Masa Depan Islam di Indonesia (original) (raw)

Indonesia dan Masa Depan Umat Islam

In the middle of the wave of globalization and secularism, the world society gradually realizes that the civilizations that exist today makes them much of a sense of security and justice. This is a result of the fall of civilizations in the Middle Ages. Starting from the fall of the Christian civilization as a result of the Church Revolution and British Industrial Revolution. Coupled with the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate as the last civilization that is based on religious values. After the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate, Muslim world is still able to resist the secularism wave as Islam has a system which is able to protect the ideology of its adherets suchs as Ushul-Fiqh, Akaid, Ushul-Hadist. Christian civilization was difficult to come back victorius. However, Islam is able to return to the superior civilization in the world with all the potentian and strenght that is still available. Most of the Muslim potential in the world are in Indonesia and therefore Indonesia is one of the locomotive in the revival of Islamic civilization in the future.

Masa Depan Demokrasi Islam Di Indonesia

Sophist : Jurnal Sosial Politik Kajian Islam dan Tafsir, 2021

This article discusses Islamic democracy in Indonesian democracy. Deliveries made by Islamic leaders have always been in the spotlight by the government. Apart from the government, the spotlight also came from foreign media, which reported that the Islamic figure incited the community. The question is, what is the ethical foundation of democracy in Indonesia? What is Islamic democracy like in Indonesian democracy? This research was conducted with a normative research method, qualitatively using literature study to obtain answers to the topics discussed. The answer was obtained that democracy in Indonesia is Pancasila democracy with the people as the highest authority. Furthermore, the values ​​of democracy in Islam contribute to democracy in Indonesia, such as justice, freedom of opinion, human rights, and others. This can be seen by examining the Medina Charter, which is a legal product during the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, where the Prophet Muhammad SAW emphasized del...


Islamic higher educations in Indonesia extend their roles in many ways. They perform institutional organization to wide capacity and educational activities. First bacth, there were six universities to transform. After the first batch, there were a huge numbers of transformations either from college to institute or institute to university. Unfortunately, best practices from first batch did not apply to the next cohort. This paper discusses three main area, they are current condition, achievement, and opportunities to explore. On the other hand, regional situation in Southeast Asia is not the only one to overlook. There is the environment surrounding our higher education in providing service to community. Finally, this recent problems need to extend in the world condition of higher education.

Nomokrasi Islam Untuk Indonesia


Negara dalam Islam yang paling tepat adalah nomokrasi Islam, artinya kekuasaan yang didasarkan kepada hukum-hukum yang berasal dari Allah, “karena tuhan itu abstrak, maka hanya hukum Tuhan yang nyata”. Nomokrasi Islam adalah suatu sistem pemerintahan yang didasarkan pada asas-asas dan kaidah-kaidah hukum Islam (Syari’ah) yang merupakan “ Islamic rule of law ”. Untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang berdaya guna berhasil, bersih, amanah dan bertanggungjawab secara nomokratis, di Indonesia telah dimulai oleh Pemerintah Aceh yang telah berkomitmen untuk memperbaiki tatakelola Pemerintahan Indonesia dengan melakukan kebijakan reformasi birokrasi dan menetapkannya menjadi salah satu prioritas Pembangunan Aceh. Berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan penataan kelembagaan perangkat Indonesia telah di inisiasi di Aceh sejak tahun 2005 hingga akhir 2006. Dengan ditetapkannya UUPA maka terlihatlah gambaran baru dalam sistem penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah dan dalam rangka pelaksanaan otonomi khusus...

Studi Islam Dan Masa Depan Islam


This paper deals with Islamic studies and the future of Islam. Firstly, Fazlur Rahman considers that neo-modernists have acknowledged that Western civilization is the only alternative for the future of the world. He revealed a fact that modernity in the West, ethics, and law is able to develop as an independent discipline with secularism method. On the contrary, Islamic ethics was never developed as an independent discipline based on the systematic interpretation methodology of the Qur'an. Secondly, Rahman mentions the orthodoxy of Islamic thought on the obsolete methodology, such as qiya> s, must be reconstructed with a new methodological approach, such as mas} lah} at, so that, the elasticity of Islamic law is able to provide solutions to all contemporary problems. In addition, Rahman highlighted the impact of the hegemony of Western civilization on the mindset and lifestyle of Muslim communities that can be seen in a variety of new situations that are full of complexity. Actually, he wants to create synergy between Muslim and non-Muslim intellectuals and can work together between them. In discussing the development of Islamic intellectualism, he said that something that was desired primarily was to understand the Qur'an with the historical background and new interpretations."

Ekonomi Islam, Perkembangan Dan Masa Depannya Di Indonesia


Masyarakat muslim sudah dituntun oleh ajaran sucinya agar rnereka menjadi masyarakat sempurna dan menjalankan ajaran tersebut secara menyeluruh (kaffah), "Masuklah kamu ke Islam secara menyeluruh" (lihat surat 2:). Islam sebagai ajaran yang mengandung akidah dan syariah sudah sangat sempurna dalam mengatur muamalah, termasuk muamalah maliyah atau al-iqtishad (ekonomi). Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kelihatan sebagian masyarakat Islam masih buta dengan ajarannya sehingga apa yang baik menurut ajarannya tidak dapat diyakininya, mereka masih ragu bahwa aturan Islam itu malah akan membuat perpecahan dan merugikan kepada masyarakat Islam, akibatnya Islam hanya dikenal sebagai ajaran ritual dan sangat terbatas dalam kehidupan pribadi. Terjauhnya masyarakat Islam dari ajaran yang benar ini menimbulkan kesengsaraan berkepanjangan. Akhirnya mereka kehilangan dunia dan belum tentu juga selamat di akhirat nantinya.

Perkembangan Islam di indonesia

Salah satu cara untuk mengamati perilaku Islam di dunia adalah dengan bercermin pada Islam di Indonesia. Dengan jumlah penduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia, Islam di Indonesia telah memperlihatkan suatu ciri khas tertentu, yang mungkin berbeda dari tempat asal Islam itu sendiri, Mekkah.