Time-Lapse Microscopy Role in Improving the Outcome of Ivf/Icsi Cycles by Monitoring and Selection of Early Embryo (original) (raw)
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Researches Related to the Reduction of Prematurity Through Premature Rupture of Membranes in 2017
Management Intercultural, 2017
Data from literature, especially from the US, has provided data on prediction, prevention and treatment of premature membrane rupture (RPM). RPM is a significant cause of premature birth and can cause complications of a term task. Considerable research on RPM has led to a better understanding of the mechanism of spontaneous breakage of membranes, risk factors, and good results for newborns resulting from such obstetrical events. Spontaneous rupture of the membranes increases the risk of intrauterine infection and umbilical cord compression as well as the risk of premature detachment of placenta. Newborn babies resulting from RPM have an increased risk of morbidity compared to gestational age, and the risk of infection is increased compared with other premature babies due to ancillary causes. If RPM occurs in the second trimester, there is an additional risk of pulmonary hypoplasia and hip dysplasia. Pre-term conservative treatment prolongs latency to birth. Antibiotics reduce the ri...
Boala interstiţială pulmonară la copil: o problemă de diagnostic pentru clinician
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Оценка употребления диетических добавок до зачатия и во время беременности
IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra Obstetrică, ginecologie și reproducere umanăThe aim of this work was to determine the dietary supplement administration rate in the preconception stage and pregnancy, in relation to international and national guidelines on antenatal care. From 201 women included in the survey, just 26,40% of the pregnancies were planned. Intake of folic acid in the preconceptional period was reported by 54 women from 201 (26,90%) and in the first quarter of pregnancy 177 women (88,10%). Iron supplements administration was reported by 160 women (79,60%) during pregnancy. Most women did not recognize the need for routine administration of polyvitamins during pregnancy, their rate being small and decreasing relative to the trimester of pregnancy (I trimester – 25.90%, II trimester – 15.90%, III trimester – 7.0%).Цель этой работы заключалась в том, чтобы определить уровень употребления диетических добавок до зачатия и во время беременности, согласно международным и...
Vitamin D and maternal-fetal implications
Romanian Journal of Medical Practice, 2016
Vitamina D este o vitamină liposolubilă şi un prehormon steroidian, sintetizată la nivelul dermului sub acţiunea razelor ultraviolete (UVB). Din punct de vedere endocrin prezintă un rol important în homeostazia minerală. Pe lângă aceste efecte, în ultimii ani s-au descoperit o serie de acţiuni non-calciotropice ale vitaminei D: modularea autoimună, promovarea secreţiei şi acţiunii insulinei, dezvoltarea pulmonară, afect antiproliferativ în diferite tipuri de cancer, implicaţii în patologia materno-fetală. Studiile au identificat asocierea deficitului de vitamină D în sarcină cu o serie de complicaţii materne (preeclampsie, vaginoză bacteriană, risc de diabet zaharat gestaţional (DZG), risc crescut de naştere prin cezariană) şi fetale (afectarea dezvoltării scheletului şi smalţului dentar, alterarea creşterii fetale). De asemenea, nou-născuţii mamelor cu deficit de vitamina D prezintă un risc crescut de tetanie hipocalcemică, cu sau fără convulsii şi o susceptibilitate crescută pentru afecţiuni respiratorii (astm, bronşiolită cu RSV). Concluzii: Nu există un consens actual privind screening-ul de rutină al deficitului de vitamină D în sarcină şi nici asupra dozelor necesare suplimentării cu vitamină D la gravide. Totuşi, toate femeile gravide trebuie să aibă o dietă echilibrată şi să primească vitamina D ca şi parte a vitaminelor prenatale. Scopul fiind creşterea disponibilităţii de calcidiol către făt şi nou-născut cu rezultate benefice asupra efectelor clasice ale vitaminei D şi posibil şi asupra celor non-calciotropice.
Management Intercultural, 2016
This study aims to identify new scientific data that will make possible a concrete assessment of the effects of oxytocin on the neuromotor development of newborns. Given the range of the proposed study, namely 0-5 years, one can identify research axioms dedicated to the prophylaxis sof retardation of neuromotor development. The research methods that will be used are: retrospective cohort study method - where patients (and newborns) that will be administered syntheticoxytocin during labor induction, will be considered the exposed cohort, while the patients (and, therefore, the newborns) that will not be administered oxytocin will represent the non-exposed cohort -, stratified and multiple variable analysis and the Batelle Developmental Inventory.
Anesthetic prediction model in laparoscopic surgery in children
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Medical Sciences
Our study analyzes anesthesia with sevofluran through the prism of 5 regress models on the results of 5 anesthetic parameters, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, pulse, respiratory frequency, oxygen saturation in the blood periferic. For the elaboration of the optimal model carried out a selection of 5 main approximation functions, including linear, logarithmic, exponential, power, polynom. A correlation analysis of the effect of Sevoflurane on all anesthetic parameters was performed. The regression model with the polynom function most accurately reflects the real situation. During laparoscopic intervention, 3 anesthesiologist parameters turned out to be informative, namely systolic pressure, pulse, respiratory rate. Sevoflurane has a significant effect on the pulse (the first place in the power of influence), on systolic pressure (the second place), on respiratory frequency (third place). Graphically, the dynamics of all optimal models with the result of the coefficient of dete...
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