts. In the literature review section where the conceptual framework is tried to be formed, internet addiction and social media concepts are defined, and information on social media use is given. Following the conceptual framework, the hypothesis to test whether or not the addiction has led to differences in the intended use is analyzed with a sample of 756 participants. The results of the research study suggest that 96.8% of the young people use the internet on a daily basis, 91.2% use mobile phones for the internet access, 0.61 of the young people are addicted to it, and 0.391 of them spend 5-6 h online every day. Facebook is seen as the most preferred social media tool. Young people use the social media mostly to establish communication and to make various kinds of sharing. It is worried that the young people's quality of life and mental health may be negatively affected in the later years. For this, first of all, the government needs to conduct studies on media literacy and create different social fields such as sports facilities, theaters, etc. where the young people can socialize with each other. In the conclusion of the study, the effects in question are evaluated, and the state, business managers, marketing researchers and marketing researchers are presented with suggestions.

Türkiye’deki Genç Yetişkinlerde İnternet Bağımlılığı: Yalnızlık ve Sanal Ortam Yalnızlık Bağlamında Bir İnceleme

Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 2016

The purpose of this research is to reveal the relationships in Turkey between young adults' loneliness in real life and loneliness in virtual environments, as well as to reveal the predictive effect of real-life and virtual loneliness on Internet addiction. The Internet Addiction, UCLA Loneliness, and Virtual-Environment Loneliness Scales were used in order to collect data. A total of 237 students, whose average age was 20.64 and were continuing their education at Marmara and İstanbul Medeniyet Universities, constituted the study group of the research. The statistical analyses that were performed showed a positive meaningful relationship for real-life loneliness with the Virtual Environment Loneliness Scale' s sub-dimensions of virtual sharing and virtual socialization, and a negative meaningful relationship with its sub-dimension of virtual loneliness. According to the survey, real-life loneliness and virtual-environment loneliness (through all sub-dimensions) significantly predict Internet addiction in young adults (loss of control, tolerance development, and deterioration in social relations). Suggestions have been made through a discussion of the obtained findings related to the literature and other studies.

Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Internet Bağımlılığı Ve Saldırganlık

Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 2014

The internet addiction and aggression among university students Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the internet addiction and aggression among university students comprehensively. Method: A correlational research design was used in the study by assuming that a relationship could exist between the internet addiction and aggression. 328 university students from different faculties constituted sample group which was determined by simple random sampling of probability sampling method. Researcher himself collected the data from university students, based on the principle of voluntariness, by using a questionnaire including socio-demographic form, the Internet Addiction Scale (IAS) and Aggression Scale (AS). Results: Results of the study were obtained in 4 phases. In the 1st phase, after determining mean scores, symptom status groups were identified according to cut-points and lastly, IAS and AS scores variables were investigated with some variables such as gender, mother-father education status, family income level and primary internet usage aim in terms of differences. In the 2 nd phase no correlation between the IAS and AS scores was found. In the 3 rd phase, no correlation was found between the scales reciprocally. In the 4 th and last phase, relationship between the internet addiction and aggression was investigated at the level of causality by using structural equation modeling and no causal relationship was found. Conclusion: In the study relationship between the internet addiction and aggression was investigated through 4 phases by using correlation and structural equation modeling analysis and no relationship was determined between these two variables.

Aşırı İnternet Kullanımı Nedeniyle Aile İlişkileri Bozulmuş Olan İki İnternet Bağımlılığı Olgusu

Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi, 2014

Arc hi ves of Neu ropsy chi atry 2014; 51: 280-282 ÖZET ABS TRACT Although the internet is used effectively and beneficially in every aspect of life, several users have been experiencing some problems due to excessive and uncontrolled use. While the term "internet addiction" still remains controversial, disturbed family relationships are considered to be a diagnostic criterion. The use of the internet, even in non-excessive levels, is associated with disturbance in family and social life. As considering from systemic point of view; while family relationships may be disturbed with internet addiction, people who have problems with their family relationships also may use internet excessively. This case report is composed of both the cases with excessive internet usage and those who had problems in complying with the changes in their family systems following the decrease in duration of internet usage during the treatment process.

An Investigation of Online Shopping Habits of University Students: Gaziantep Province Case


E-commerce is a big platform and customers from every age like shopping from different online shopping sites. Spending habits and the way of shopping preferences of the customer profiles are important to be scrutinized for the sake of online shopping and e-commerce sites. The aim of this study was to examine online shopping habits of online shoppers in Turkey. The participants were 560 undergraduate students studying in the fall semester of 2016-2017 academic year in three universities in Gaziantep. Questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. Chi-square, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product moment correlation analyzes were conducted using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS 22.0) to analyze data. The statistical results revealed that online customers' purchase preference were gender biased, and their lifestyles had an impact on online customers' monthly spending amounts as well. There was a statistically significant positive relationship between the amount of time and money spent on the Internet. According to the results, students in Gaziantep use Trendyol, Hepsiburada and Alibaba for online shopping. The products that mostly bought by online customers were clothing, stationery products, online tickets and electronic devices. In conclusion, the findings are compared with related literature and suggestions for online shopping sites are presented.

Internet Usage and Online Shopping: Differences based on Gender of Students

Internet usage has been widely studied and has been found as an important driver of online shopping. Specifically, students have always consisted as the major sample or population for such studies. The present paper intends to study the internet usage and online shopping patterns of university students in India. For which primary data has been collected from 100 university students from Noida. For gaining the significant insights, the data was further utilized to test the hypothesis. This study found that students are the heavy internet users and use mobile phones for the same. Yet, online shopping is not the major reason for internet usage. Travelling and apparels remains the most preferred over online. in contrast to major reasons, books are not one of the favored articles bought online. This study concluded to provide significant findings and insights about the current internet behavior and online shopping habits of university students in India based on gender. Keywords: Internet usage, online shopping, university students, India.

Primena interneta kod muškaraca i žena u Srbiji

Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2014, 2014

According to the official statistics from Serbian Bureau of Statistics, more than one half of the population have the Internet and more than one half of the population have used the Internet in the last three months. When it comes to more specific statistics, 48.64% of those users are male, and 51,31% are female. Therefore, we must not neglect the fact that there are gender differences in wishes, needs and activities, as well as the differences which might be noticed in the Internet usage. This paper represents the difference between men and women regarding the Internet usage, the purpose of the Internet usage (news, sport, entertainment, social networks, online shopping), as well as the difference in time management online. The aim of the paper is to create more effective marketing campaigns and offer better products and services according to the needs of both men and women which have to be perceived separately and understood thoroughly.