Seismic Data Analysis using the R (original) (raw)

R을 이용한 지진자료 처리

Seismic Data Analysis using the R, 2008

R is a free software for statical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs not only on UNIX platforms but MS Windows. The R commands are easy and offer interactive help. R is used in extensive field by implementing packages. RSEIS, the package of R, enable us to do easy graphic process of seismic data. Here we illustrate an example of the seismic data process using RSEIS.

A Shape of the Response Spectrum for Evaluation of the Ultimate Seismic Capacity of Structures and Equipment including High-frequency Earthquake Characteristics

Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 2020

In 2016, an earthquake occurred at Gyeongju, Korea. At the Wolsong site, the observed peak ground acceleration was lower than the operating basis earthquake (OBE) level of Wolsong nuclear power plant. However, the measured spectral acceleration value exceeded the spectral acceleration of the operating-basis earthquake (OBE) level in some sections of the response spectrum, resulting in a manual shutdown of the nuclear power plant. Analysis of the response spectra shape of the Gyeongju earthquake motion showed that the high-frequency components are stronger than the response spectra shape used in nuclear power plant design. Therefore, the seismic performance evaluation of structures and equipment of nuclear power plants should be made to reflect the characteristics of site-specific earthquakes. In general, the floor response spectrum shape at the installation site or the generalized response spectrum shape is used for the seismic performance evaluation of structures and equipment. In this study, a generalized response spectrum shape is proposed for seismic performance evaluation of structures and equipment for nuclear power plants. The proposed response spectrum shape reflects the characteristics of earthquake motion in Korea through earthquake hazard analysis, and it can be applied to structures and equipment at various locations.

Seismic Response Amplification Factors of Nuclear Power Plants for Seismic Performance Evaluation of Structures and Equipment due to High-frequency Earthquakes

Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 2020

Analysis of the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake and the 2017 Pohang earthquake showed the characteristics of a typical high-frequency earthquake with many high-frequency components, short time strong motion duration, and large peak ground acceleration relative to the magnitude of the earthquake. Domestic nuclear power plants were designed and evaluated based on NRC's Regulatory Guide 1.60 design response spectrum, which had a great deal of energy in the low-frequency range. Therefore, nuclear power plants should carry out seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of systems, structures, and components by reflecting the domestic characteristics of earthquakes. In this study, high-frequency amplification factors that can be used for seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of nuclear power plant systems, structures, and equipment were analyzed. In order to analyze the high-frequency amplification factor, five sets of seismic time history were generated, which were matched with the uniform hazard response spectrum to reflect the characteristics of domestic earthquake motion. The nuclear power plant was subjected to seismic analysis for the construction of the Korean standard nuclear power plant, OPR1000, which is a reactor building, an auxiliary building assembly, a component cooling water heat exchanger building, and an essential service water building. Based on the results of the seismic analysis, a high-frequency amplification factor was derived upon the calculation of the floor response spectrum of the important locations of nuclear power plants. The high-frequency amplification factor can be effectively used for the seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of electric equipment which are sensitive to high-frequency earthquakes.

A Study on the Seismic Retrofit of Column in Educational Facilities Using Composite Material

The Journal of Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, 2013

In paper after the strong earthquake of recently the Korea neighborhood, the Korean government survey show that the 86% of school buildings in Korea are in potential damage risk and only 14% of them are designed as earthquake-resistance buildings. Reinforcing projects of school have been conducting by the ministry of education, however their reinforcing methods done by not proved a engineering by experiment which results in uneconomical and uneffective rehabilitation for the future earthquake. An experimental and analytical study have been conducted for the shear and flexural reinforcing method of RC beam using composite beam. Based on the previous research, in this study, performance evaluation for the column reinforcing of old school buildings using nonlinear analysis is going to be conducted and strengthening method is going to be on the market after their performance is proved by the test.

해저지층 탐사를 위한 Schur 알고리즘

Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, 2013

In this paper, we propose an algorithm for estimating media characteristics of sea water and subbottom multi-layers. The proposed algorithm for estimating reflection coefficients, uses a transmitted signal and reflected signal obtained from multiple layers of various shape and structure, and the algorithm is called Schur algorithm. The algorithm is efficient in estimating the reflection coefficients since it finds solution by converting the given inverse scattering problem into matrix factorization. To verify the proposed algorithm, we generate a transmit signal and reflected signal obtained from lattice filter model for sea water and subbottom of multi-level non-homogeneous layers, and then find that the proposed algorithm can estimate reflection coefficients efficiently.

Shake Table Testing of Steel Braced Frame Considering Member Fracture

Key Engineering Materials, 2018

The authors have proposed a method to assess local fracture of concentric braced frames under cyclic loading from global member results termed the Direct Local Strain Evaluation Method. In this method there is no need to use detailed member shell models to estimate the strain at the fracture point in the braces. This enables accurate time history response analysis using less computationally intensive stick models, while including the effect of local member fracture. However, up to now, the accuracy of the proposed method has only been validated under static loading. This research validates the proposed method with dynamic numeric and shake table testing. The proposed method is effective in simulating the braced frame response including the brace fracture under dynamic loading.

수치지도 지리조사 자료의 표준화 및 활용

Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 2012

The method regarding obtaining various kinds of attribute data of spatial information, including that of digital map, is normally restricted to Geographic survey that deals with in-field surveys. Geographic surveying for drawing digital map, however, require much effort due to the fact that a surveyor has to characterize geographic features individually in the field. Not only does the Geographic survey cover large area, but also its need for manual drawing and surveying using Draft map makes it more expensive and time-consuming. Though some recent Geographic surveys take advantage of MMS(Mobile Mapping System) to collect computerized information, there are inevitable limits in creating digital map with such data. This research will analyze the problems in current Geographic surveys and suggest adequate methods and standards for Geographic surveys by researching the methods of domestic/international service organizations that deal with establishing spatial information. This study therefore will aim to enhance the efficiency of creating digital map and Geographic survey, which would ultimately maximize the applicability of pan-national digital map by improving reliability of digital map and upgrading the utilizability of Geographic survey data.

Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Soil Erosion Model Using Data Assimilation Method

Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 2015

This study aims to develop the CSEM-PF by combining Particle Filter (PF) and Catchment-scale Soil Erosion Model (CSEM) for time-variant parameter estimation and uncertainty assessment. The CSEM-PF can provide information regarding uncertainty of simulation output as well as model parameters of nonlinear soil erosion models. The CSEM-PF was applied to the upper Guemho river basin with two rainfall events. Then we estimated the feasible model parameters of CSEM at each time step and generated uncertainty bounds of both hydrograph and sedigraph. The simulation results show that rainfall-runoff parameters are well estimated as well as good agreement with observed hydrograph with relatively small uncertainty bounds. On the other hand, erosion-sediment yield simulation results led to larger uncertainty bounds than hydrograph results. In particular, parameter estimation with a few sediment observations provided less uncertain (more reliable) sediment discharge than the case with inter-or extrapolated discharge-sediment relation equation.

Classification of Transient Signals in Ocean Background Noise Using Bayesian Classifier

Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 2012

In this paper, a Bayesian classifier based on PCA (principle component analysis) is proposed to classify underwater transient signals using 16 th order LPC (linear predictive coding) coefficients as feature vector. The proposed classifier is composed of two steps. The mechanical signals were separated from biological signals in the first step, and then each type of the mechanical signal was recognized in the second step. Three biological transient signals and two mechanical signals were used to conduct experiments. The classification ratios for the feature vectors of biological signals and mechanical signals were 94.75% and 97.23%, respectively, when all 16 order LPC vector were used. In order to determine the effect of underwater noise on the classification performance, underwater ambient noise was added to the test signals and the classification ratio according to SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) was compared by changing dimension of feature vector using PCA. The classification ratios of the biological and mechanical signals under ocean ambient noise at 10dB SNR, were 0.51% and 100% respectively. However, the ratios were changed to 53.07% and 83.14% when the dimension of feature vector was converted to three by applying PCA. For correct, classification, it is required SNR over 10 dB for three dimension feature vector and over 30dB SNR for seven dimension feature vector under ocean ambient noise environment.